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Abortion deleted from UK Government-organised international human rights statement

I mean it is something to be taken seriously, but there are plenty of circumstances where I’d agree it’s clearly the best route.

I’m not saying anyone should beat themselves up but I’d wonder about someone who took the decision totally casually.
Im a 52 yr old woman, aside from a lifetime of female friends that have had abortions, I've worked with teenage parents, I've worked in obstetrics and gynaecology and currently recover post op surgical abortion patients and I've NEVER met anyone that has made that decision casually, whatever the reason behind terminating the pregnancy.
8ball what's your experience of someone casually making the decision to terminate a pregnancy? Please don't confuse this with someone making the decision quickly or knowing they would terminate in the event of becoming pregnant.

Being resigned to a course of action and be prepared to live with the consequences is not in any way being casual.

Popping a pimple is casual.

Do you think there is such thing as a casual vasectomy?
Ignoring oddball's crap, the whole anti-abortion schtick seems to be born from religious nutjobbery to start with and as such should be ignored. Whenever I hear someone (a man, always a man) going on about it I steer the convo toward child support, with a starting point of 50% of the absent father's salary taken at source, per child.
8ball what's your experience of someone casually making the decision to terminate a pregnancy? Please don't confuse this with someone making the decision quickly or knowing they would terminate in the event of becoming pregnant.

Being resigned to a course of action and be prepared to live with the consequences is not in any way being casual.

Popping a pimple is casual.

Do you think there is such thing as a casual vasectomy?

See thread.
and of course he known well informed pro lifers who know more than average people

seriously the laser focused whataboutism from the fella on every thread
about abortion is getting fucking old
Yanky Republicans that are in the pocket of Putin have played a major role in resurrecting this issue. Promoting divisive politics is part of the standard playbook. They’re barely hiding the tactic…

maybe its only because ireland had the arguement in 2018
and it still not been settled

but the forces that still control or try to control abortion access to women
has never really disappeared

jebus we had men out in capes defending being pro life
Yanky Republicans that are in the pocket of Putin have played a major role in resurrecting this issue. Promoting divisive politics is part of the standard playbook. They’re barely hiding the tactic…

Do they actually believe the shit they come out with?
Yanky Republicans that are in the pocket of Putin have played a major role in resurrecting this issue. Promoting divisive politics is part of the standard playbook. They’re barely hiding the tactic…

"Natural selection! Only the very, very best will be left."

Literal nazi-speak.
Yanky Republicans that are in the pocket of Putin have played a major role in resurrecting this issue. Promoting divisive politics is part of the standard playbook. They’re barely hiding the tactic…

The Russian population has been nosediving for years. Doesn't help that male life expectancy is desperately low for a supposedly developed nation.
I did not know this. Abortion in the UK is still technically a criminal offence and the police can choose to prosecute:

Just seen this:

Fucking madness. :mad:
Just seen this:

Fucking madness. :mad:
Just to clarify that abortion is only illegal after 24 weeks in England, Wales and Scotland. An legal Abortion after 24 weeks is only permitted if continuing the pregnancy would be unsafe and a threat to the mothers life or if the child would be severely disabled....and this has to be decided by two doctors.
The attacks seeming to be stepped up :mad:

Anti-choice groups have expressed delight at the introduction of three new Bills in the House of Lords that would potentially restrict women’s ability to have legal abortions in the United Kingdom.

The Bills’ titles, which include ‘Foetal Sentience’, ‘Gestational Time Limit Reduction’, and ‘Early Medical Home Abortion (Review)’, all give clear indications that they are targeting existing legal rights which women depend on in England and Wales.
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