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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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It ends with a note of disgust at the tie-wearing centre-right:

"Stepping out into the sparkling Docklands night, it felt like I had just attended the party at the end of the world. Televised debates may be new and exciting, but the magnitude of the crisis facing my generation is frighteningly misunderstood by the tie-wearing centre-right politicians of today."

Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your ties​
...Theory can be a tool and a weapon, I'm just not sure its useful when it becomes something to bind yourself to, a system of beliefs, an identifier. Theory can help reveal the world to people who use it but a lot of the time I think it does precisely the opposite, becoming more important to people than the problems, relationships, situations right in front of them.

Reading the contributions on this and other threads, it should become clear that most people are primarily interested in

the problems, relationships, situations right in front of them​

and are using theory to help them understand and deal with those probs etc, rather than as an end in itself.

The real "tool" is the person who thinks they don't need any theory, who attempts to deal with their situation on the basis of subjective experience and nothing else.
This is where clowns at the top lead to. British intersectionalists have retweeted this:

Hatchet-job Hodges has a go at LP, but has closed the comments thread. What's he scared of?

This morning Laurie Penny has had a little pop at me in The Guardian for not taking my privilege seriously enough. She has a bigger pop at Louise Mensch, who strangely is fast becoming a bigger hate figure to the feminist movement than Jeremy Clarkson, but I merit a guest appearance in Laurie’s piece.
“Being made aware of your privilege can feel a lot like being attacked, or called a bad person, and when that happens you sometimes get the urge to stamp your feet and scream, as Dan Hodges did at the Telegraphin another swipe at those pesky privilege-checkers,” she wrote. I actually thought I was being quite restrained, but adopting a stance different to anyone on the Left these days is immediately characterised as a “strop” or “rant”, so we can probably let that one pass.
Laurie, as ever, makes some valid points, and her assertion that “Dan, it's not all about you” admittedly had never occurred to me before. Others are less valid. “When someone asks you to check your privilege, it doesn't mean you should stop talking – it means you should start listening, and sometimes that involves giving the other person in the room a chance to speak”, she says. Which if you think about it, does actually mean you should stop talking.
I can't believe this rubbish appears to be one of the dominant narratives on the left at the moment. I mean, no-one is saying this stuff doesn't matter, but we're living through one of the worst periods of politics in recent memory - this is arguably worse than the Thatcher years now - and all the stuff which people have fought for for many years is being dismantled and sold/given to the private sector....and people are privilege point-scoring when arguably their efforts could be better directed elsewhere

ah fuck it, it's too depressing :(

It's not so much a "dominant narrative of the left", as it is a dominant narrative in a politico-journalistic bubble of mostly middle-class Oxbridge-ites who deludedly believe themselves to represent anything other than pushy middle-class gobshites like themselves.

Most of these cunts will walk away from intersectionality when they get tired of it, because it doesn't really affect the world they live in. It's a game to play to reinforce their own hegemony, while pretending that it doesn't. How does it reinforce their hegemony? It does so by channeling other activists into a futile attempt to quantify a hierarchy of oppression that doesn't actually exist.
Hatchet-job Hodges has a go at LP, but has closed the comments thread. What's he scared of?

Penny Dreadful's wonderful at both listening to opposite POV and giving people a chance to speak. No doubt the near-instant blocking of anyone on Twitter saying something she disagrees with is a plot perpetuated by some evil misogynist hacker to discredit her quality reportage and infallible politics.
Hatchet-job Hodges has a go at LP, but has closed the comments thread. What's he scared of?

Have you ever read Telegraph comments? Their commentators can turn the comments section of something as innocuous as rhubarb crumble recipes into a forum for the discussion of the conspiracy of BBC-led Judeo-Marxist-Feminism to inundate Britain with immigrants just waiting to harvest the brains of heterosexual Christian children to stop them growing up into UKIP voters.
This is where clowns at the top lead to. British intersectionalists have retweeted this:


This photo - and I'm sorry, but I don't know how to resize it - was taken in the Elmina slaver's castle in Cape Coast city in Ghana. I was told it was put there by representatives of local chiefs who were apologising for the role of their predecessors in assisting the slave trade.

E2A: SCHEISSE, I can't figure out how to upload the damn thing.
Isn't this precisely the same kind of mindset as people who blame all Muslims for 9/11, or use dodgy crime statistics to make out black people are all criminals?

Mirror image racism IMO

And any pointing out of the above to your average intersectionalista will get you called a "racist".

So I wouldn't tweet such an observation to La Pennionara, if I were you! ;)
This photo - and I'm sorry, but I don't know how to resize it - was taken in the Elmina slaver's castle in Cape Coast city in Ghana. I was told it was put there by representatives of local chiefs who were apologising for the role of their predecessors in assisting the slave trade.

E2A: SCHEISSE, I can't figure out how to upload the damn thing.

Pu ze link up.
also werent irish people also sold as slaves?

Not exactly - IIRC, they were sold off to Scandinavia and the West Indies as indentured labour. I think there are still villages of Irish descent in Jamaica, where the people just "keep themselves to themselves, like".
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