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Are you ready for Salmond's St. Andrew's day betrayal?

The SNP are not nationalists, not really.

I'm not a nationalist, not really.
The SNP are not nationalists, not really. By supporting the Queen they are betraying the nation. So the royalist majority running the SNP are traitors to the nation. Loyal to the Queen but stabbing the Scots right in the heart.

You need to look at what is in the tin to see if it does what it says on the label. Sure the Scottish National Party says "nationalist"
SNP website said:
A left leaning nationalist party
but take one look at their surrender to monarchy and you see that they are anything but nationalists.
The SNP is in favour of the Union of the Crowns

Overall Scotland has not done that well out of the Union. Time for them to reach for greater things, fulfil their potential and join the rest of the world. We envy you at the moment! Go for it and count yourself lucky that you've got a better national movement than we have!
Sorry I forgot to mention that the SNP, as a royalist party, support the Union of the Crowns and having Scotland ruled by Queen Elizabeth as part of her personal union of the kingdoms of Scotland, England and the rest.

So the SNP ARE unionists. They don't like it when you say that about them but so long as they remain supporters of the Union of the Crowns then a variety of unionists perhaps "Unionists-light" is what the SNP are.
Sorry I forgot to mention that the SNP, as a royalist party, support the Union of the Crowns and having Scotland ruled by Queen Elizabeth as part of her personal union of the kingdoms of Scotland, England and the rest.

The Queen doesn't rule, she has no real power, you delusional fool. :facepalm:
The point is Salmond opposes the independence of the Scots

I'd vote for whatever independence option is on offer, in the full knowledge that Salmond isn't doing us any favours. Where I differ from Peter, you see, is that although I'm an anti monarchist and want a federation of workers' councils, I'm not afflicted by the romantic nationalism which sees Peter ranting about various shibboleths and holy cows that are incredibly important to him, but which are, as far as class structure is concerned, essentially meaningless. I know Salmond isn't going to offer to help set up a federation of autonomous communities. But that doesn't make me describe him a "traitor"; I don't expect Salmond to do anything other than represent the interests of the business classes. It makes no difference to me what Salmond says on St Andrew's Day. The day holds no significance (other than that it could be a statutory public holiday, which I'll take, thank you very much). It doesn't have me reaching for the green ink and spewing forth a barely readable montage of font sizes that Salmond has defiled the Holy Day. I never had the treaty of Arbroath tattooed on my willie.
I attended an Aberdeen Trades Council meeting and spoke about anti-fascist strategy to stop the fascist National Front from marching in Aberdeen in 2004 and wrote an article about our successful campaign to stop the fascists marching in Aberdeen in my Scottish Republican News page.

The first party I attended meetings of was the Labour Party. I joined the Socialist Workers Student Organisation in 19 oh 1980 maybe and used to sell the 'Socialist Worker' newspaper around the Edinburgh University campus.

My standard bearer outfit features the colour red and no tartan as yet because it seemed right to represent my roots as a republican socialist who has transitioned into Scottish nationalism at a decent and moderate speed whilst remaining true to my socialist political roots.

So you are misrepresenting the political values which are important to me.

Now the independence which is on offer in Salmond's Shite Paper is independence for the Queen's Scottish state - the independence to allow fascist marches in Scottish cities for example.

So do you want the independence of the Queen and her ministers to allow fascist marches because she and her ministers certainly will allow fascist marches if we surrender the political independence which we should have as Scots, as workers, as citizens, as socialists, to the royalist, fascist police state?

I voted for the referendum for a Scottish parliament because that was a real advance for Scottish democracy but signing over our political independence to the Queen's Scottish state would not be. It would be a reverse for Scottish democracy.

The real political point which you failed to pick up on was the outrage of Salmond's Queen's state independence proposal in stark contrast to the Scottish national independence proposal any honest Scottish nationalist ought to propose.

Salmond is a liar of a royalist fascist but he is not a true Scottish nationalist - and Salmond is that liar on every day of the year. The "St Andrew's Day" remark was made in passing and if that is all you understood you have missed my point completely. :rolleyes:

Now tattoo "Salmond is not offering me independence" on your willie if you are tattooing anything there.

An STV programme I uploaded in 10 parts to YouTube.
* I am very pleased to use the phrase "undemocratic majority" in this post. There is a moronic idea going around spread by half-educated apes along the lines of "democracy=majority rule". Democracy means "government by all the people".

Impressive piece of reasoning there, Peter. Just not sure how it would work in practice.

How about we look at a hypothetical issue. Say, for instance, less than 25% of Scots wanted independence, while more than 75% wanted to remain part of the UK. Could you advise what the "government by all the people" answer would be?

Also, I'm not quite sure what the dunblane picture is meant to demonstrate. Could you elaborate?
Peter, you can, frankly, go to hell. I live in Dunblane, and knew children in that photograph. Friends of mine lost children on that day. I have no idea what sick point you were trying to make, but I'm not interested. You make me sick.
No different to anti gun groups using it to further their agenda.
Very different, in fact. There is no logical connection between republicanism and sickening talk of "before and after" pictures of the Dunblane massacre.

Seriously, Peter, get help.

I should come to the Scotland forum more often.

Peter, you are a very strange man, if not a little scary. :)

But you will get the treatment on here if you try to use the personal tragedy of others to push your political agenda. Bad things will sometimes happen in your brave new Scotland too, you know. ;)
No she doesn't. She uses the first person plural form, the so-called royal "we".
I don't think she even uses that any more, tbh.

I think Peter just needs to pop his cherry. That's a lot of years' worth of frustration simmering away in there. Well, bubbling away furiously, in fact.


Peter, you are a legend.

As are your assorted websites.

If you'd consider turning gay, I for one would gladly consider something or other forbidden by a sizeable proportion of major religions.

My hip-to-waist ratio is kinda there, and everythink :cool:
I don't support that Salmond/SNP-royalist thing!

I wholeheartedly agree that the plight of peter dow is as bad as, nay, worse than the plight of the jews in nazi germany.
I don't think I wrote that or implied that. :confused:

No it is more a question of dead is dead whether the dead person be a victim of the Nazis or a victim of disasters of UK royalist fascist police state such as the victims of the royal disaster of the Dunblane Primary School Massacre or the victims of a more recent royal disaster - the 16 dead in the North Sea helicopter crash. Victims are equally as dead whatever the evil repressive state which is responsible for the deaths.

The other point is in the process of killing people, the supporters of both regimes, the Nazis and the UK, tell lies, give false reassurances which no-one should believe and said supporters are very comfortable when political opponents of the regime are denied the right to speak and to publish freely to expose the state's wrong doing.

The Nazis and the UK are not an exact parallel to be sure but there are certain parallels I submit.

Whilst I do need my life and my freedom in order to help others, my campaigning efforts are not soley directed and concerned with state attacks against myself only. Sometimes in the past I have been more on the defensive when the state has come after me and on those occasions I am more introspective and considering my own fate.

However, in the OP of this thread and in I posted in post 11, my complaint is with regard to the betrayal of the Scots. So I would invite consideration in this post as regards the plight of the Scots, not so much my own plight.

Consideration of my own plight is not the intention of this thread and I invite contributors to stay on topic.

Now, about that Scottish nationalist thing. Why? I mean really, why?
Why not get out of the reach of the UK state any which way we can?

Abandon ship all hands from HMS UK and if there can be a Scottish life-boat let's not have the same rotten captain Queen Elizabeth who has been throwing good citizens overboard the HMS UK whenever the ship's crew feel like it. These royalist officers are pirate scum bags. Abandon ship!

Yes of course I care about all the passengers on board the old ship HMS UK and I want to see them saved too.

It would be nice if there was a British independence movement - (not the UKIP - those guys have lost the plot - the UK is already independent but it is the British people who are enslaved by the UK state - the UK state is the threat, not the EU). A British independence movement would be for a British republic to replace the UK.

Or if the USA invaded and overthrew the UK monarchy.

I don't really mind who saves the Scots but in the absence of Britons, Americans, Europeans or anyone else coming to save us Scots from the Queen then we Scots should save ourselves. Hence let's have real Scottish democracy, independence and a republican solution to the Scots plight under the UK tyranny.

One point I try to make a lot is that whilst the SNP are nominally "nationalists" so they say, you do need to question whether the SNP leaders are good nationalists or don't have a clue really.

I am concerned that although I have been very scathing about Salmond and the SNP royalists there are still some contributors here who don't "get" that I am opposed to Salmond's royalist vision for Scotland and I don't support his ridiculous contortion of the word "independence" to mean "supporting the same old Queen as head of state of Scotland". So perhaps a few images might help to make that point.




So if you are asking me about "that Scottish nationalist thing" you need to distinguish between "that Salmond/SNP-royalist thing" which I disown and want no part of, on the one hand, and on the other hand, real Scottish nationalism which would necessary mean a Scottish republic which I am all for and now!
No it is more a question of dead is dead whether the dead person be a victim of the Nazis or a victim of disasters of UK royalist fascist police state such as the victims of the royal disaster of the Dunblane Primary School Massacre or the victims of a more recent royal disaster - the 16 dead in the North Sea helicopter crash. Victims are equally as dead whatever the evil repressive state which is responsible for the deaths.

Just so I'm clear - the queen was responsible for Dunblane and the Miller crash?

If I have interpreted that correctly, could you advise the reasoning behind it?
The Queen's police shoot Scots dead for no reason

Mr Dow is the kind of fellow that makes me proud to be a Scot.
I see you give your location as "Brixton", teuchter.

Well if you are a Scot who lives in London then beware because you know what the Queen's police officers do to Scots in London, don't you?

Wikipedia said:
Harry Stanley

Harry Stanley (c. 1953–22 September 1999) was a painter and decorator who was fatally shot by police in controversial circumstances.

Stanley was born in Bellshill, near Glasgow, Scotland, where he lived for the first 19 years of his life. He moved to London in the early 1970s in search of work, and married his childhood sweetheart, Irene. They had three children, and grandchildren, and lived in Hackney, East London. The 46-year-old painter and decorator had only recently been released from hospital after an operation for colon cancer at the time of his death.

On 22 September 1999, he was returning home from the Alexandra Pub in South Hackney carrying, in a plastic bag, a table leg that had been repaired by his brother earlier that day. Someone had phoned the police to report "an Irishman with a gun wrapped in a bag".

Close to his home, Inspector Neil Sharman and PC Kevin Fagan, the crew of a Metropolitan police Armed Response Vehicle challenged Mr. Stanley from behind. As he turned to face them, they shot him dead at a distance of 15 feet (5 m)
Then of course Jean Charles de Menezes was from Brazil so the Queen's police are equal opportunity murderers.
The Queen is my enemy

She's your queen just as much as she is "Tim"'s queen, you loon.
She is not my Queen. She is not Queen of Scots she just imposes herself as Queen of the state which enslaves Scots. She does the same to Britons.

I am a republican and republicans don't support Queens or Kings or royal families or kingdoms. Republicans want to have presidents of republics, not monarchs as heads of state.

The people she is Queen of, is not the Scottish or British nations but the UK loyalists. If you are a willing UK national then OK she is your Queen.

If you are a proud Scot, a proud Englishman, a proud Briton or whatever but you don't agree with being ruled as a subject of the United Kingdom then she is not yours, she is theirs. They have forced her upon us.

She is my enemy, that is what she is to me.

She is the Queen. She is not my Queen. If I had a Queen like that I would stamp on her like I would a house spider. :mad:
Politics is about those we love

How fucking dare you use Dunblane to put forward your batshit agenda.
I dare because I care. Politics is about people we love or it is not about anything.

My agenda is to stop such royal disasters happening and to save the lives of innocents.

Killed by a police state? I guess the fucked-up paedophile that was also found shot dead in the gym
The police state gave Hamilton a police fire arms certificate and they stopped everyone else disarming him.

The police state didn't mean to kill the children but the police state did kill them. Like a drunk driver didn't mean to kill that child but he did kill that child nevertheless.

From Peter Dow's Scottish National Standard Bearer website
Dunblane Primary School Massacre Inquiry Cover-up Revealed

Explicitly, what protected those accommodating Hamilton explicitly was the legal and administrative gags on free speech - enforced ultimately by the judiciary - royalist, fascist laws and a royalist, fascist state.


Now a good new head of state - a president - should be elected who will lead the fight against the judges and the police who are denying us freedom - but there is no use hoping that the fascist judiciary with their royal warrants are going to be removed while Elizabeth is still here in Scotland as Queen.

Nor is there any point in expecting a judicial inquiry, like Cullen’s, ever to point the finger of blame for the Dunblane Massacre at the judiciary and the whole Scottish legal system - police, prosecutors, courts and the rest.

Do turkeys vote for Christmas? No they wouldn’t even if they could.

And neither will a judge ever condemn his own profession for imposing fascism in place of the freedom and democracy that we need to protect ourselves from the likes of Thomas Hamilton.
She is not my Queen. She is not Queen of Scots she just imposes herself as Queen of the state which enslaves Scots. She does the same to Britons.

I am a republican and republicans don't support Queens or Kings or royal families or kingdoms. Republicans want to have presidents of republics, not monarchs as heads of state.

The people she is Queen of, is not the Scottish or British nations but the UK loyalists. If you are a willing UK national then OK she is your Queen.

If you are a proud Scot, a proud Englishman, a proud Briton or whatever but you don't agree with being ruled as a subject of the United Kingdom then she is not yours, she is theirs. They have forced her upon us.

She is my enemy, that is what she is to me.

She is the Queen. She is not my Queen. If I had a Queen like that I would stamp on her like I would a house spider. :mad:

Have you ever stopped to consider that you might be somewhat insane?
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