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Anarchists sabotage railway signalling in Bristol

i read and appreciate all the arguments against this from other anarchists and lefties. but there's not enough propaganda of the deed these days so i can't help approving.

they'll be fucked when (not if...) they get caught though.
I agree that there isn't, but I'm firmly of the opinion that anyonne that way inclined that has a bit of nous can find a target that doesn't blow-back onto their entire political milieu, or if it does, can be exposed as being state noisemaking.

i'd agree with this. but i think opinions would vary of what the target should be.
i don't know a lot about the Angry Brigade but I've always liked the idea of carbombing Tories. what's the criticism of them butchers?

My criticism of them? The same as theirs. That they thought they were a vanguard expressing the most advanced class opinions - and the reality was that they weren't and they helped isolate themselves from the movements they saw themselves as part of.
The 2010 reprinting of the Carr book includes interesting extra material - the aforementioned Barker review of the Tom Vague book, the transcript of an interview with Cremer (the 'Situationist cop'), Stuart Christie's chronology of the 'Angry Decade' (January 1966-December 1975), plus all the communiqués. Happily it is also a fully indexed tome.

Try before you buy:

Wheeler's going all Roger Cook on us:

I've been following anarchist group behind the Bristol arson attack for over a year, police are playing down threat


Bristol arson attack linked to anarchist terror network

An anarchist cell linked to a Europe-wide network of 'insurrectionists' has struck again in Bristol - Channel 4 News can reveal their history of sabotage and arson attacks in the UK.
Avon and Somerset police are investigating the major arson attack at the site of a planned police firearms training centre near Bristol.

The attack is the latest to be claimed by a group linked to the Informal Anarchist Federation (IAF), though police are keen to play down their abilities.

I'd also note that, according to the group's statement, the firearms training school they torched is directly beneath the Avon & Somerset Police regional HQ. Which, in the eyes of the plod, is likely to amount to a declaration of war.

Technically you can't declare war on people who have already declared war on you.
In February somebody planted a home-made bomb in the cathedral in Madrid. The bomb consisted of a cylinder of camping gas, gunpowder and about a kilo of screws, along with a home-made detonator made from an alarm clock. Fortunately, the bomb did not explode. It was safely dismantled.

The bomb attempt was claimed by an anarchist group (or perhaps an individual posing as a group), who explained that it was intended as a blow against the monarchy.

It is a mystery how anyone could suppose that the screws and other shrapnel would have ripped through Bourbon flesh rather than the equally vulnerable flesh of normal folk.

English Anarcho-Wotsits are less dangerous. This attack in Portishead was basically arson on a building site. No one's life was endangered, as far as I can see, and the culprits like foxes and badgers, which is rather sweet.

The bombers in Madrid named their group after an early 20th-century would-be regicide, Mateo Morral. The West Country arsonists could call themselves the Wind in The Willows Brigade.
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