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Anarchists sabotage railway signalling in Bristol


Wanted: Huw Norfolk, 27, an anarchist known as Badger.

Solidarity demo Stokes Croft, Saturday: "We are all Badgers!"
The Badger dragnet has been going on for more than 3 years. Presumably it's become a hot potato again because of the recent publication of the chronology document reminding all and sundry that A&SC still hadn't pinned the expensive PFI shooting range incineration on anyone.

The raids seem to be picking up, in frequency and intensity: arrest someone, use that to give their drum a spin; seize any electronic storage devices or computers or cameras, plus any books on vaguely political subjects (which get put into evidence bags labelled ‘ANARCHIST MANUALS’ - no joke!), closely examine (and/or photograph) address books, personal documents etc; then release arrestee without any charges. Then it's use the seized material to identify the next person to arrest, and repeat the process. And still no one charged.

To a reasonable person, this suggests either (i) that these mythical Informal Anarchists have a high level of discipline, forensic awareness and ideological commitment; (ii) that Bristol plod do not have much in the way of investigative abilities; or (iii) they're pissing around and regardless of whether they ever nab Spartacu-, sorry, Badger, they still get to fill their shelves with box files and box files of juicy intell and interrelational data on Thee Politikos.
This is probably beyond Bristol plods capability.
If the badger has some mates with half a clue about cell struture safe houses etc he can stay on the run for a long time. Especially if plod are treating it as arson and petty crime.
because nobody wants to justify this idiocy as terrorism so the big boys cant be arsed to get involved.
If they managed to hurt people or do serious damage then things would change.
He and his little pals can play their games fearing an agent of the state behind every blade of glass and drones in the air.
When reality is a few bored dectatives with a list they are working through when nothing else more intresting neds doing.
"Police believe Norfolk may not be in England or the UK and could possibly be in Europe or further afield."

Believed to have disappeared abroad. Where have we seen this cover story before?

Do the NETCU not tell the local plod who they have working for them? How many kids has this one fathered?
"Police believe Norfolk may not be in England or the UK and could possibly be in Europe or further afield."

Believed to have disappeared abroad. Where have we seen this cover story before?

Do the NETCU not tell the local plod who they have working for them? How many kids has this one fathered?
NETCU was a prevention unit, liaising between police forces and the private sector, and it ceased to exist when it was combined with NPOIU and NDET into the National Domestic Extremism Unit (later NDEDIU) under Met control in 2011.

There is no evidence (that I am aware of) this man is or was a spycop, an agent provocateur, informer or anything else of that ilk. Not sure throwaway remarks like yours, which cost you nothing but have the potential to make things very complicated for others, are really that useful.
Not sure throwaway remarks like yours, which cost you nothing but have the potential to make things very complicated for others, are really that useful.

I was just being facetious, people who know the guy will have a better feeling for their integrity. The discharge tattoo is probably more attention to detail than the average undercover would manage tbh.

Having an absent suspect is of course very useful if you want to keep turning over people's homes, whether genuine or otherwise.
Badger's own October 2011 communiqué is on page 82-83 (pp89-90 in terms of actual PDF pages).

...Two months have now passed of successful evasion, and meanwhile the winds of insurgency still blow in many towns and moments – indeed, for many they started long before this summer...

...Two months have now passed of successful evasion, and meanwhile the winds of insurgency still blow in many towns and moments – indeed, for many they started long before this summer...

Its pretty easy to do that when you think your a daring urban gurrellia the reincartion of bader meinhoff:facepalm: and the forces of oppression see you as a crusty twat with a box of matches :D
We are all badgers, voles, foxes, otters: free anarcho-fauna.

We are the “lost kids” angry and disappointed by false promises, the “uncontrollable
youth” unsatisfied with the paltry futures offered to us, the “useless components”
who reject or are excluded anyway from wage-slavery or the “disruptive elements” who
fight to destroy it from within, the “minority of trouble-makers” within the
constructs of obedient-hierarchical-racist-patriarchal normality, the “hooded
rioters” within the constant revolt against all that and more. We are your children,
and those of your society. And it is time today for the components of that society
to decide if they will be the hand trying to stop us, or the hand lighting their own
conspiracy for self-determination.

Today we are here. Today we throw our rage and anarchy against the station that this
order would prescribe us: an open-ended contract to be locked in the cage of modern
living, of humiliating routine, withdrawn into quiet desperation despite all
distractions, cast into inexplicable loneliness, into inner exile from any greater
values, divorced from any connection to the Earth, walking commodities to be used
and discarded.

Each day, be sure that we are faced with constant battle as each individual must
strive to make their own path and decisions against the flow of the conformity and
submission demanded of us by the jailers of everyday life – if the revolution is not
here, truly it is nowhere. Let us live proud lives of rebellion and compassion,
reclamation and antagonism, poetry and fire.

So, in the midst of this incessant war underlying all in this world – I acknowledge
with a glad and thankful heart all who have ever stood next to me, with the rebels
wherever and whoever they are against the disguised violence that is passivity, the
disguised violence in the suppression of the hostilities and tensions around us that
urge to be realised. Here’s to those who make choices that in different ways break
out of line when everything in the dominant culture advises silence, assuring us of
their strength and feeding us poisoned whispers of our own powerlessness and

And of course as the clash continues and escalates with increasing recognition that
everything we desire lies beyond the ruin of their rule, the enemy will carry on
retaliating against those people with every vile method in their book: propaganda to
misrepresent our passions and aims; the loyal “opposition” of political parties and
unions presented as the democratically acceptable way we should amend our “extreme”
expressions to; the surveillance, infiltration and invasion of our friendship groups
and spaces; the arrest, interrogation and imprisonment of our comrades-in-struggle.
We don’t forget, and we don’t forgive.

So there.
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