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And next, Syria?

Oh right yeah, according to that bloke in his "observatory" in a semi in coventry , who admits himself he classifies all sorts of armed combatants as civilians and who's been regularly caught out bullshitting. From his semi in Coventry . Doesn't stop him being used by all and sundry as a primary source though .

Questioning the Syrian “Casualty List”
No one else has or set up contacts. He has set up a network of contacts. All the reports he produces match all other reports.
It's unfortunate for your attempt at defending Assad that, as many have pointed out to you over and over again, Assad himself is as responsible for genocidal slaughter as anyone else in Syria.

"He's defending against the risk of genocide by committing genocide himself" doesn't convince anyone except those already deluded enough to be cheerleaders for any old strongman (Putin, Assad, any others you mention) simply on the basis that they're in some vague way anti-West and therefore can be excused as supposedly anti-imperialist.

Utter nonsense and utterly disgusting...

I don't give a fuck what regurgitated bollocks from the Guardian, Daily Mail or that bloke in a semi in Coventry some twats spout off with on here . Not one bit. The fact there's a gaggle of them clucking away doesn't make it any more true .
I think there are mebbes 2 people on here who defend Assasd and only one who does it wholeheartedly.

It's completely irrelevant who's defending him on here . If the Syrian people themselves weren't he'd have been gone long ago . No matter who was helping him from outside .
It's completely irrelevant who's defending him on here . If the Syrian people themselves weren't he'd have been gone long ago . No matter who was helping him from outside .

Does it ever seem to you like you take a complex situation involving millions of people and various different goals, opinions and motivations and simmer it down to nothingness? You're ranting about Guardian and Daily Mail readers buying simple, good vs bad narratives but you're just as bad. Worse even, you should be smarter than paid to bullshit hacks.
It's completely irrelevant who's defending him on here . If the Syrian people themselves weren't he'd have been gone long ago . No matter who was helping him from outside .
That's the 10 000 he had killed in prison for opposing him. Since the uprising. Who knows what they may have thought. We'll never know, because his regime gouged their eyes out, cuts their tongues out, chopped their cocks off and dumped them in symbloc places.

We'll never know if they supported assad.
I don't give a fuck what regurgitated bollocks from the Guardian, Daily Mail or that bloke in a semi in Coventry some twats spout off with on here . Not one bit. The fact there's a gaggle of them clucking away doesn't make it any more true .

And yet you constantly post as if we give a fuck about what regurgitated-from-Russia-Today-and-SANA some bloke from whatever shithole is unfortunate enough to be your home spouts off on here...
It's completely irrelevant who's defending him on here . If the Syrian people themselves weren't he'd have been gone long ago . No matter who was helping him from outside .

Your attempts to narrow the definition of a people to exclude and dehumanise those who don't stand behind the strongman is as transparent and horrific as usual. Just like Libya, where anyone not waving the green flag of Gaddafi was a rat who deserved to die.

Fuck you and your ideology thats as crude as a barrel bomb.
Wonder what the likes of CR will say when / if uprisings happen against turkey, Israel, the Saudi regime etc
Wonder what the likes of CR will say when / if uprisings happen against turkey, Israel, the Saudi regime etc

Probably not hard to predict, as its not much based on what different groups and people might think. It's all about the international alignment and where the superpowers fit into things.

The worst of his behaviour appears to be reserved for strongmen whose regimes earned their bogus anti-imperialist credentials quite some decades ago. There aren't too many of those left now, and we already got to see how dismissive he was of the likes of the Egyptian uprising, its largely irrelevant to him because people are deemed irrelevant. The worst of anti-imperialism, where the grand-chessboard worldview comes to be seen as even more important to the 'anti-imperialists' than the imperialists. He didn't even care that these strongmen had tended towards free market stuff this century. The dramatic 'coming in from the cold' that Gaddafi went for when faced with being put on Dubyas 'axis of evil' was airbrushed from CR's history books.

So I don't think there are that many other countries in that region that will get him going like Syria and Libya have. More likely to be somewhere in South America next, if any of the more modern lefty regimes there ever react bloodily to losing their democratic mandate.
Oh right yeah, according to that bloke in his "observatory" in a semi in coventry , who admits himself he classifies all sorts of armed combatants as civilians and who's been regularly caught out bullshitting. From his semi in Coventry . Doesn't stop him being used by all and sundry as a primary source though .

Questioning the Syrian “Casualty List”
Fuck off with this. You know that is not true of people here. I for one have been critical and posted articles etc critical of him going back years when you rocked up a few months ago with an article that you acted like was one of the first ever to have a critical attitude. Iirc Teqniq engaged with that post.
Whatever Big Bad Vlad tells him to say, I suspect

No, he will take an interest in some situations where Russia doesn't take much interest, just so long as he has some other anti-imperialist-hero-delusion to cling to at the expense of little irrelevant people.

He certainly isn't limited to the lines taken by crap Russian propaganda, although that stuff makes his life easier when available. Good luck getting him to acknowledge legitimate protests and non-violent uprisings when they occur anywhere thats awkward for his positive view of a regime. Even in later bloody stages I don't think he'll acknowledge the civil war aspect properly, its all about external influences and foreign fighters. Citizens of the country who are involved in the struggle will be dismissed as terrorists or mere pawns of other nations.
Fuck off with this. You know that is not true of people here. I for one have been critical and posted articles etc critical of him going back years when you rocked up a few months ago with an article that you acted like was one of the first ever to have a critical attitude. Iirc Teqniq engaged with that post.

I was talking about the fucking media ffs

Apologies for not reading every single last one of your posts
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No, he will take an interest in some situations where Russia doesn't take much interest, just so long as he has some other anti-imperialist-hero-delusion to cling to at the expense of little irrelevant people.

He certainly isn't limited to the lines taken by crap Russian propaganda, although that stuff makes his life easier when available. Good luck getting him to acknowledge legitimate protests and non-violent uprisings when they occur anywhere thats awkward for his positive view of a regime. Even in later bloody stages I don't think he'll acknowledge the civil war aspect properly, its all about external influences and foreign fighters. Citizens of the country who are involved in the struggle will be dismissed as terrorists or mere pawns of other nations.

Who pays their wages ? Which " revolutionary " group isn't paid by a foreign country ? Name one .
And yet you constantly post as if we give a fuck about what regurgitated-from-Russia-Today-and-SANA some bloke from whatever shithole is unfortunate enough to be your home spouts off on here...

Well the gang sounds rightly miffed and peeved so I think there is a fuck or 2 being given. If it annoys you that much you should pretend to put me on ignore.

Could you point out to me any posts were I've quoted rt or SANA on this thread ? There must be loads surely.
Who pays their wages ? Which " revolutionary " group isn't paid by a foreign country ? Name one .

My point does not require evidence on that front. Its about the extent to which the extensive meddling by external players is allowed to overshadow everything else that goes into uprisings and civil wars.

There is no point trying to satisfy you in the direction you ask for. Because even in the early stages of various arab spring events I think you had trouble acknowledging that even stunningly large crowds and interesting local movements were anything other than mere pawns at all times. I might have remembered wrong but I've a feeling you reduced the Egyptian uprising to a drab palace coup, rather than seeing that aspect as one of many potential sub-plots driving some, but far from all, of the action.
Well the gang sounds rightly miffed and peeved so I think there is a fuck or 2 being given. If it annoys you that much you should pretend to put me on ignore.

Could you point out to me any posts were I've quoted rt or SANA on this thread ? There must be loads surely.
Apology accepted though I only expected you to have read as I quoted you. The post of yours I mentioned wasn't in fact an article. It was an RT documentary. Page 123. Also looking back Teqniq didn't reply or like it.
My point does not require evidence on that front. Its about the extent to which the extensive meddling by external players is allowed to overshadow everything else that goes into uprisings and civil wars.

There is no point trying to satisfy you in the direction you ask for. Because even in the early stages of various arab spring events I think you had trouble acknowledging that even stunningly large crowds and interesting local movements were anything other than mere pawns at all times. I might have remembered wrong but I've a feeling you reduced the Egyptian uprising to a drab palace coup, rather than seeing that aspect as one of many potential sub-plots driving some, but far from all, of the action.

I was initially ecstatic Mubarak was ousted. My enthusiasm waned somewhat ...a lot..when I saw what he was being replaced with . In another uprising that shower were dumped too . And then it's back to almost square one. And your chiding me for not being excited by it all . the choice was MB or Egyptian generals . Neither of whom I could really give a fiddlers for . I'm slightly more glad the MB are gone though.

And what you accuse me of is completely hypocritical. Get back to me with any of your posts ...or anyone else's on here for that matter..that even seriously tries to analyse why so many people in Syria support Assad. And have died for the government in such huge , massive numbers. From all sects and walks of life. Because whenever such discussion arises its immediately howled down by the gang . At best it's dismissed as Alawite sectarianism, or Assad will kill their families if they dont .The regurgitation of every pro western trope going . But most of the time it's just dismissed as not even true to begin with . And the incessant, inane wails of " strongman ". Which isnt an answer . Despite massive holes in that narrative .

As regards pawns here's what the opposition claimed was their very first meeting , in Turkey of course. Sponsored by Erdogan naturally.Mr Muslim brotherhood . Turns out it wasn't their first such meeting either. And you'll note precisely who wasn't invited . And who was there. Agency my hole.

Syrian opposition meet in Turkey to discuss increasing pressure on Assad | The National

Not a chance I'd support scum like that for an instant . Or their " revolution ". Revolution ffs.
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Does it ever seem to you like you take a complex situation involving millions of people and various different goals, opinions and motivations and simmer it down to nothingness? You're ranting about Guardian and Daily Mail readers buying simple, good vs bad narratives but you're just as bad. Worse even, you should be smarter than paid to bullshit hacks.

That's not even remotely an answer to the question I put though is it ? It's plainly something you and almost everyone else on here regard as largely irrelevant . Because it veers way too far outside of the narrative .Not that anyone is ever likely to pull you on it .
I think it's something along the lines of " they don't...but if they do it's because that evil Assad created IS in order to frighten them into supporting him "
That's the U75 consensus isn't it . Highly complex I must say .
Salutin' Putin: inside a Russian troll house
"The most prestigious job in the agency is to be an English-language troll, for which the pay is 65,000 roubles.."

What do MI5 pay for their online " discourse specialists "?

Not accusing you of doing that because only a massive fucking twat would say something so stupid just because someone had a different point of view. Although there might be one or 2 on here could tell you.
That's not even remotely an answer to the question I put though is it ? It's plainly something you and almost everyone else on here regard as largely irrelevant . Because it veers way too far outside of the narrative .Not that anyone is ever likely to pull you on it .
I think it's something along the lines of " they don't...but if they do it's because that evil Assad created IS in order to frighten them into supporting him "
That's the U75 consensus isn't it . Highly complex I must say .

I wasn't trying to answer any questions, I was asking one, because I used to think you were a decent poster until I started reading what you've posted on Syria. And get fucked trying to lump me into whatever argument you think you're having with other people.
I wasn't trying to answer any questions, I was asking one, because I used to think you were a decent poster until I started reading what you've posted on Syria. And get fucked trying to lump me into whatever argument you think you're having with other people.

My apologies, you'd quoted a point I'd made and not a question I'd put . But the point still stands . President Assad is still president Assad because the majority of Syrians support him. If they didn't he'd have been long gone. To accuse me of ignoring complex situations while rigorously ignoring that issue is something I find a bit rich. But you're generally a decent poster and I'd prefer not to argue with you over it.

My point stands though. Basically nobody wants to touch that one except with pretty laughable lame excuses . And they go mental if you bring it up...or alternatively very quiet .
When Britain last faced an existential threat ,on D Day it completely flattened any French town or village in Normandy that housed German units . Without warning . That's we're the nazis were, in those towns . Syrian forces are in a much more precarious state than Britain was in 1944 , with the US at its side and the nazis virtually a spent force .
If Britain was overrun by an enemy force in the same way Syria has been, and with the real danger of genocide should they fall, itd be doing exactly the same thing except with bigger bombs . Its forces wouldn't hesitate for a second . And anyone suggesting otherwise is either a liar or a complete wanker. No matter how left of the spectrum they might be .

It's completely irrelevant who's defending him on here . If the Syrian people themselves weren't he'd have been gone long ago . No matter who was helping him from outside .

6/7 8ths:)
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That's the 10 000 he had killed in prison for opposing him. Since the uprising. Who knows what they may have thought. We'll never know, because his regime gouged their eyes out, cuts their tongues out, chopped their cocks off and dumped them in symbloc places.

We'll never know if they supported assad.
Remind me, how many did his dear auld Da have murdered?
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