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Tory Leadership contest 2022

To be honest, the ultras and loons in the parliamentary party will probably go a bit quiet now. Yeah, I know they never really go quiet, but they've had bullish bexiting with boris, a month of turbulent trussing and now they will have to accept they are back with old style orthodoxy and hating the poor*. They've had their chance and even their loonish energy must run out at some point. I suspect sunak will have it relatively easy with the parliamentary party and, to be honest, the loons in the constituency associations don't matter.

Sunak's more obvious problem is they have a reputation for economic madness now, which means that all the mortgage rises and people not being able to eat or heat will add to this narrative. Even a month ago I'd have given sunak a 50/50 chance if he'd got in then, but truss has fucked it up for all of them.

* which never went away of course.
A r/w fucker has just become prime minister of Italy on the back of a platform that centres on Christianity and Christian identity, but I don't think we're near that kind of place here tbh. And a secular Hindu is hard to turn into a threat.
The white "ethnonationalists" will be all over this same way they are with London mayor Sadiq Khan
Truss tweets her congratulations on sunak being "appointed" as leader :D

Well that was more than she managed on her own 'appointment' when as I recall she completely failed to shake his hand despite him sitting right next to her as is custom before taking the stage to make her electrifying acceptance speech.

Sadly, the Tories have finally got there. To a competent and electable leader. Mixed blessings here. Can he pull it back in time? His reshuffle will be very interesting. Whether he turfs out all Truss acolytes as she did Sunak's. Coffey. Please Rishi, please. No more of that please.
The white "ethnonationalists" will be all over this same way they are with London mayor Sadiq Khan
How successful have they been, though? I don't think I'm being complacent in thinking that the UK is a long way from having a successful political movement based on ethnonationalism. It's fringe.
Markets responding predictably well

you won't like it when your puerile post is held up for others to ridicule when 'the markets' reach a more considered opinion of sunak's suitability
Well, no. I don't think you understand how 'the markets' work. Do you work in finance?
of course i don't work in finance. but i do know that how 'the markets' bobbled about today will be scant fucking comfort for sunak when in the coming weeks or months they react to his inadequate policies around things like energy, investment, taxation, the climate crisis etc. that's what i mean by a more considered conclusion rather than how they act on the day of his appointment.
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