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Are you an anarchist but not a member of an anarchist organisation?

Anarchist organisation involvement poll

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Blimey, this might be stating the obvious but that's a completely different situation then.
Indeed. I don’t know Tom Brown or the context of their comments, but if this is what they were condoning, then they’re out of step with any thinking on the wider left never mind anarchism.
I looked at it last night.

It describes how the existing structures of the Barcelona city-wide transport system and the national rail system were taken over. It doesn't describe the kind of federated arrangement of local organisations that this discussion started out talking about. And these situations only lasted for a short period of time didn't they? So it doesn't tell us anything about how things like long term investment would be planned and managed.
Considering the fact that the transport system was operated by collectivised transport associations that achieved significant improvements for transport workers and the public and that the directors etc were discharged then I don't think I interpret it the same way as you.
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It doesn't matter because people will often type how they speak or write. But clearly that's beyond your comprehension.
It's an easy concept which I do get; but it's not always the case. For example, a person might speak, saying things like "I'm not anti semitic' or 'I don't disparage people living with disabilities' but then go onto to type completely vile things that refute those statements and, in doing so, show what they truly are.

To pick two examples at random for illustrative purposes...
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Is starting to feel a bit "are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Solidarity Federation?"
I did clearly say that it appears to not be the postion of SolFed as an organisation, or not everyone in SolFed, but probably just one or two members who are at odds with their org.
I did clearly say that it appears to not be the postion of SolFed as an organisation, or not everyone in SolFed, but probably just one or two members who are at odds with their org.
Erm... that doesn't seem to be what you said...

Yeah and from what I've seen crossing picket lines is fine with Sol Fed aswell. :thumbs:
Doi you not have any ability to reflect on you and your behaviour and attitudes? Especially given how many people on here (anarchists among them) find your posts and ways of communicating ridiculous? Or is it all just us and this forum and how shit and liberal we all are?
Tbh I was tired and irritable lastnight and probably should've just left it and and got some kip, apart from my reply to teuchter that is.
Tbh I was tired and irritable lastnight and probably should've just left it and and got some kip, apart from my reply to teuchter that is.

Fair enough, but it does get very tedious being lectured and constantly told this place and all of us are liberal and shit etc., and now making all sorts of unfounded claims about people and organisations scabbing or supporting scabbing. It's not good political behaviour and it's disruptive at best.
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Fair enough, but it does get very tedious being lectured and constantly told this place and all of us are liberal and shit etc., and now making all sorts of unfounded claims about people and organisations scabbing or supporting scabbing. It's not good political behaviour and disruptive at best.
what makes it worse is we're being told this by someone who seems to have had at best a dalliance with any form of work or industrial action. i'm not sure amateuragitator would recognise a picket line if he came upon it in the wild
Fair enough, but it does get very tedious being lectured and constantly told this place and all of us are liberal and shit etc., and now making all sorts of unfounded claims about people and organisations scabbing or supporting scabbing. It's not good political behaviour and disruptive at best.
I mean, Obvs I am, as a wanky reformist, what AA would define* as liberal and shit, but it does get tedious when he lectures those of you who aren't.

(*Probably when he's telling his pony about socialism .)
right. you've deleted your post. but everyone can see what you're so ashamed of in A380's 695
I missed that nuance. I had assumed it was just him having one of his pops about those of us with learning difficulties. But I suppose it could be he also has a problem with those who's first language isn't English. I hope not, not least because I'd start to need a spread sheet to track his discriminatory behaviours....
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