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Anarchists sabotage railway signalling in Bristol

Indymedia stopped having anything on it other than animal liberation nutters ages ago. I've not looked at it in years.

That said, it does look like it's not solely animal based at the moment. So am probably wrong about that.
Earth Liberation Front's part and parcel of the animal lib stuff though?
Earth Liberation Front's part and parcel of the animal lib stuff though?

I haven't seen anything attributed to ELF in a long while, not in the UK at least. I don't think it was ever an actual organisation, just a name people chose to use sometimes while doing certain things. It's been largely replaced by Earth First in that respect.
I haven't seen anything attributed to ELF in a long while, not in the UK at least. I don't think it was ever an actual organisation, just a name people chose to use sometimes while doing certain things. It's been largely replaced by Earth First in that respect.
Ah, ok, cheers. I don't know anything much about it, but it sounded like that whole deep ecology, green anarchism malarkey.
...but it sounded like that whole deep ecology, green anarchism malarkey.

I think there was probably a lot of that involved. ELF was an American thing mostly I think, and green anarchism is a much bigger deal over there.
I haven't seen anything attributed to ELF in a long while, not in the UK at least. I don't think it was ever an actual organisation, just a name people chose to use sometimes while doing certain things. It's been largely replaced by Earth First in that respect.

that's not really true. more on this when i get home.
that's not really true. more on this when i get home.

I don't know a lot about it really. I've generally been more concerned with getting stuff done than worrying what initials to spray paint on it afterwards.

Direct action should be exactly that, direct. It's effectiveness shouldn't depend on media attention or public awareness or any of that.

e2a: Just read this post back. I sound pretty up myself don't I? There's a definite ego problem in activism, a condition from which I am clearly not immune :(
wow, there's some real gems on there at the moment.

*deep breath*

The theory of the oppressive primacy of digital totalitarianism in the political system of the capitalist economy argues that the when capitalist globalisation takes a totalitarian turn the digital totalitarianism it brings about will obtain an oppressive position overruling even the system´s economic interests, and that this becomes most visible not so much in the totalitarian democratic state (i.e. the state which has turned the two words into synonyms) itself because it overshadows every sign of life there, but in the mathematics of international relations between states.

The theory of the oppressive primacy of digital totalitarianism in the political system of the capitalist economy argues that the when capitalist globalisation takes a totalitarian turn the digital totalitarianism it brings about will obtain an oppressive position overruling even the system´s economic interests, and that this becomes most visible not so much in the totalitarian democratic state (i.e. the state which has turned the two words into synonyms) itself because it overshadows every sign of life there, but in the mathematics of international relations between states.

I overhead something similar expressed at my local last night actually.
Okay, on the Earth Liberation Front.

I won't bore you all with a potted history, the Wikipedia entry does a good enough job.

But as far as their connections with EF! go they were initially a "flag of convenience" for some in EF! To carry out acts of sabotage that EF! Itself couldn't or wouldn't.

There was more to it than that of course. Many EF!ers carried out sabotage regardless without using the ELF as cover, and activism (both overt and covert) was not the sole preserve of EF! Many within the movements developed something of an antipathy towards EF! and the trend in some quarters to lump all Eco-direct action under its umbrella.

At the same time not all ELFers had anything to do with EF!

Meanwhile the ALF IME generally didn't think much of the ELF and kept their distance in the main. The majority of overtures were one way. That didn't stop bother the state/media and the likes of green anarchist trying to link the two groups.

Initially it was Green Anarchist and it's periphery that perpetuated the idea of an ELF ( anyone remember the one off zine Terra-ist? :D For example) but soon with the rapid growth of the Eco direction scene it became more of a real thing, however ephemeral...

I'm only talking about the "second wave" ELF (from around 93 onwards when it took on a life of its own away from GA fantasy) n the UK here. I don't know as much about the initial "group" supposedly formed in 92 nor any newer variants post Seattle. The USA is a whole other kettle of fish entirely too.

There does appear to be some use of the name amongst the same circles as the informal anarchists. A 3rd wave of the ELF perhaps?

Was it ever an actual organisation? Not really, they did attempt to replicate some of the more official structures of the ALF with press offices and prisoner support groups etc. but IME was more of an ad hoc flag of convenience for a small number of affinity groups and during particular struggles as and when.

Hth. :cool: Obvs this just what I saw at the time, others experiences may differ...
wow, there's some real gems on there at the moment.

*deep breath*

The theory of the oppressive primacy of digital totalitarianism in the political system of the capitalist economy argues that the when capitalist globalisation takes a totalitarian turn the digital totalitarianism it brings about will obtain an oppressive position overruling even the system´s economic interests, and that this becomes most visible not so much in the totalitarian democratic state (i.e. the state which has turned the two words into synonyms) itself because it overshadows every sign of life there, but in the mathematics of international relations between states.


haha one of those where you just think - just stop. just stop talking :D
The sillies are back. With an action that doesn't resonate and a communique that only talks of themselves - which they call solidarity.

Yeshua H. Fuckpig!!! :mad:
If there's one thing I hate, it's communiques that read like Dave fucking Spart wrote them!!! :mad:
They're also missing the extent of the remit of "synthetic biology" in favour of focusing purely on GM and pharma, that kind of misses a lot of points w/r/t advances in projects to create replacement organs etc.

As for the little exercise in the final paragraphs of giving a bit of a shout out to protests and protesters they supposedly respect, does it smell to anyone else like they're trying to associate themselves and their name with those who are *genuine?

*In case anyone is wondering, I don't think these people are genuine, I think they're dilettantes who care about their actions, not about who their actions affect.
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