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Alex Salmond accused (and then cleared) of sexual misconduct.

Yep. By some distance the real issue is whether he did it or not, but it's going to be very high stakes as a case.

I was just remarking to Mrs Sas that they really must feel they have a strong case. Were it me, a nobody, then they can afford to lose. They can't afford to lose this one.

Bugger! I'm missing Tipping Point. The hectic lifestyles of we retirees. :)
Eh? :confused:


Her name is Sturgeon. Sturgeon is a fish. Sas dislikes her, hence putrid. Where's the misogyny?
'Fish' is male gay/drag queen slang for women, is the problem. Use your imagination for why it's problematic.
I can honestly say that I have never heard that before.
I had to look it up.

fish biological women used primarily by gay men, either in a positive or derogatory way.

also used by gay men to complement female looking drag queens or transgender women that appear 'real' or too convincing to be men.
Every day's a schoolday.

Given that you're not a homosexual man I'm not sure you need to worry.
Blimey, I wasn't expecting charges that serious. :eek:
What stunned me was both the seriousness and number of the charges. I'm sure that's been the reaction of most people. This is extremely serious, and Salmond is a very prominent person still. I don't want to in any way underplay the seriousness by going at a tangent. But while we have to now let the proceedings take their course, there is no doubt that this will affect the political situation in Scotland.

With Salmond maintaining his innocence, there will at some point be a trial, and with 14 charges to address it is likely to be a lengthy one. It will of course be a very public one too, with the media taking a great deal of interest. As well as the traditional question that will of course be asked of those at the top of the SNP and the civil service ("what did they know of these allegations, and when did they know it?"), it has the potential to disrupt Sturgeon's planned response to Brexit.

The SNP - and indeed the wider Yes movement - can scarcely want this trial running alongside a potential indyref2 campaign. And with 29th March looming, the timing of these criminal proceedings could hardly have been worse. This means that the outcomes stemming from Brexit could well be affected by these charges and trial.

Since the report on the ScotGov internal investigation was sent to police in August last year, it seems reasonable to assume that Sturgeon knew at least something of the nature of the allegations at least then. So the events of yesterday must have been something she knew was possible. How much has it impacted on her planning for her Brexit response?

Alex Salmond maintains innocence after being charged with alleged sexual assault and attempted rape
So the events of yesterday must have been something she knew was possible. How much has it impacted on her planning for her Brexit response?
Agree with all that danny. Sturgeon is a canny enough politician to know that if a second independence referendum is lost such a relatively short time after the first then it's off the cards for years. These events can't have encouraged her to push for a referendum this Spring/Summer like some favour.
''I refute absolutely these allegations of criminality'' (my bold)

Read carefully that says things happened but I deny they were criminal things. Obviously that's 100% speculation, but I know politicians, I know lawyers, and I know English. I know what that statement can 'truthfully' cover.
I doubt situations often get to this stage when nothing at all has happened.
Well no indeed. I just found the addition of ''...of criminality'' at the end of a perfectly good denial unusual and compelling.
''I refute absolutely these allegations of criminality'' (my bold)

Read carefully that says things happened but I deny they were criminal things. Obviously that's 100% speculation, but I know politicians, I know lawyers, and I know English. I know what that statement can truthfull cover.
It’s wording that he’s been using since this became public, along with telling the BBC that he was "no saint" and has "got flaws".

If his defence is that this was a misunderstanding, he will have to explain how there came to be 14 misunderstandings over whatever timescale it emerges these alleged events took place.
''I refute absolutely these allegations of criminality'' (my bold)

Read carefully that says things happened but I deny they were criminal things. Obviously that's 100% speculation, but I know politicians, I know lawyers, and I know English. I know what that statement can 'truthfully' cover.
Yeah, I thought when I read it yesterday that it seems like a very deliberate and specific choice of words.
If his defence is that this was a misunderstanding, he will have to explain how there came to be 14 misunderstandings over whatever timescale it emerges these alleged events took place.

I''m a dimwit who can't read body language.
Mixed messages, grey areas.
I genuinely didn't know.
Everyone was drunk.
I wasn't there at the time.
She's lying, it didn't happen that way.
That's just not the kind of thing I would do.

It's going to be vile :(
It's going to be vile :(
Indeed. The whole situation and prospects are all very unsettling, and that’s as someone who isn’t a Salmond supporter. In a way, I can actually understand why some people might want to go into denial, and blame dark forces out to discredit The Movement. I mean, I don’t for a moment condone that, but it isn’t an inexplicable reaction from someone who might have been intensely loyal to the man. We know enough to have seen what has happened in analogous circumstances.
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