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And next, Syria?

Oh just fuck off and learn to read you twat.

I can read perfectly well and your points are an utter nonsense when you don't apply the same rigour to sites such asthe BBC or guardian, which are absolutely atrocious .

Anyway , moving on from this rubbish . More footage of the Kweires defenders being welcomed as national heroes.

And this Syrian reporter gets quite emotional while reporting on the eve of the bases liberation . Can't say I blame him .

I can read perfectly well and your points are an utter nonsense when you don't apply the same rigour to sites such asthe BBC or guardian, which are absolutely atrocious .

Anyway , moving on from this rubbish . More footage of the Kweires defenders being welcomed as national heroes.

And this Syrian reporter gets quite emotional while reporting on the eve of the bases liberation . Can't say I blame him .

Bahahaha Syrian state TV now. You're fucking priceless [emoji1]
Bahahaha Syrian state TV now. You're fucking priceless [emoji1]

Infinitely inferior to good old British state tv one assumes . These forrins and their television, really .

Bbc and CNN weren't even fucking there to report on it . Neither were al jazeera, who seem to prefer inciting genocide against Syrians alawites on their Arabic channel . Not that you'd ever criticise a link to that shower of genocide mongering , CIA directed cunts .
Infinitely inferior to good old British state tv one assumes . These forrins and their television, really .
Do point out where I've linked to the BBC and Guardian and used it as evidence, even propaganda in the way you have, won't you?

'All hail Assad, his bases being liberated brings a tear to these war weary eyes'

Did you cry whilst watching it? You carry on mate, you fucking numpty [emoji1]

I think this is a great pic of a very relieved soldier , upon finally getting relieved . One of the besieged officers had a son who was only 16 when his father was trapped in the base . 3 years later and his son was among the troops liberating the base . It's an absolutely huge moment for the Syrian army . And the base itself now will be used to conduct even more aerial attacks on the head hackers . Who seem to be crumbling all over the place .
Do point out where I've linked to the BBC and Guardian and used it as evidence, even propaganda in the way you have, won't you?

'All hail Assad, his bases being liberated brings a tear to these war weary eyes'

Did you cry whilst watching it? You carry on mate, you fucking numpty [emoji1]

Are you actually disputing the claim the siege of the airbase has been lifted ? Or that the lifting of the siege is newsworthy or something . It's an extremely important development, especially when virtually all year..indeed every year..we've been told by the trustworthy media the Syrian army is on the point of collapse .

I suspect this is just you getting annoyed at "bad news" from Syria .

And there'll be even more bad news . Army offensives are ongoing all over the place and the insurgents are on the run everywhere now . A major counter offensive just got wiped out with massive casualties. A major offensive in Latakia is steaming full scale ahead to the Turkish border , and once that's sealed even more supply lines are cut . Which will lead to even more reverses in neighbouring Idlib . The writings on the wall for these bozos at long last .
Remember that collection of vids i posted about the Forgotten Revolution last month, here's a piece on the project.

“I think in the beginning I was very very afraid,” he says. “We were all afraid.”

The fear was justified. With masses marching peacefully in the streets, Assad responded with gunfire. Tanks rolled through neighborhoods as security forces raided houses. Protesters who were detained were dragged away to Syria’s secret prisons to be tortured.

Many would never make it out of those prisons. As evidenced by 55,000 photographs smuggled out of the country by a Syrian military photographer known only as Caesar, 11,000 people were savagely killed in Assad’s jails during the uprising.


“This is the only way that history will be preserved,” Gelvin says. “Syrians are so scattered at the present time that it is very easy to lose sight of how this thing began.”

Gelvin adds that the video record will be necessary to hold President Assad accountable for the atrocities committed in his name.
Are you actually disputing the claim the siege of the airbase has been lifted ? Or that the lifting of the siege is newsworthy or something . It's an extremely important development, especially when virtually all year..indeed every year..we've been told by the trustworthy media the Syrian army is on the point of collapse .

I suspect this is just you getting annoyed at "bad news" from Syria .

And there'll be even more bad news . Army offensives are ongoing all over the place and the insurgents are on the run everywhere now . A major counter offensive just got wiped out with massive casualties. A major offensive in Latakia is steaming full scale ahead to the Turkish border , and once that's sealed even more supply lines are cut . Which will lead to even more reverses in neighbouring Idlib . The writings on the wall for these bozos at long last .

While it's good news the siege has been lifted and the ISIS given a bloody nose I can't in all honesty see how you can support the continued existence of Assad.
While it's good news the siege has been lifted and the ISIS given a bloody nose I can't in all honesty see how you can support the continued existence of Assad.

What right do the former colonial powers, the yanks, Erdogan and..god save us...the fucking Saudis have to demand he steps down ? None, none whatsoever . He's the legitimate president of Syria and nobody only the Syrian people have the right to change that . And before you start the simple fact is without their support he wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes . He'd have been gone long ago . The notion that the Syrian people want rid of Assad is just another western fantasy , like WMD .
I support his right to be president because none of those jihadi supporting fuckers ...i mean governments...has an ounce of right either to demand or attempt hs removal .none whatsoever . It's not merely supporting a man it's about supporting a very important principle . That former and would be colonial powers don't have the right to determine other peoples futures for them, no matter how arrogantly they insist they do .
What right do the former colonial powers, the yanks, Erdogan and..god save us...the fucking Saudis have to demand he steps down ? None, none whatsoever . He's the legitimate president of Syria and nobody only the Syrian people have the right to change that . And before you start the simple fact is without their support he wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes . He'd have been gone long ago . The notion that the Syrian people want rid of Assad is just another western fantasy , like WMD .
I support his right to be president because none of those jihadi supporting fuckers ...i mean governments...has an ounce of right either to demand or attempt hs removal .none whatsoever . It's not merely supporting a man it's about supporting a very important principle . That former and would be colonial powers don't have the right to determine other peoples futures for them, no matter how arrogantly they insist they do .
A majority of Syrians have said they don't want him, and are being slaughtered or driven out of their country because of their opposition, IIRC the same thing happened to a previous generation of Syrians who expressed their desire to get rid of his father.
A majority of Syrians have said they don't want him, and are being slaughtered or driven out of their country because of their opposition, IIRC the same thing happened to a previous generation of Syrians who expressed their desire to get rid of his father.

Where have this previously unheard of majority ever stated this, ever ? Where did this referendum or head count ever take place and when ? While Assad is certainly deeply unpopular with the majority of western leaders the same thing certainly isn't true in Syria . Even many who initially demonstrated against him are back supporting him now .
You'll be telling us Putin isn't extremely popular in Russia next .
Where have this previously unheard of majority ever stated this, ever ? Where did this referendum or head count ever take place and when ? While Assad is certainly deeply unpopular with the majority of western leaders the same thing certainly isn't true in Syria . Even many who initially demonstrated against him are back supporting him now . .
Do you have evidence of this?

And I don't mean last year's rigged election.
Do you have evidence of this?

And I don't mean last year's rigged election.

Right so you're going to ignore an inconvenient election result without pointing to any proof whatsoever the Syrian people want rid of him .

Present us your evidence that it was rigged . The say so of John Kerry means fuck all btw .
Where have this previously unheard of majority ever stated this, ever ? Where did this referendum or head count ever take place and when ? While Assad is certainly deeply unpopular with the majority of western leaders the same thing certainly isn't true in Syria . Even many who initially demonstrated against him are back supporting him now .
You'll be telling us Putin isn't extremely popular in Russia next .

Aye, all those risking their lives fleeing what's left of Syria are just looking for ways of expressing their support of Assad and his Barrel bombs.
You baffle me, you often make good points then undermine yourself by unequivocally supporting total arseholes.
Right so you're going to ignore an inconvenient election result without pointing to any proof whatsoever the Syrian people want rid of him .

Present us your evidence that it was rigged . The say so of John Kerry means fuck all btw .

The way countries prove their elections are not rigged is by inviting international observers to them. Everyone does it - and this is a good response to anyone who claimed Chavez was a dictator. Um, no, and the international observers all agree that Venezuela elections were fair.

In the absence of international observers, one should always assume an election was rigged. Plus, of course, the 'opposition' candidates were a complete joke. The runner up came out and said how pleased he was with the result!
Do you have evidence of this?

And I don't mean last year's rigged election.

Not being funny or nuffin, but do you have evidence that last years elections were rigged?

ETA for your reply above- weren't the Syrian elections observed- as far as per war zone and refusing rebel controlled areas? If Western nations refused to observe them... kind of Catch-22 there on the Western side.
Aye, all those risking their lives fleeing what's left of Syria are just looking for ways of expressing their support of Assad and his Barrel bombs.
You baffle me, you often make good points then undermine yourself by unequivocally supporting total arseholes.

These are Syrian refugees in Lebanon turning out to vote for him in massive numbers . The polls had to be kept open an extra 5 hours to accommodate them all . There were near riots with the lebanese forces who were trying to instill some sense of order, they were going wild .


The way countries prove their elections are not rigged is by inviting international observers to them. Everyone does it - and this is a good response to anyone who claimed Chavez was a dictator. Um, no, and the international observers all agree that Venezuela elections were fair.

In the absence of international observers, one should always assume an election was rigged. Plus, of course, the 'opposition' candidates were a complete joke. The runner up came out and said how pleased he was with the result!

There were international observers there from over 30 different countries . And they all said the election was fair .
The way countries prove their elections are not rigged is by inviting international observers to them. Everyone does it - and this is a good response to anyone who claimed Chavez was a dictator. Um, no, and the international observers all agree that Venezuela elections were fair.

In the absence of international observers, one should always assume an election was rigged. Plus, of course, the 'opposition' candidates were a complete joke. The runner up came out and said how pleased he was with the result!

In fairness we have passed that point many moons ago, Assad has proved beyond a doubt what he will do to retain power, "elections" whatever the result or their legitimacy, are no longer the issue.
In fairness we have passed that point many moons ago, Assad has proved beyond a doubt what he will do to retain power, "elections" whatever the result or their legitimacy, are no longer the issue.
Well this is a separate issue. With Iran and Russia as firm allies, he has every reason to think that he will survive. But an election with no meaningful opposition candidate (indeed with 'opposition' candidates stating how pleased they are that they were trounced) isn't really an election - it's an exercise in asking for a 'rubber stamp'. It's an old authoritarian's trick.
Aye, all those risking their lives fleeing what's left of Syria are just looking for ways of expressing their support of Assad and his Barrel bombs.
You baffle me, you often make good points then undermine yourself by unequivocally supporting total arseholes.

Two things here... according to what I read (and I do try to read widely outside the Western framework) most ofthe Syrian population live in the government controlled areas, and recent waves of refugees have been flooding out of the areas seized/threatened by Daesh, or resulted from young men fleeing conscription in the face of the SAA's strained manpower situation.

The barrel-bombs are made a lot of in the West, but essentially it's no different than shooting off 'smart bombs'. A lot of people died under NATO's attack on Libya for instance, and back when they took Iraq we heard a lot about the US jet-planing in missiles at neighbourhoods all the time. The civilians aren't any less dead because the weapon was cheap and dumb rather than Lockheed and smart. Not saying I support the brutal methods... all that shit is war, I think the major fuck-up is that the war kicked off in the first place and this is what it means. The combined evils of the whole etc- and until someone on the 'Western side' can explain away those diplomatic cables and other evidence of a deliberate attempt to destabilize the Assad government and cause it to 'over react', I don't see any moral high-ground to be gained by pointing out the crappy brutality of one sides weapons in this war.

ETA to this that it's richer still for us Brits, with our Nuclear Suicide Cult dominated political elite to invoke the use of barrel-bombs in that war like this. It's like a bloke with a flame thrower that he boasts of being well willing to use if anyone breaks into his manor slagging off a bloke lobbing molotov cocktails at actual home-invaders. Personally I'd prefer enough with bonfires of humanity all round. Arsonism is arsonism.
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Well this is a separate issue. With Iran and Russia as firm allies, he has every reason to think that he will survive. But an election with no meaningful opposition candidate (indeed with 'opposition' candidates stating how pleased they are that they were trounced) isn't really an election - it's an exercise in asking for a 'rubber stamp'. It's an old authoritarian's trick.

He won because ...no matter how much it annoys you..he retains mass popularity in Syria, and amongst the Syrian expatriate and refugee community outside of Syria . All the opposition to him are either head hackers or a complete and utter fucking joke based in turkey who can't even agree among themselves . The Syrian people wouldn't piss on them much less put them in charge . They couldn't run a bath .

Regardless of what support he gets from foreign governments the fact is without the support of the bulk of the Syrian people he'd have been gone long ago . He could not have hoped to have withstood this far without their support . It's utter rubbish to suggest he could have . That popularity may well annoy you, disappoint you or whatever but it's a fact .
In fairness we have passed that point many moons ago, Assad has proved beyond a doubt what he will do to retain power, "elections" whatever the result or their legitimacy, are no longer the issue.

So much for democracy right... only political processes can end this war, the sentiment quoted here amounts to a form of fundamentalism, Assad must go- fuck what the Syrian people want, they'll die until Assad has gone and then they'll die some more after that. Fuck their votes.
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