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Are you an anarchist but not a member of an anarchist organisation?

Anarchist organisation involvement poll

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Are there any classic farces or the like where someone very unconvincingly pretends to be two different people? I'm sure there must be some, but can't really think of any off the top of my head.
Damn you national secretary of the ACN! shakes fist. Personally, if someone, no matter what organisational position they held in the ACN, told me that SolFed supported scabbing, I would probably try to check that information for accuracy before repeating it in public, but maybe that's just me.
now, if you were trots, you'd get it printed up in the Weekly Worker so that the national secretary of ACN could then sue the Weekly Worker and fund the organisation for another year!
Are there any classic farces or the like where someone very unconvincingly pretends to be two different people? I'm sure there must be some, but can't really think of any off the top of my head.
One Man, Two Guvnors springs to mind
So you're saying that I am a police informer and a conservative?
I'm saying that you're A. a pompous bellend who writes turgid, very boring and inaccurate books and is a shit and very dull public speaker, B. that you're a dogmatic individual who allows transphobia in your organisation and firmly believes and tells others that you have 'the one true way' of what you consider to be anarchism, and C. that you drive around the East End of London trying to catch children.
I'm saying that you're A. a pompous bellend who writes turgid, very boring and inaccurate books and is a shit and very dull public speaker, B. that you're a dogmatic individual who allows transphobia in your organisation and firmly believes and tells others that you have 'the one true way' of what you consider to be anarchism, and C. that you drive around the East End of London trying to catch children.
You're now banned from this thread and if you post anything as unpleasant as that ever again you will be permanently banned from this forum.
I'm appalled. I'm now accused of being a paedophile ( I can't drive a car by the way). Groovy Sunday/Amateur Agitator/etc is a very disturbed individual. He really needs to find help. Actually this is a very serious charge. I think GS should be permanently bamnned for these atrocious allegations.
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I'm appalled. I'm now accused of being a paedophile ( I can't drive a car by the way). Groovy Sunday/Amateur Agitator/etc is a very disturbed individual. He really needs to find help.
He is just a very silly immature person who is best ignored. I am pleased that he has been banned.
Anyway, if anyone fancies donating to an anarchist organisation, BR/RN are fundraising to try and send 25 people to Labor Notes, including delegates from FAR in Argentina and the Spanish CGT:
The death of anarchism is often mooted before a revival, most infamously by George Woodcock who declared it so just as Situationism was rising and shortly before Paris 68.
Anarchism is a parody and pathetic vista of à once great Movement.Unless Anarchists State what à concise set of principles is Re;Authority/Freedom of Speech/Dictatorship of Prolétariat etc then it will be a foil for Middle Class dirt and Lifestylist parasites
Anyway, the following is a genuine offer: a while back, an insurrectionist friend/comrade/contact/whatever offered to send me a load of literature. I didn't want to be rude by declining it, but when it arrived I looked at it and thought "Jesus, that looks absolutely shit, there's no way I'm going to put any effort into distributing that." But throwing it away would feel a bit wasteful so I've just had it all sitting around my room ever since. GS seems like one of the very few people in the world who would appreciate my big pile of badly-written insurrectionist shite, if you PM me your address I'll happily send it to you to get it off my hands. Not taking the piss with this either, I really do have a pile of awful insurrecto zines looking for a good home.
Update: as of this week, I have now found somewhere to drop my big pile of terrible-looking insurrectionist zines off. I am sure Marie Kondo would approve of me no longer having a stack of zines about the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire sitting around my bedroom.
Anarchism is a parody and pathetic vista of à once great Movement.Unless Anarchists State what à concise set of principles is Re;Authority/Freedom of Speech/Dictatorship of Prolétariat etc then it will be a foil for Middle Class dirt and Lifestylist parasites
I can’t claim to be a scholar of anarchism, but this sounds completely wrong to me. This kind of deontological approach to ethics is a fundamentally Enlightenment notion, which is foundationally the domain of liberalism. I have always associated anarchism with consequentialism, i.e., focusing on understanding the effects of your actions and acting situationally — locally, in context — rather than insisting on capital-P Principles.
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