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Are you an anarchist but not a member of an anarchist organisation?

Anarchist organisation involvement poll

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Sorry but that's verbiage.Anarchism has been abused as an ideology by Opportunists and Anarchists have let this happen.The opportunity arose through à lack of concise and disciplined principles lazily put forward as non conformité,spontaneity or expression.This meant the fundamentals could be left to rot and entryists could mould their lifestylist middle class distortion towards à liberal distortion.Effectively à lack of organisation hamstring any chance of effective practices and Class politics was replaced by à monstrosity.Thats why you have Anarcho Capitalist/Markets/Individualist/Fascist etc because basic principles were not set out and laisse faire took over.
You've a nerve asking people to talk politics when you're all over the fucking shop and pig ignorant with it.
You can't judge so quickly you prétentions prick
I can and I have. How's it pretentious to say you're pig ignorant? All I see in your efforts are lazy insults and assumptions based on scanty reading if any. Harry callahan says in one of the dirty Harry films a good man knows his limitations. On that basis you're a very bad man indeed.
Anarchism is a parody and pathetic vista of à once great Movement.Unless Anarchists State what à concise set of principles is Re;Authority/Freedom of Speech/Dictatorship of Prolétariat etc then it will be a foil for Middle Class dirt and Lifestylist parasites
Isn’t one issue that a strand of anarchism has always done this and other strands have done other things?
Sorry but that's verbiage.Anarchism has been abused as an ideology by Opportunists and Anarchists have let this happen.The opportunity arose through à lack of concise and disciplined principles lazily put forward as non conformité,spontaneity or expression.This meant the fundamentals could be left to rot and entryists could mould their lifestylist middle class distortion towards à liberal distortion.Effectively à lack of organisation hamstring any chance of effective practices and Class politics was replaced by à monstrosity.Thats why you have Anarcho Capitalist/Markets/Individualist/Fascist etc because basic principles were not set out and laisse faire took over.
To be fair, the anarchist movement has suffered from all sorts of bohemian claptrap for much of its history. Fabbri wrote this a century ago: Bourgeois influences on anarchism
You can't judge so quickly you prétentions prick
Par for the Course idiocy😄
Isn’t one issue that a strand of anarchism has always done this and other strands have done other things?
Hello Fozzie
I think it's a question of the chaotic and immature progression of Anarchism .It's ultimate form is as Free Communism/Libertarian Communism.If it progressed Individualism would have been shed and it would have become like it did in Spain.
Par for the Course idiocy😄

Hello Fozzie
I think it's a question of the chaotic and immature progression of Anarchism .It's ultimate form is as Free Communism/Libertarian Communism.If it progressed Individualism would have been shed and it would have become like it did in Spain.
Well that’s a bit tautological, no? It has these issues because it has not progressed / it has not progressed because it has these issues.
To be fair, the anarchist movement has suffered from all sorts of bohemian claptrap for much of its history. Fabbri wrote this a century ago: Bourgeois influences on anarchism
May have mentioned this before, but I read that years ago as a wee baby anarchist and thought it was a bit too harsh, you can disagree with things without it being necessarily helpful to view them as bourgeois and so on... then re-read it the other year and thought "blimey, a lot of that's spot on, it's aged impressively well."
Well that’s a bit tautological, no? It has these issues because it has not progressed / it has not progressed because it has these issues.
When Anarchism was formulated at the St Imier Congress in 1872 it had understandable à variété of Strands.It was nascent and formulating.It is an ideology based on Class Struggle and the destruction of Capital and State.Anything else is Liberalism and false imo
The reality is "lifestyle" anarchism is often quite useful (often raises most of the wider movement's funding, for a start), and indeed took up the slack because traditional class struggle anarchism wasn't getting anywhere. And there's more crossover from one to the other than people like to admit - I know various good comrades who adopted an anarchist communist viewpoint coming straight out of animal rights, for example.

I have little sympathy for a position that declares itself so fragile that a bunch of hippies high on shrooms are its main nemesis. The solution is to do our thing better, not whine that middle class dilettantes took away our toy.
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When Anarchism was formulated at the St Imier Congress in 1872 it had understandable à variété of Strands.It was nascent and formulating.It is an ideology based on Class Struggle and the destruction of Capital and State.Anything else is Liberalism and false imo
I mean, clearly anarchism predated the St Imier Congress?

I'm up for a bit of the old class struggle and the destruction of capital and the state myself, but it seems to me that other strands of anarchism like egoism were also available around the time of St Imier.

I guess my main issue is that here:
Sorry but that's verbiage.Anarchism has been abused as an ideology by Opportunists and Anarchists have let this happen.The opportunity arose through à lack of concise and disciplined principles lazily put forward as non conformité,spontaneity or expression.This meant the fundamentals could be left to rot and entryists could mould their lifestylist middle class distortion towards à liberal distortion.Effectively à lack of organisation hamstring any chance of effective practices and Class politics was replaced by à monstrosity.Thats why you have Anarcho Capitalist/Markets/Individualist/Fascist etc because basic principles were not set out and laisse faire took over.
You seemed to be saying that the failure of anarchist-communism to gain more ground was down to the moral failiures of individual anarchists and the inability to simply state the goals of anarchist-communism.

I would venture that it is more complicated than that.
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I have little sympathy for a position that declares itself so fragile that a bunch of hippies high on shrooms are its main nemesis. The solution is to do our thing better, not whine that middle class dilettantes took away our toy.
Aye. I kind of agree. (I’m a bit more ambivalent about your first paragraph, but then I’m a grumpy auld bugger). But I’m comfortable enough in my own convictions that I don’t feel the need to give up because there are other people who think other things.
I mean, clearly anarchism predated the St Imier Congress?

I'm up for a bit of the old class struggle and the destruction of capital and the state myself, but it seems to me that other strands of anarchism like egoism were also available around the time of St Imier.

I guess my main issue is that here:

You seemed to be saying that the failure of anarchist-communism to gain more ground was down to the moral failiures of individual anarchists and the inability to simple state the goals of anarchist-communism.

I would venture that it is more complicated than that.
No I'm saying that it's failure to progress in modern times is primarily because it has no set clear fundamentals.This ambiguïté leaves it open to distortion and stasis.Anarchism is fighting for its soûl today.If it doesn't Establishment it's True credentials it's finished.
Don't get me wrong I often find The Scene absolutely infuriating 😉. But if you're putting in serious work most of the worst of that lot don't show up anyway.
The reality is "lifestyle" anarchism is often quite useful (often raises most of the wider movement's funding, for a start), and indeed took up the slack because traditional class struggle anarchism wasn't getting anywhere. And there's more crossover from one to the other than people like to admit - I know various good comrades who adopted an anarchist communist viewpoint coming straight out of animal rights, for example.

I have little sympathy for a position that declares itself so fragile that a bunch of hippies high on shrooms are its main nemesis. The solution is to do our thing better, not whine that middle class dilettantes took away our toy.
It also depends on what you mean by “lifestyle”. For example squatting is sometimes put into that category and sometimes not, depending on the lifestyles and appearance of the squatters.

But squatting is almost always the direct expropriation of capital to meet people’s immediate needs. Even if they are into chakras or whatever.
No I'm saying that it's failure to progress in modern times is primarily because it has no set clear fundamentals.This ambiguïté leaves it open to distortion and stasis.Anarchism is fighting for its soûl today.If it doesn't Establishment it's True credentials it's finished.
That’s a grave accusation. People will feel it acutely. I think you should be more circumflex.
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