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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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On priviliege

Dear whitepeople, straightpeople, cispeople, men: it's not about you. The work that anti-racists, feminists, queer activists and other equality agitators do to combat privilege and prejudice actually has nothing to do with you. No really, listen up.

Class politics has nothing to do with you then right?

(p-lease penny haters, read this one in full - it's truly astonishing)
We are the mods! we are the mods!

Labour's new cohort knows what it's like to lose. We are, after all, the lost generation. We don't expect our dreams and ideals to be realised without a fight, and we don't expect much help from the grown-ups. There is a profound sense at this party conference that the elder generation of Labour statespeople has failed us, and that the time for deference is finally done. "Young Labour is buzzing with ideas, enthusiasm and anticipation of what can be achieved following this conference," said Tarry. With the politicians who saddled us with debt, tanked the economy and took us into Iraq shuffling off into the twilight, one thing's certain: it's our turn now.
First broadcast Thursday 4th November


edit: That means it was a repeat doesn't it? was the strike the friday/saturday or thursday/friday?

It was the Friday/Saturday, although it wouldn't have surprised me if she'd scabbed given her position on unions.

It's always amazed me that people can get paid to basically have opinions, but it stands out even more when those opinions aren't even all that well thought through. Still, she's spotted a niche and none of the people commissioning her care especially whether what she writes makes sense.
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