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Anarchists sabotage railway signalling in Bristol

In fact this is worse than ISIS - they do this - but they at least try to keep the kids involved. This bristol lot are putting kids off getting active in their communities.

Who runs the cadets then? I assumed it was some filter org to direct kids towards a career in the services but that report suggests its entirely self funded (and a bit skint) which suggests volunteering by ex military / jingoistic types?
Who runs the cadets then? I assumed it was some filter org to direct kids towards a career in the services but that report suggests its entirely self funded (and a bit skint) which suggests volunteering by ex military / jingoistic types?

The army cadets air cadets and sea cadets are funded by the Mod but as a recruiting tool they frankly are a bit pants number of recruits divided by cash and time spent on cadets the return is risable. There are also independant cadet units around the place with various odd historys.
Bit like boxing clubs appeal to kids who wouldnt be seen dead in a youth club and provide focus life skills team work postive role models etc etc carefully camoflauged by camoflauge and guns :) also as subsidized by the Mod cheap as you only have to supply boots and a week lomg camp is less than fifty quid.

Various people want to take away the camoflauge and guns forgetting thats what attracts the kids the good stuff happens because you've got kids involved with out the warry bit they wouldnt turn up.
I hard,y think cadets = useful mlitary training apart from the ones we took on the grenade range!

Slight misunderstanding they were meant to go on the grenade range and:oops: throw dummy grenades basicly lumps of steel a rather pointless activity rather than live ones:eek:

Oops kids loved it though :facepalm:
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