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And next, Syria?

And? Here I presume you may be alluding to a treaty they may have signed though it would be nice if you would tell me what.
Article 3
2. The provisions of this Article and the relevant provisions of Part IV of the Verification Annex shall not, at the discretion of a State Party, apply to chemical weapons buried on its territory before 1 January 1977 and which remain buried, or which had been dumped at sea before 1 January 1985.

Article 4
17. The provisions of this Article and the relevant provisions of Part IV of the Verification Annex shall not, at the discretion of a State Party, apply to chemical weapons buried on its territory before 1 January 1977 and which remain buried, or which had been dumped at sea before 1 January 1985.

Verification Annex Part IV(A); C Destruction
13. Each State Party shall determine how it shall destroy chemical weapons, except that the following processes may not be used: dumping in any body of water, land burial or open pit burning. It shall destroy chemical weapons only at specifically designated and appropriately designed and equipped facilities.

Bit of a kerfuffle accross the Atlantic . Seymour Hersh has written an article compiled from whistleblower sources claiming that the Obama administration blatantly lied in an attempt to go to war in Syria.

It would appear that Obamas gang were actually breifed months earlier that the Al Nusra front did possess the means to manufacture Sarin in large quantities, despite the USAs claims to the world only Assad did and guilt could be determined on that basis. Furthermore talk of US knowlege that this had been ordered from on high within the Baath Socialist party was bunkum, as by that stage the NSA had lost their ability to determine what was being discussed at that level in Syria...possibly due to the Snowden revelations ...although im not sure. And furthermore he has alleged that the US has in place a system which can detect an imminent chemical strike by Syrian forces, which did no such thing in this instance according to Hersh .

Unsurprisingly the New Yorker and the Washington Post have refused to publish Hershes story .


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and yet another major advance for the Syrian Arab Army, retaking the Homs Damascus motorway system and some neighbouring towns . Following on from their recent liberation of the Qalamoun mountain districts and scores of towns and villages there.


Thats a further stranglehold over the contras supply routes, meaning we can look forward to more of the rats being picked off down the line .
Unsurprisingly the New Yorker and the Washington Post have refused to publish Hershes story .
full, and very interesting, article here. The WP is criticised within it for partial reporting, so it's not a big surprise they didn't publish it. Why the New Yorker didn't does raise questions, but then every Hersh scoop raises questions- who is feeding him with info and why, and what agenda is he currently pushing? I'm never sure taking him at face value is the right thing to do, but never sure it's not either.
I agree nobody should be simply taken at face value, but the issue here is thats precisely what the Obama administration demanded they should be let go to war in Syria on. And Hersh is pointing to other sources and stories which back up the bones of his argument. Its also not a major stretch of the imagination to accept there do indeed exist some within the US military and intelligence community who thought it an extremely bad idea to be acting as Al Qaedas air force, and possibly more, and were very much opposed to the United states getting dragged into another ME cauldron . Particularly if they had some inkling an Iranian U Turn was just around the corner .
What Obama was trying to do was highly unpopular , theres plenty of legit reasons for people to blow a few whistles.
Homs, now.

The United States and the United Kingdom have decided to withdraw support (vehicles, logistical support and training) from the rebel forces in Syria. Apparently, our clever rulers and their guides in Washington have finally noticed that the Syrian rebels are dominated by a bunch of al-Q types. Who'd have thought it, eh?
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The United States and the United Kingdom have decided to withdraw support (vehicles, logistical support and training) from the rebel forces in Syria. Apparently, our clever rulers and their guides in Washington have finally noticed that the Syrian rebels are dominated by a bunch of al-Q types. Who'd have thought it, eh?

thing is they knew this perfectly well all along . They just didnt admit to it for propaganda reasons . But the pretence cant really be continued with at present because that fat git General Idris of the FSA and Syrian Military Council has fled in some unseemly haste from Syria after the AQs turfed him out of his headquarters and took control of his arms warehouses . Hes reported to be holed up in Qatar now.


This is they guy whos been proclaiming the inevitability of Syrias fall and warning Syrian commanders to defect immediately or theyll be tracked down . Currently hiding in a Qatari basement thanking Allah his fat head is still attached to his fat neck after getting his fat arse out of there quick style


The fat fuck.


The Obama gang are ordering him to go back to Syria but hes refusing...:D:D:D
UN Report: Chemical Weapons Used Against Syrian Armed Forces

The joint mission by OPCW and World Health Organization inspectors determined that chemical weapons were used at five of seven sites across Syria.
UNITED NATIONS (TRNS) – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has received a final report on the use of chemical weapons at seven sites across Syria, and the report’s conclusions suggest that chemical agents were used against both civilians and the Syrian armed forces.

The joint investigation of the OPCW and the World Health Organization, lead by Swedish scientist Ake Sellstom, determined that chemical munitions had been used at five of the seven sites visited in recent months.

A previous report delivered by Sellstrom in September established that sarin gas was used in the Ghouta suburbs of Damascus, and the findings of that report were used for a period of weeks by the United States to argue for potential military intervention against the Assad government before a Russian proposal to disarm Assad was agreed upon instead.

In addition to the large-scale attack against civilians in Ghouta, Sellstrom’s team concluded that civilians had also been targeted with sarin in the town of Saraqueb.

Syrian government soldiers were attacked with chemical weapons at Ashrafiah Sahnaya and Jobar, while a high-profile attack on March 19th in the Aleppo suburb of Khan Al Asal resulted in attacks against both soldiers and civilians.


So, as said it was the rabbles what did it.
The US standard of who it is OK to back - it's alright as long as you aren't Al Qaeda.
Ford is traveling to London on Friday to meet with other international backers of the Syrian opposition, and then to Turkey for discussions with the Syrian Opposition Coalition, the U.S.-
backed political leadership. He may also meet there with the Islamic Front, said the senior official.

“We don’t have a problem with the Islamic Front,” the official said, but any movement toward including them in the U.S.-backed coalition remains a “work in progress.”
Another victim of the Assad regime, scum that they are.

Dr Abbas Khan travelled to the city of Aleppo last year to help civilians
A British surgeon, imprisoned in Syria for over a year, has died in detention his family has told the BBC.
Dr Abbas Khan, a 32-year-old orthopaedic surgeon from Streatham, south London, travelled to the city of Aleppo last year to help civilians.
His brother Afroze said the Syrian security agency had promised his release this week but on Monday it said he had died.


Interview with Patrick Cockburn from Democracy Now(!) some interesting stuff, the most interesting being that Qatar seems to be backing off funding the rebels whereas Saudi is re-affirming their commitment to the overthrow of Assad, in the process trying to create an Islamist/Wahhabi movement that is "against both the Syrian govt and Al-Qeada."

I mention it as significant because Saudi Arabia seem closer in foreign policy now to Israel than perhaps anywhere else, even nations within it's direct sphere of influence like Bahrain and Qatar. There's definitely some ructions between these nations and Saudi and US-Saudi relations are, as also Cockburn mentions, at a low point.
Don't be daft. Assad agreed to his release. It was a "lone gunman" if you like who killed him. And WTF was the dipshite doing in Syria when he had a family and kids back at home?

The same 'lone gunman' who kept him imprisoned underground for almost a year whilst torturing him?

He was a doctor who wanted to use his skills to help people in the midst of a massive humanitarian crisis. Brave man. Looks like the Foreign Office did fuck all to try and help him either. Useless cunts that they are.
Don't be daft. Assad agreed to his release. It was a "lone gunman" if you like who killed him. And WTF was the dipshite doing in Syria when he had a family and kids back at home?

Exactly. The place is flooded with foreign gunmen, killing locals and stirring up panic and this British idiot decides to enter illegally... The first thing any Assad person is going to think is that he's a British spy and the second is that he's come to join the terrorists.
Exactly. The place is flooded with foreign gunmen, killing locals and stirring up panic and this British idiot decides to enter illegally... The first thing any Assad person is going to think is that he's a British spy and the second is that he's come to join the terrorists.

They knew who he was when the Foreign Office informed them. Why you are trying to justify his torture and eventual murder are beyond me.
They knew who he was when the Foreign Office informed them. Why you are trying to justify his torture and eventual murder are beyond me.
I've watched a proud and stable country being reduced to rubble by gangs of foreign terrorists, funded by the USA, UK and France, all done probably to placate Israel. I've watched hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens being killed and displaced in a regime-change attempt by the West. All-in-all, a sordid and murderous piece of propaganda-driven realpolitik.

Now you want my heart to suddenly start bleeding because of one UK citizen who has fallen victim to the carnage? Who was there in suspicious circumstances? Get a grip!
I've watched a proud and stable country being reduced to rubble by gangs of foreign terrorists, funded by the USA, UK and France, all done probably to placate Israel. I've watched hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens being killed and displaced in a regime-change attempt by the West. All-in-all, a sordid and murderous piece of propaganda-driven realpolitik.

Another Assad supporter. Should have guessed.
The same 'lone gunman' who kept him imprisoned underground for almost a year whilst torturing him?

He was a doctor who wanted to use his skills to help people in the midst of a massive humanitarian crisis. Brave man. Looks like the Foreign Office did fuck all to try and help him either. Useless cunts that they are.

guy was a dumb ass. If he wanted to support there are many charity organisations desperate for funds. He could have used his wealth as a surgeon to provide financial support to these charities. No. He wanted to be a hero. Left his son and wife behind and now look what has happened. Idiot.
guy was a dumb ass. If he wanted to support there are many charity organisations desperate for funds. He could have used his wealth as a surgeon to provide financial support to these charities. No. He wanted to be a hero. Left his son and wife behind and now look what has happened. Idiot.

Why anybody, especially a doctor, would risk their own life to help others is indeed hard to fathom.
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