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Anarchists sabotage railway signalling in Bristol

I was in the Army Cadets, fucking loved it, especially being in the shooting team! Was then and still am a communist though, so this idea that the ACF is some kind of sinister brainwashing operation is complete bollocks in my (big, red) book.
The ACF is probably ment to be a sinister brain washing organisation but given the budget and staff an enthusasim for shooting and fond memorys are about
Oddly enough my time in the air cadets is what made me an anarchist. There's nothing like giving teenagers ranks which allow them to order other teenagers around to illustrate the fact that once people get power they become cunts.

I don't remember being brainwashed though. I was taught lots of useful skills like navigation, radio communications and first aid; all for something like 50p a week in subs that any family could afford. The instructors weren't military personnel, they were civillians who had volunteered specifically to do youth work. Nobody ever tried to convince us to join the military, in fact we got a chance to see a little of what life would be like if we did and that helped make up a lot of kids' minds that no, they definitely didn't want to join the military.

These Bristol nutters did so well with that police training centre, the choice of target and the execution were both perfect; so why are they now taking their extremely vague anger out on youth groups? How much influence do you think a dozen teenagers from Bristol have on NATO policy? Stupid wankers :facepalm:
Who runs the cadets then? I assumed it was some filter org to direct kids towards a career in the services but that report suggests its entirely self funded (and a bit skint) which suggests volunteering by ex military / jingoistic types?

None of my instructors at ATC were ex-military. A couple of ex-police but if you didn't know that you wouldn't have guessed IYSWIM.
I think the Officer Commanding (can't remember his actual rank) at the summertime Annual Camps I went to was an ex-military type, but as I recall us Cadets only really saw him when the whole camp was on parade.

This might sound odd but I enjoyed drill almost as much as the other activities. Once the fun has worn off from farting and then attempting to look innocent (amongst various other antics which are hilarious when one is a teenager, or has the mind of one), I took an obscure sort of pride in carrying out drill maneuvers as precisely and correctly as I possibly could, while smartly turned out in either the dress uniform or the field uniform (although I preferred wearing the latter). I can certainly understand how such things can be an essential building block for establishing a good esprit de corps.

Now if only there was a way I could do such stuff as an adult without working for imperialist butchers...
...Now if only there was a way I could do such stuff as an adult without working for imperialist butchers...

i believe the Woodcraft Folk are looking for instructors/non-hierarchical empowerment facilitators - Orange Corderoy flares and all the lentil quiche you could eat?

we have a similar oddness.
This might sound odd but I enjoyed drill almost as much as the other activities. Once the fun has worn off from farting and then attempting to look innocent (amongst various other antics which are hilarious when one is a teenager, or has the mind of one), I took an obscure sort of pride in carrying out drill maneuvers as precisely and correctly as I possibly could, while smartly turned out in either the dress uniform or the field uniform (although I preferred wearing the latter). I can certainly understand how such things can be an essential building block for establishing a good esprit de corps.

As pointless as all the drill stuff was, and all that fussiness about sharp creases in your trousers and a shiny belt buckle, it did seem to encourage a degree of self-discipline. That's not an easy thing to instill in teenagers.

Drill is also something that just about anyone can do if they put their minds to it, so kids who might not excel at the equally arbitrary hoop-jumping excercises they get given in school have a chance to be good at something that requires a different set of skills. My little brother, who has ADHD, used to love doing drill at cadets because it somehow forced his brain to focus in a way that most things didn't.
As pointless as all the drill stuff was, and all that fussiness about sharp creases in your trousers and a shiny belt buckle, it did seem to encourage a degree of self-discipline. That's not an easy thing to instill in teenagers.

Drill is also something that just about anyone can do if they put their minds to it, so kids who might not excel at the equally arbitrary hoop-jumping excercises they get given in school have a chance to be good at something that requires a different set of skills. My little brother, who has ADHD, used to love doing drill at cadets because it somehow forced his brain to focus in a way that most things didn't.

Isn´t it pretty much essential to ensure people will follow orders in battle?

I know that whenever armies have experimented with the abolition of drill, saluting and military discipline in general, the results have been disastrous.
Aye, it's entirely about following orders as a group. With precision and practice it can look very, very good. You can get similar results in a non-military environment too, various marching bands spring to mind.
Foot drill has its origins in napolonic battle drills which is rather obselete these days.
Personally always hated it and the bullshit that went with it.
Israelis dont do drill or any ironing or issue bayonets still manage to be massive cunts though:(

Are heroic bristol freedom fighters have probably run out of targets that arnt now covered in survelliance.
The Bus was an LDV Convoy. The engines don't die, they keep going while the rest of the vehicle deteriorates to the point of all passengers hating it. I surmise it was a insurance arson myself. I bet they buy a Merc Sprinter with the compo.

Bit daft to torch a vehicle that is Third Party Only!
i believe the Woodcraft Folk are looking for instructors/non-hierarchical empowerment facilitators - Orange Corderoy flares and all the lentil quiche you could eat?

we have a similar oddness.
I used to run a Woodcraft Group back in the 90s. I took them rifle shooting with a mate who was a member of a local range. Raised a few eyebrows from quiche eating colleagues but the kids loved it and and some of the older generation of leaders were very supportive.
Given the context (the Beeb interviewing a formerly ELF-connected person, greenscare, Operation Backfire, ag-gag, increasing push in the UK against political activism, redefining terrorism to include pretty much anything, the creation of ‘domestic extremism’, etc), this passage is rather interesting:

...Det Ch Insp Bevan said the Bristol incidents could "potentially" be described as terrorism, but said: "I can't discount the fact that this could be a smokescreen for something else."

Asked if he was looking at a terrorist cell, he said "no".

"There is quite clear legislation that deals with terrorism. These are acts of criminal damage. Whatever the motive is, clearly I need to establish that," he said.
It's all fun and games until a bomb goes off early.

Police are treating an explosion in Santiago’s Yungay neighborhood as an attempted terrorist attack after a man — identified as 29-year-old Sergio Guillermo Landskron Silva — was killed by the blast in the early hours of Thursday morning.

Eye witness reports describe how police prevented ambulance crews from aiding Sliva — who was wearing a ski mask — due to a suspicious device in his hand. A video shot by a bystander shows him lying on the ground as flames cover his body on the intersection of Erasmo Escala and Garcia Reyes at approximately 1 a.m.
Oddly enough my time in the air cadets is what made me an anarchist. There's nothing like giving teenagers ranks which allow them to order other teenagers around to illustrate the fact that once people get power they become cunts.

I don't remember being brainwashed though. I was taught lots of useful skills like navigation, radio communications and first aid; all for something like 50p a week in subs that any family could afford. The instructors weren't military personnel, they were civillians who had volunteered specifically to do youth work. Nobody ever tried to convince us to join the military, in fact we got a chance to see a little of what life would be like if we did and that helped make up a lot of kids' minds that no, they definitely didn't want to join the military.

These Bristol nutters did so well with that police training centre, the choice of target and the execution were both perfect; so why are they now taking their extremely vague anger out on youth groups? How much influence do you think a dozen teenagers from Bristol have on NATO policy? Stupid wankers :facepalm:
Being a bit of a loner when I was a teenager, I found the local ACF a bit of a lifesaver. The two years I was there helped bring me out of my shell and I did learn some useful skills. It helped that all the adults were ex-army so we did get as close an idea as was possible (for a bunch of 13-17 year-olds) of what it would be like being in the army. We had regular camps that cost nothing and because our drill hall was in the black mountains we were out and about on orienteering and fieldcraft skills as often as the welsh weather would allow (and sometimes when it was emphatically NOT allowing ;) ).

I also got an early taste of what it was like being passed over for promotion and seeing less competent people put in command positions and then being made to sort out their mess whenever they fucked-up (which was often) and watching them take all the credit. Also having the 'fun' of going up against the junior army on night exercises armed only with clay SA80's while those fuckers had the real thing with blank rounds (what larks!) was a pretty convincing introduction to the terror of battle for a 15-year old. There were lots of other incidents where our activities occasionally bordered on the sadistic :D It ultimately put me off going anywhere near the armed forces but i wouldn't have changed it for anything! :D
I also got an early taste of what it was like being passed over for promotion and seeing less competent people put in command positions and then being made to sort out their mess whenever they fucked-up (which was often) and watching them take all the credit.

Yeah, that sounds very familliar.
Being a bit of a loner when I was a teenager, I found the local ACF a bit of a lifesaver. The two years I was there helped bring me out of my shell and I did learn some useful skills. It helped that all the adults were ex-army so we did get as close an idea as was possible (for a bunch of 13-17 year-olds) of what it would be like being in the army. We had regular camps that cost nothing and because our drill hall was in the black mountains we were out and about on orienteering and fieldcraft skills as often as the welsh weather would allow (and sometimes when it was emphatically NOT allowing ;) ).

I also got an early taste of what it was like being passed over for promotion and seeing less competent people put in command positions and then being made to sort out their mess whenever they fucked-up (which was often) and watching them take all the credit. Also having the 'fun' of going up against the junior army on night exercises armed only with clay SA80's while those fuckers had the real thing with blank rounds (what larks!) was a pretty convincing introduction to the terror of battle for a 15-year old. There were lots of other incidents where our activities occasionally bordered on the sadistic :D It ultimately put me off going anywhere near the armed forces but i wouldn't have changed it for anything! :D

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