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Anarchism. 'Organisation'? 'Leadership'?

It's been interesting FWIW, and I think I probably agree with quite a bit of what Lletsa was saying in the end. It's just... sometimes I think I should fight my 'fuckit' side and try and believe summat better is possible on a grander scale, othertime I just reckon it's pointless and I'll sort myself out like I've always done cos we're doomed anyway :D
I dunno, I manage to be both cynical as fuck and yet continue to believe it could be a lot fucking better. Cognitive dissonance or whatever the quacks call it. Probably why I'm such a wrong un.

I read an extra t in fuckit. Most confusing.
When I first moved to Leeds when our eldest was little we lived on the edge of Little London/ Woodhouse on this pedestrianised street. It was a shithole, mostly HA houses and hardly anyone worked the fucking lazy fuckers :D, but people sat with the front doors open and on the street and I have to say it was the first time I knew literally everyone on the street (except the junkie hostel house and the squatters who kept themselves to themselves). I thought it was a northern thing, knowing everyone.

Over many years I have spent a lot of time in Little London and Woodhouse. I was born not far away and I wouldn't describe either places as a "shithole". High levels of unemployment certainly, but the majority had/have jobs, or are in further education, training.
Lol well sorry to diss where you are from but Little London is pretty shit as far as I'm concerned :D Maybe not on the scale of London but it's not somewhere I'd want my kids playing out. Carlton Towers :facepalm:
I'm sure that friends who still live in the tower blocks and campaign for safe crossings for children there will not miss you and your dismissive comments on their community.
I'm sure that friends who still live in the tower blocks and campaign for safe crossings for children there will not miss you and your dismissive comments on their community.
Oh fuck off. Like anyone in there right minds would want to bring up kids in Little London. You can't glorify a fucking shithole. It's full of dealers and fuckin scum.

I don't get people like you, like somehow we aren't allowed to say how fuckin horrible somewhere is out of some misplaced class pride. It's a shithole and no one should be made to live there. Most of the blocks have been knocked down this year anyway, so I don't know where your mates are living unless they are in the barracks or one of the couple of remaining maisenette blocks. I notice you don't live in the wonderful Little London :D
There are people, who can't just escape their surroundings, trying to make their neighbourhood not a "shithole?" They have to live next to the dealers, and other assorted "scum."

'It might be a shithole, but it's our shithole'.

Never understood that - I'd sooner go somewhere better, or work to make the shithole less so.
I <3 you Little London :D

Yer I'm aware of that Captain Hurrah. It was fuckin me for a lot of years. And I feel sorry for the mums I left behind, believe me. But I don't buy this crap about how we should all pretend to like these kind of areas.

We had to put up with fuckin junkies knocking on our door to borrow screwdrivers, dealers and runners up and down our street all day every day, needles on the edge of the playground where the kids could reach through the fence, fuckin squatters and there stinking mess and parties. It was shit, and I refuse to say otherwise. Fuck Little London.
Oh fuck off. Like anyone in there right minds would want to bring up kids in Little London. You can't glorify a fucking shithole. It's full of dealers and fuckin scum.

I don't get people like you, like somehow we aren't allowed to say how fuckin horrible somewhere is out of some misplaced class pride. It's a shithole and no one should be made to live there. Most of the blocks have been knocked down this year anyway, so I don't know where your mates are living unless they are in the barracks or one of the couple of remaining maisenette blocks. I notice you don't live in the wonderful Little London :D

I live in a council maisonette elsewhere (I'm not gonna name, so don't ask), which has its problems admittedly (you would probably describe that estate as a "shithole" too). Little London is not "full of dealers and fuckin scum" and neither have any of the tower blocks been pulled down there as yet, although some neighbouring blocks near the 'Carlton Barracks' have. I'm not going to knock the community I live in, or where my friends live, although I may be annoyed with some of the arseholes who live in and prey on the vulnerable within it, but don't let me stop you continuing with your cheap generalisations, smearing decent, hard working communities.
I live in a council maisonette elsewhere (I'm not gonna name, so don't ask), which has its problems admittedly (you would probably describe that estate as a "shithole" too). Little London is not "full of dealers and fuckin scum" and neither have any of the tower blocks been pulled down there as yet, although some neighbouring blocks near the 'Carlton Barracks' have. I'm not going to knock the community I live in, or where my friends live, although I may be annoyed with some of the arseholes who live in and prey on the vulnerable within it, but don't let me stop you continuing with your cheap generalisations, smearing decent, hard working communities.
Full of decent, hard working families :hmm: Oh get real. There are some sound people in Little London and if your mates have kids that go to Little London Primary School then I probably know them :D But if you think there aren't serious problems and people don't want better for there family then your living in some idealised fantasy world. Burmantofts, Seacroft, Little London, Harehills, Chapeltown, Beeston. All shit. Harehills. Fuck me, Harehills.
Full of decent, hard working families :hmm: Oh get real. There are some sound people in Little London and if your mates have kids that go to Little London Primary School then I probably know them :D But if you think there aren't serious problems and people don't want better for there family then your living in some idealised fantasy world. Burmantofts, Seacroft, Little London, Harehills, Chapeltown, Beeston. All shit. Harehills. Fuck me, Harehills.

I've pointed out some of the problems faced by communities in Little London, as well as the estate I live in. Of course people want better for their families and I've pointed out an example of people campaigning in such a way. I would appreciate if you would not ascribe comments to me that I've not posted. You're clearly not that bright, so I feel further discussion is pointless.
It was a more generalised comment really. Altho this:

Really? I used to slag my home town off all the time when I lived there, and still do. It's a fucking dump.

Well bully for you. The football team I have a go at from time to time, but I wasn't talking about a whole city/town.
Seeing as you know fuck all about me, I don't really think you can comment. Good luck with your middle class poverty tourism anyway.

I can see what you've posted and this latest post of yours only confirms the thoughts I've already expressed. If you want to have a serious discussion, then cut out the cheap shots and the dumb use of smilies.
I can see what you've posted and this latest post of yours only confirms the thoughts I've already expressed. If you want to have a serious discussion, then cut out the cheap shots and the dumb use of smilies.
Oh lighten up. Just tell me to get to fuck and make your point. I'm not stupid, but I don't have fuck all to prove to you. You believe what you want mate.

I don't know what point you are trying to make anyway? That people LIKE living in Little London? That it's ok really for people to live in conditions like that, 1960 tower blocks with bad crime and unsafe at night? What IS your point?

Oh and have a smilie ;)
Is saying somebody is 'clearly not that bright' not also a cheap shot?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of cheap shots, you bunch of liberal cunts.
I wouldn't go to live there, no, but then a lot of people wouldn't want to live in the area of Bramley I did before (not going to name it). A taxi driver once described it as a shit tip too and it did upset me, because it was where I was living! And I was trying to make my bit of it nice. My old next door neighbours house was always spotless, some of the others were pretty dumpy, but you can't go writing an entire area off like that, it really only takes a large minority to get an area a bad reputation.
Some people's attitudes to the residents there did piss me off, not everyone is like that!
Nice. :)

My two points are 1), that communities are not as you generalise and 2), communities have the wherewithal to actively engage, take control and not be forced to take any shit in the "shithole" they find themselves in.
Nice. :)

My two points are 1), that communities are not as you generalise and 2), communities have the wherewithal to actively engage, take control and not be forced to take any shit in the "shithole" they find themselves in.
Well I agree with point 1. Kinda. Maybe they aren't as bad as I'm saying. Maybe that is just my experience of living there, being shit scared of dealers cos of my background.

But point 2? Nah. Do they fuck. We're all fucked mate. There is no power. Only thing to do is try and get the fuck out.
Well I agree with point 1. Kinda. Maybe they aren't as bad as I'm saying. Maybe that is just my experience of living there, being shit scared of dealers cos of my background.

But point 2? Nah. Do they fuck. We're all fucked mate. There is no power. Only thing to do is try and get the fuck out.

It's "full of fuckin' scum" is what you posted. I repeat it isn't and a friend who has lived there decades (who was mugged on the estate one night) agrees. A sense of community is one important reason why she still lives there.

'I'm alright jack, fuck you' is it then?
I disagree Edie. I lived on the Queens Park estate, now called Caia Park, back when it was getting headlines for being a complete shithole. Not long after I moved out, there was a riot. Wasn't really motivated by race, although it played a part, but it got reported as a race riot. Anyway, nowadays it's vastly improved, but it wasn't improved particularly by all the money that started rolling in from the state after the riot (easiest way to get funding seems to be to kick off), which all got hoovered up by so-called community groups ran by the Labour mafia and seemingly with the sole purpose of getting jobs for various hangers-on, but by local residents saying enough was enough. I'm not saying it's heaven these days - most of the poorest parts of Wales are down south but the Queensway ward in QP is I think still the poorest in Wales, unemployment at over 50% etc - but it isn't Baghdad either, it's usually quiet and peaceful, no sniff of a riot any time soon, and the sense of community would put any middle class area to shame. I might even move back!
It's "full of fuckin' scum" is what you posted. I repeat it isn't and a friend who has lived there decades (who was mugged on the estate one night) agrees. A sense of community is one important reason why she still lives there.

'I'm alright jack, fuck you' is it then?
Srs? Well fair play then. We had a bad time there really. The very week we moved in we'd met one bloke, gay guy called David, he went down Londis and got the fucking kicking of his life. You could barely make out his face. Within a year both our immediate neighbours had got burgled. I wasn't long clean and there was a smack dealer really close, I had a newborn baby and I felt so threatened by that. Then our baby son got hurt when a shelf collapsed in the flat, lost the sight in one eye. When I left there for the grand vista of Woodhouse I felt so fuckin relieved. And that was to a shit back2back.

Alright jack? Is there any other way to be? I'm not a cunt, I do my bit, take care of my elderly neighbour and volunteer one night a week. But... after this thread, I dunno, is there anything better to believe in. No. Look after you and yours, and get the fuck out.
I know, that's why thank fuck we don't live in Woodhouse any more. Hello Meanwood, next stop Roundhay :D
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