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Are you ready for Salmond's St. Andrew's day betrayal?

So sneer gentlemen secure in the knowledge that I can't debate back for now.

Is it ok if I just sneer in the knowledge that you can't debate. At all.

I will echo Danny's awe though. I thought you'd peaked when you compared your plight to the oppression of Nelson Mandela, so you can imagine how impressed I am to see you now compare it to the Holocaust. Oh yes, a loon being told to stop calling people murderers is directly comparable to the final solution.

Anyway, any odds you can comment on the fact that fewer than 1 in 4 people in Scotland want independence? Or is democracy only of interest to you if it is aligned with your silliness?
Referendum is a great idea, see what the people think.

Not going to happen though, Salmond probably doesn't mind either, the British parties will grant some concessions to the SNP through more fiscal powers, more devolution etc.

As a Welsh person I highly support the moderately progressive Scottish Government and believe that if Scotland had control over its own future and its own resources, the policy decisions made there and the general direction of societal development would be preferable to those that are made by Westminster, regardless of which party was in power.

Overall Scotland has not done that well out of the Union. Time for them to reach for greater things, fulfil their potential and join the rest of the world. We envy you at the moment! Go for it and count yourself lucky that you've got a better national movement than we have!
Is it ok if I just sneer in the knowledge that you can't debate. At all.

I will echo Danny's awe though. I thought you'd peaked when you compared your plight to the oppression of Nelson Mandela, so you can imagine how impressed I am to see you now compare it to the Holocaust. Oh yes, a loon being told to stop calling people murderers is directly comparable to the final solution.

Anyway, any odds you can comment on the fact that fewer than 1 in 4 people in Scotland want independence? Or is democracy only of interest to you if it is aligned with your silliness?
So long as I remember that you are a person who supports my imprisonment for replying to your points regarding that court case I should think it unlikely that I could contain my anger at you sufficiently to debate other matters.

That would be like the young Hitler youth shouting "Dirty Jew" at his former school teacher, throwing stones at him and then asking the former teacher to help him with his homework before he was transported for extermination.

The time to help the Hitler youth with his homework was AFTER Hitler was killed and not before.

Sir, I may help you with your politics AFTER your Queen and her family is removed from Scotland but not before I don't think, assuming you and I are not casualties of the revolution which is necessary to bring that state of affairs about.

Until then we are simply enemies. You support my imprisonment and I want your Queen out of Scotland or dead. You are free to read my website.
Referendum is a great idea, see what the people think.
I'd vote for whatever independence option is on offer, in the full knowledge that Salmond isn't doing us any favours. Where I differ from Peter, you see, is that although I'm an anti monarchist and want a federation of workers' councils, I'm not afflicted by the romantic nationalism which sees Peter ranting about various shibboleths and holy cows that are incredibly important to him, but which are, as far as class structure is concerned, essentially meaningless. I know Salmond isn't going to offer to help set up a federation of autonomous communities. But that doesn't make me describe him a "traitor"; I don't expect Salmond to do anything other than represent the interests of the business classes. It makes no difference to me what Salmond says on St Andrew's Day. The day holds no significance (other than that it could be a statutory public holiday, which I'll take, thank you very much). It doesn't have me reaching for the green ink and spewing forth a barely readable montage of font sizes that Salmond has defiled the Holy Day. I never had the treaty of Arbroath tattooed on my willie.
So long as I remember that you are a person who supports my imprisonment for replying to your points regarding that court case I should think it unlikely that I could contain my anger at you sufficiently to debate other matters.

That would be like the young Hitler youth shouting "Dirty Jew" at his former school teacher, throwing stones at him and then asking the former teacher to help him with his homework before he was transported for extermination.

The time to help the Hitler youth with his homework was AFTER Hitler was killed and not before.

Sir, I may help you with your politics AFTER your Queen and her family is removed from Scotland but not before I don't think, assuming you and I are not casualties of the revolution which is necessary to bring that state of affairs about.

Until then we are simply enemies. You support my imprisonment and I want your Queen out of Scotland or dead. You are free to read my website.

As ever, a splendidly hatstand post. Not only is it completely bereft of anything resembling reason, but it also manages to continue both the self martyrdom theme and your self comparison of your court case to Hitler's treatment of the jews. Honestly, it's hard to see self-grandioseness on this scale and not be impressed, it's truly a thing of wonder. How can you honestly think that I'd want comic genius such as yours imprisoned? Never!
Is my life a re-enactment of the Holocaust?

You want women to send you photos of their breasts and you are willing (at 47) to procreate with a 16 yr old....Dirty Dow sounds apt I'd say.
Hmmm. I have also had my own "Krystallnacht" when my ground floor window was kicked in by
How can you honestly think that I'd want comic genius such as yours imprisoned? Never!
The Nazis went to elaborate lengths to reassure Jews and other enemies of the Reich that they were not being transported for extermination. Lies about re-settlement to the east, disguising gas chambers as shower rooms and so on.

I think you like it fine that if I debate you regarding that court case I am under threat of imprisonment.
The Nazis went to elaborate lengths to reassure Jews and other enemies of the Reich that they were not being transported for extermination. Lies about re-settlement to the east, disguising gas chambers as shower rooms and so on.

I think you like it fine that if I debate you regarding that court case I am under threat of imprisonment.

Ah, well can we move to a topic of debate where you can express your beliefs freely. How about scottish independence, and the low support figures for it?

I mean, if (per the polls quoted) more than 75% of Scots don't support independence, but you wish it brought around via bloody revolution...does that not make you a traitor to your people?
Ah, well can we move to a topic of debate where you can express your beliefs freely. How about scottish independence, and the low support figures for it?

I mean, if (per the polls quoted) more than 75% of Scots don't support independence, but you wish it brought around via bloody revolution...does that not make you a traitor to your people?
I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave earlier.

So long as I remember that you are a person who supports my imprisonment for replying to your points regarding that court case I should think it unlikely that I could contain my anger at you sufficiently to debate other matters.

That would be like the young Hitler youth shouting "Dirty Jew" at his former school teacher, throwing stones at him and then asking the former teacher to help him with his homework before he was transported for extermination.

The time to help the Hitler youth with his homework was AFTER Hitler was killed and not before.

Sir, I may help you with your politics AFTER your Queen and her family is removed from Scotland but not before I don't think, assuming you and I are not casualties of the revolution which is necessary to bring that state of affairs about.

Until then we are simply enemies. You support my imprisonment and I want your Queen out of Scotland or dead. You are free to read my website.
But I've already assured you that far from being "a person who supports my imprisonment", I would hate to see insight such as yours imprisoned, truly I would.

I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave earlier.

The Nazis went to elaborate lengths to reassure Jews and other enemies of the Reich that they were not being transported for extermination. Lies about re-settlement to the east, disguising gas chambers as shower rooms and so on.

I think you like it fine that if I debate you regarding that court case I am under threat of imprisonment.
I wholeheartedly agree that the plight of peter dow is as bad as, nay, worse than the plight of the jews in nazi germany.

Now, about that Scottish nationalist thing. Why? I mean really, why?
Hmmm. I have also had my own "Krystallnacht" when my ground floor window was kicked in by

Good to know you escaped with your life from the vicious attack documented in that film.

It must be pretty concerning living next to an academy of crime.
The problem, Tim, is your Queen is killing us.

Fuck off, and be a nation again!

It's bad enough having being ruled by the likes of Blair, Brown, Reid and those other North British new Labour careerists and facing a future under the thumb of a Cameron (albeit one with an etonian accent) aided and abetted by Liam Fuckwit Fox; with out you coming on whinging about how awful it is being subsidised by our taxes.
Hi Tim and sorry if I missed out replying to your post in turn.

So is it bad enough to end the United Kingdom by targeting and removing the monarchy, blaming them for appointing the likes of Blair and Brown? Not to mention Thatcher and Major (damn I just mentioned them!) and threatening us with Cameron too?

The thing is I didn't mention taxes in my original post, or maybe I did and I forgot but in any case I don't want anyone outside or inside Scotland paying tax to the United Kingdom whose state spends the money on its own officers to enslave me or other Scots.

Anyway the bloody woman's half Scotch and her son's a kilt fetishist, so I can't see what your problem is. If you don't like sharing, fuck off and take them with you.

I didn't like sharing a cell in Her Majesty's prison and it was not a lot better when I got a cell of my own after a week or two.

The fact that everyone running the Queen's royalist, fascist police state in Scotland is Scottish and the royals pretend to be Scots is neither here nor there.

You can't see what my problem is Tim?

Well I can't show you exactly what the problem is because they don't tend to publish the "afterwards" photos but this is what the Dunblane Primary School children looked like before they were shot to death.


Now a lot of Scots are dying unnecessarily because we live in a police state and the police are VERY stupid and cruel and all the UK state broadcasters (that's the BBC Tim) ever seem to do is put on TV a succession of half-wit politicians who are loyal to the head of state, the Queen, whose officers are getting us killed.

From Peter Dow's Scottish National Standard Bearer website
The Royal Disasters. The Terrorist Killer Queen

You can read daily in your newspaper how the Scots suffer from avoidable murders, crashes, fires, botched medical care and so on - a daily diet of Royal disasters, courtesy of a terrorist killer Queen.

So Tim I am thinking that we Scots need the Queen, her idiot son Charles and anyone else who fancies being Queen or King of Scots, taken out and shot, or have her head cut off or exiled at the very least. Then we can get round to sorting out the rest of her lackeys who have been misruling us.

Is that any help to you Tim? :)
How fucking dare you use Dunblane to put forward your batshit agenda. Killed by a police state? I guess the fucked-up paedophile that was also found shot dead in the gym was there by accident?

Ooh, ooh, I got it! He was another standard bearer and knew too much, and they used a massacre to cover up his assassination? Chrsit, you guys run some risk getting the truth out to us...
The Nazis went to elaborate lengths to reassure Jews and other enemies of the Reich that they were not being transported for extermination. Lies about re-settlement to the east, disguising gas chambers as shower rooms and so on.

I think you like it fine that if I debate you regarding that court case I am under threat of imprisonment.

Are we invading Scotland and gassing the Scots then? How the fuck did I miss this?
Do not allow the SNP fascists to pass! NO PASERAN!

Say what you want about the SNP, but they have done more for the cause of scottish independance than this mentalist could dream of, tbh. By building up a legitamate democratic party, with sound arguments, they've gotten a majority in the scottish parliament, and are at least in a position to push for it now.

Anyway, Peter, well done for not referring to yourself in the third person again in this particular piece of pish.
Peter Dow doesn't look for praise from you. :D

Well the SNP royalist majority are fascists - they don't even support the freedom of an elected MSP to speak in parliament. They would ban elected people who didn't swear allegiance to the Queen and they have previously supported banning MSPs for limited periods of up to one month.

So maybe Salmond and the royalists in the SNP are not the worst fascists in the history of the world but they have certainly got past you tar1984.

"No paseran"? Who are you kidding tar1984? Fascists pass you every day of the week and you don't know it. You are an embarrassment to proud anti-fascists everywhere. Sharpen up your anti-fascist act!

We must allow elected members of parliament to pass into parliament. When the SNP MSPs stop other members of parliament from passing into parliament they are behaving like fascists and although we must allow them to pass into parliament we must not allow their fascist ideas to pass into our brains (don't agree with their fascist ideas in other words).

Of course there is the republican wing of the SNP but I got the feeling recently that even "republican Rose" Cunningham (who was the republican candidate for leadership of the SNP against Salmond) seemed to be part of the undemocratic majority* of MSPs who banned Wendy Alexander MSP from parliament for a day - so even so-called "republicans" in the SNP are behaving like fascists on the odd occasion. Very disappointing. (Wendy too is a bit of a royalist fascist herself but we aren't discussing Labour right now)

So these SNP fascists are doing NOTHING for the independence of the Scottish nation, the people, us. They are only concerned with the independence of the Queen, her ministers or their own party.

Also the SNP is not a democratic party because they don't allow party government by all the members and their leaders prosecute witch-hunts against certain members like the banning of former MSP Campbell Martin.

The only reason the SNP fascists are legitimate in the UK is because the UK has very low standard wherein other even worse fascists like the BNP are considered legitimate.

I don't say "ban the SNP" (I even voted SNP!) but I would like to see the SNP reform themselves, becoming republican and properly democratic. The members of the SNP have much to offer if they were properly led but they are being very badly let down by their royalist fascist leaders like Salmond.

We should not allow the SNP fascists to pass without giving them a very severe row for their fascist conduct and by excluding their Queen from Scotland we can educate them about what should happen to fascists.

So the best way to stop SNP fascists passing is to stop their Queen passing into Scotland.


* I am very pleased to use the phrase "undemocratic majority" in this post. There is a moronic idea going around spread by half-educated apes along the lines of "democracy=majority rule". Democracy means "government by all the people".
I'm not a nationalist, not really. I'd rather see an independant scotland than be ruled from london, but I reckon no matter how good the SNP's intentions, they'd still fuck people over as much as the next rulers if they were in charge here. It's the nature of the ruling classes.

But in lieu of the glorious revolution, it might be slightly preferable to the current state of affairs, I suppose. ;)

So maybe Salmond and the royalists in the SNP are not the worst fascists in the history of the world

You think? :facepalm:
Wales for ever!

Referendum is a great idea, see what the people think.
People think what the telly tells them to think. Why do you think it is called a "telly"? :D

Most people that is. Those of us who discuss politics on the internet are more enlightened and independent-minded of course. ;)

So referenda are always rigged by the state controlling broadcasting and of course newspapers and these days the internet have an input too but the idea that the people think things all on their own is wrong.

Not going to happen though, Salmond probably doesn't mind either, the British parties will grant some concessions to the SNP through more fiscal powers, more devolution etc.
So if the SNP wanted to set up extermination camps to eliminate anyone who considered themselves to be British, should a British party concede to that? Obviously not.

Supposing the victims are just those politically active Scots who consider themselves British and supposing they are just jailed for flying the union flag - should a British party concede to that? No.

There should be no concessions to the fascist SNP. There should be concessions to the Scots to assert new democratic constitutional rights of the people of Scotland (and of the people of Britain) who have been treated for too long like worthless subjects of a rotten kingdom, by the Queen's governments in Westminster and Holyrood.

As a Welsh person I highly support the moderately progressive Scottish Government and believe that if Scotland had control over its own future and its own resources, the policy decisions made there and the general direction of societal development would be preferable to those that are made by Westminster, regardless of which party was in power.
Cymru am byth! Wales for ever!

The SNP government is not progressive. Any government which supports monarchy is a reactionary government.

"if Scotland had control"? This news just in. Lands don't control anything. Lands sit above the tectonic plate and beneath the sky and they get walked all over by the people. This is true for Scotland too.

I am not just being pedantic. You need to ask "WHO EXACTLY is controlling the people?" and pretending that a land controls anything is avoiding the issue.

Overall Scotland has not done that well out of the Union. Time for them to reach for greater things, fulfil their potential and join the rest of the world. We envy you at the moment! Go for it and count yourself lucky that you've got a better national movement than we have!
No the United Kingdom has held Scots, Welsh, English and Irish back.

The best thing about the Scottish national movement is my Scottish National Standard Bearer website so if you think that is better than any Welsh national website then I will accept the praise with thanks. :)

If you haven't read my website then you don't know what you are talking about, with respect. :rolleyes:
People think what the telly tells them to think. Why do you think it is called a "telly"? :D

The best thing about the Scottish national movement is my Scottish National Standard Bearer website so if you think that is better than any Welsh national website then I will accept the praise with thanks. :)

If you haven't read my website then you don't know what you are talking about, with respect. :rolleyes:

This type of thing isn't likely to make people more receptive to your 'argument'.

Nor is trying to shoehorn the dunblane massacre into your mentalist theories.

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