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Are you ready for Salmond's St. Andrew's day betrayal?

Well while you have been saving the Queen, the people have been getting killed by the brutal stupidity of the Queen's state.

I'd rather save the people myself.
All your missing there is... FREEDOM!!! :D

Steady there Braveheart!! I think most people realise in both Scotland and the UK that the monarchy has very little impact on our lives - its just pomp and ceremony at the end of the day and no one really cares.
Most people believe (or "realise") what they are led to believe by the UK state broadcasters who promote the Queen and family daily as both "essential" and yet "doing no harm". It is royalist propaganda and lies which people believe and come to accept as inevitable.

The monarchy gets some people DEAD. Just watch the very same news that promotes the Queen and you will see stories about people killed in lands ruled by a state the Queen is head of, many of whom could have been saved had the state done a good job which it could have done, had the state had a good president instead of a rotten monarch.

The Queen has nothing to do with legislation in the UK and wouldn't effect an independent Scotland at the end of the day.
Wrong. The Queen gives royal assent to legislation and by having a rubber-stamping monarch there you can't have a good president refusing to sign into law undemocratic unconstitutional legislation which gets people killed - such as the defamation laws.

As stirring and inspirational your post is with comments such as 'the saltire used as the Queens butchers apren' and 'under the brutal heel of the Queens ministers' :facepalm: it sounds like you are a millenia behind in the debate.
No in fact monarchy is the medieval system of government. The modern system of government is to have a republic.

how about you raise an army and march upon Stirling to throw off the yoke of English imperialism :D
The imperialism of the UK is as much anti-English as it is anti-Scottish. The English too are prevented from electing a president of an English republic.
The monarchy gets some people DEAD. Just watch the very same news that promotes the Queen and you will see stories about people killed in lands ruled by a state the Queen is head of, many of whom could have been saved had the state done a good job which it could have done, had the state had a good president instead of a rotten monarch.

Says the guy who wants Condoleeza Rice to be president :facepalm:
I'm sorry I am a republican but Peter Dow is dangerous.
Any political activist who adopts some sort of fascistic looking military uniform can not have peace at heart.
We have too many people from history who strutted around in uniform.
BIN&BAN for militaristic shit and general fruitloopery.

Apart from that all of his threads include large amount of spammy text.
Most people believe (or "realise") what they are led to believe by the UK state broadcasters who promote the Queen and family daily as both "essential" and yet "doing no harm". It is royalist propaganda and lies which people believe and come to accept as inevitable.

The monarchy gets some people DEAD. Just watch the very same news that promotes the Queen and you will see stories about people killed in lands ruled by a state the Queen is head of, many of whom could have been saved had the state done a good job which it could have done, had the state had a good president instead of a rotten monarch.

Wrong. The Queen gives royal assent to legislation and by having a rubber-stamping monarch there you can't have a good president refusing to sign into law undemocratic unconstitutional legislation which gets people killed - such as the defamation laws.

No in fact monarchy is the medieval system of government. The modern system of government is to have a republic.

Do you really think everything would be so much better just by getting rid of the queen and replacing her with a President!?? The system as a whole needs to be overhauled to create more balanced and democratic legislation. Having a different individual as head of state isn't going to suddenly create a more fair or democratic system. What we need to look at instead are things such as proportional voting systems and representative revising chambers and commitee systems that have the necessary powers to properly review, ammend and even block proposed legislation. This would be a far more pluralistic and democratic system that would be representative of societies needs.

Countries such as Holland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark all have monarchys as heads of state....yet they are some of the most progressive, pluralistic and democraticly representative countries in Europe.

Instead you blame all of societies woes on a mere figurehead! Whilst caught up in your republican hysteria and cliches you have forgotten to look at the more pressing constitutional problems that we face today.
If only you'd put this much effort into your MSc dissertation ... :facepalm:
the court heard that his dissertation was only about 20 pages long and was of extremely poor quality. It had been failed by both internal and external assessors and had gone through all of the university's appeals procedures.

Lord Kirkwood said Mr Dow's allegations were completely without foundation, and that the university had acted throughout with consummate fairness and a great deal of restraint.
Well while you have been saving the Queen, the people have been getting killed by the brutal stupidity of the Queen's state.

I'd rather save the people myself.

You're right of course; the U.S.A. with its presidential system is so much better. :facepalm:

The Queen gives royal assent to legislation and by having a rubber-stamping monarch there you can't have a good president refusing to sign into law undemocratic unconstitutional legislation which gets people killed - such as the defamation laws.

People have been killed because of the defamation laws? :confused:
If the monarchy don't do much as some people are saying then why keep it in the referendum?

If Peter doesn't want the monarchy to be involved in the running of Scotland then what about the EUs influence on it?
I'm sorry I am a republican but Peter Dow is dangerous.
A politically dangerous opponent to the UK monarchy in Scotland I like to think so. Otherwise harmless.

Any political activist who adopts some sort of fascistic looking military uniform can not have peace at heart.
My Standard Bearer outfit is NOT fascist-looking, does have a military-surplus jacket but modified so as not to confuse with any existing uniform, is a one-of and therefore is not uniformly the same as anyone else's outfit so is not a "uniform".

Peace with justice and freedom I do have at heart but I am indicating that there needs to be a military dimension to our politics if we are to defeat the real fascists - the monarchists.

I do contrast my pro-military politics with those of the most dangerous pacifists who get many people killed by encouraging the disarming of good people which makes them easier prey for bad people with arms.

We have too many people from history who strutted around in uniform.
Perhaps your preferred dress-style was the "naturist" style adopted by prisoners of the Nazis as they were marched naked into the gas chambers for poisoning? That is the dress sense we will all be wearing if pacifists like you are ever taken seriously in a political forum.

The Nazis in uniforms were defeated solely by good men and women in uniform. So by insulting these good people in uniform as "too many" you insult those who defeated the Nazis.

BIN&BAN for militaristic shit and general fruitloopery.
Pacifist "fruitloopery" would be the removing of discussion of the military from a political forum and was exactly what allowed the rise of the Nazis. You stand accused of the same political error as pacifists after the 1st world war who left Europe at the mercy of the Nazis.

Apart from that all of his threads include large amount of spammy text.
I think you will find that I am giving a good account of my views when I am allowed to.
The EU can't transmit through tinfoil.

A politically dangerous opponent to the UK monarchy in Scotland I like to think so. Otherwise harmless.

My Standard Bearer outfit is NOT fascist-looking, does have a military-surplus jacket but modified so as not to confuse with any existing uniform, is a one-of and therefore is not uniformly the same as anyone else's outfit so is not a "uniform".



I particularly like the way you have fashioned your "Dow" name badge out of the kind of stick-on letters you might see in a 1970s hotel. Also I note the reflective strips on the wrists. Are you a keen cyclist?
Do you really think everything would be so much better just by getting rid of the queen and replacing her with a President!??
No. For those who like to sing "God Save the Queen" things might even be worse. I am not saying they should not be allowed to sing it but it might sound kind of hollow if she is in exile or her head is in the same basket as King Charles 1st's was.

The constitutional precedent of us removing the UK monarchy in favour of an elected president would be much better for future generations than this generation never having done so.

As for other matters, much would depend on the quality of the individual elected as president and other factors like how easy it was to impeach or recall a poor president and elect someone better in their place and what constitutional powers for citizens were respected allowing them to make up for any deficiencies in a poor but continuing president.

The system as a whole needs to be overhauled to create more balanced and democratic legislation.

Having a different individual as head of state isn't going to suddenly create a more fair or democratic system.
Well a different monarch isn't going to help at all.

What we need to look at instead are things such as proportional voting systems and representative revising chambers and commitee systems that have the necessary powers to properly review, ammend and even block proposed legislation. This would be a far more pluralistic and democratic system that would be representative of societies needs.
The big change needed is constitutional protections to speak out and to protest, for elected members in parliament and ordinary citizens outside.

Countries such as Holland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark all have monarchys as heads of state....yet they are some of the most progressive, pluralistic and democraticly representative countries in Europe.
Which all goes to prove that the actual person who is head of state matters. Whether monarch or president, the head of state is head of shit happens.

Although, a good king gives temporary relief from the fear of a bad king it is no long term protection at all.

Instead you blame all of societies woes on a mere figurehead!
A "mere" figurehead head of state is the same disaster as a "mere" figurehead fire-brigade which allows the town to burn down. The state needs to be headed up by someone who does the job of making the state serve the people and not enslave us.

Whilst caught up in your republican hysteria and cliches you have forgotten to look at the more pressing constitutional problems that we face today.
Well I am not sure how you can come to that view without reading my website in full. How do you know what I have forgotten unless you have read everything I have remembered to say in the past?
You're right of course; the U.S.A. with its presidential system is so much better.
In many practical ways, the USA is indeed so much better than the UK, not for everyone, not for victims of a miscarriage of justice on death row, not for the poor very often and not for the victims of the desperate poor who have turned to crime in order to survive.

In constitutional ways, the USA is incomparably better and that means that the USA is theoretically never much more than about 4 years away from constitutionally solving any problem solvable by government because in that time a new president as head of state could have been elected and a good Congress elected he or she can work with.

The USA is not however a perfect democracy and to approach that more perfect democracy needs constitutional amendments. For example, under the current constitution, a 2/3 majority of any house of Congress can expel an elected member for "disorderly conduct".

This tends to enforce the two party system more than is healthy because a member requires to be defended by at least one third of the members otherwise he or she can be put out like a dog despite their democratic mandate from their electors.

This USA is still better than UK parliaments when any member can be put out like a dog by a simple majority or for not swearing allegiance to the Queen.

People have been killed because of the defamation laws?
Indirectly yes and maybe someone killed every day who might otherwise have been saved had people been free to speak out and to publish their concerns and not terrorised into silence or avoiding mentioning the danger directly anyway.

I can begin to explain this to you best by looking at a well researched case of people killed - such as the Dunblane Primary School massacre which I have analysed here.
Dunblane Primary School Massacre Inquiry Cover-up Revealed

In brief, the defamation laws prevented people with concerns about the gunman raising the public alarm in the years before the massacre which would have got him disarmed of his firearms.

So the blood of the Dunblane Primary school children is on the hands of the Queen and all those who support her.

That is just one example of people being killed who could and would have been saved with better laws and betters courts to uphold those better laws but such deaths happen all the time.

The Royal Disasters - The Terrorist Killer Queen
I was going to do a satire thread of this and Upchucks famous thread, called "Lunch with Alex Salmond - I have been betrayed."

I decided against it, but thought I'd share that anyway.
If the monarchy don't do much as some people are saying then why keep it in the referendum?
There is no good reason.

If Peter doesn't want the monarchy to be involved in the running of Scotland then what about the EUs influence on it?
The EU has gone along with the European monarchies and has not issued EU arrest warrants for the UK Queen and family and put them on trial in the Hague or put them someplace else out of harms way.

On the contrary, the EU has influenced the British people with the idea that the UK can be worked with instead of overthrown, which is not good.

So the EU influence has negative aspects - on the other hand it is wrong to see the EU as the main enemy. The main enemy is the monarchy.
Which all goes to prove that the actual person who is head of state matters. Whether monarch or president, the head of state is head of shit happens.

Although, a good king gives temporary relief from the fear of a bad king it is no long term protection at all.


How does that prove that a head of state matters? Holland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden all have monarchys much like our own that are purely there for tradition and ceremony. These countries dont have a President as a head of state, yet they are very progressive and democratic, and have some of the best living standards in the world.

I would much rather their model over the US system anyday.
How does that prove that a head of state matters? Holland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden all have monarchys much like our own that are purely there for tradition and ceremony. These countries dont have a President as a head of state, yet they are very progressive and democratic, and have some of the best living standards in the world.

I would much rather their model over the US system anyday.
Well the people who were massacred at Srebrenica by Serb fascists under the noses of Dutch forces under the command of the Dutch Queen would have preferred a better protector so let's not get starry-eyed about European monarchs other than the UK monarch.

Well the state certainly matters the most - different state policies implemented leading to different degrees of progressiveness, wealth distribution, democracy and so on - and the head of state is entitled to the formal credit and the blame for all the state gets up to.

The state buck stops with the head of state, always, a monarch in a kingdom, even supposing you are TOLD they are only ceremonial that is never strictly true.

Of course the monarch and royal family matter as to what the state does. The fact is they speak, express their opinions in private to government ministers and sometimes which are broadcast and that has an effect, sometimes good, sometimes bad.
A "mere" figurehead head of state is the same disaster as a "mere" figurehead fire-brigade which allows the town to burn down.

The state needs to be headed up by someone who does the job of making the state serve the people and not enslave us.

By that I mean things like Jean Charles de Menezes is just as dead because the head of state did not sack the Prime Minister of the day (Blair) or the Metropolitan Police Chief Constable (also Blair) who ordered his police officers to train to react in such a way as to shoot an innocent man, as a person who burns to death in a fire would be dead because the fire-brigade didn't bother to put the fire out.

Heads of state need to sack bad ministers and chiefs of police.

Fire-brigades need to put fires out.

If heads of states or fire-brigades are just figureheads who just drive around waving from royal cars or fire-engines and don't do the job that they need to do then people die.

Now fire-brigades who don't put out fires are unheard of - but a head of state who doesn't sack bad prime ministers when they should be sacked is called "Queen Elizabeth".
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