forward communism, forward gerbils!
Trealover banned? Fuck me, the mods have been busy this afternoon.
what happened with all the rest? and was lletsa reckoning that he could pass himself off as being treelover?
Trealover banned? Fuck me, the mods have been busy this afternoon.
I think it's part of a new, wider movement. An encouraging sign.Trealover banned? Fuck me, the mods have been busy this afternoon.
All the rest who?what happened with all the rest?
LLETSA paying another visit perhaps?Trealover banned? Fuck me, the mods have been busy this afternoon.
Toggle and ymu got 2 day bans, as did Prince Bert. Reckon Firky almost got one but made an apology instead and dodged a bullet.All the rest who?
Toggle and ymu got 2 day bans, as did Prince Bert. Reckon Firky almost got one but made an apology instead and dodged a bullet.
What's the history to all of this then?i noted that ymu and toggle had both been greyed out. i suppose i could go and look...
A 92 page thread over in nobbing and sobbing. It is not pleasant reading, if you're minded.What's the history to all of this then?
Bloody hell, just had quite the twitter discussion with an intersectionalist. It was actually quite interesting in that she was willing to follow the logic of her own argument as far as arguing that men who agreed with her were exercising privilege by disagreeing with anti-feminist women. Even if they listened carefully first.
“I don’t know how I could transition into a life where money is a necessity after living like this as soon as I moved out of my parents. Like paying rent, apart from being a soul destroying concept to me in itself, the pressure of getting that money paid on time would stress me out so much. And full time employment on minimum wage (or less for migrants) and knowing all the hard work you do benefits you the least and what little you do get for it all goes on keeping a roof over your head and food on your table.So although people sometimes say to me “it’s really good you can live for nothing” I always admire people for surviving and struggling in the fucked system we have now. Not everyone can drop out if it (or aspects of it) without facing much more violence, discrimination and general hardship than my lil white butt gets. Squatting ain’t easy, just difficult in different ways but people making the best life they can out of what they have is always what inspires me, not whether they pay for stuff or not.”
I just had somebody comment on my blog, I think that basically they thought that because I was objecting to the concept of trigger warnings etc I must be some sort of sexist man, they assumed I was a man, without even reading what I was saying. I found their blog where they had reposted my post and completely misrepresented my words, while posting stuff like this
went to a feminist fightback party last night. expectedly, me and my friends were the only non-white people there. we asked if they could play some hip hop and some honkey feminists said "no, hip hop is misogynistic" to which i responded "whoa, dats kinda racist", they spent the next few hrs angry and glaring at me thinking of how they could kick us out without looking racist. they walked around the party getting comforted from other white people about how they arent racist. later on in the night the two came up to me to "talk this out, since we take these accusations very seriously." (aka: please tell us we're not racist!). i reassured them that in the pecking order of the most racist things in the world what they said was pretty low but that reducing an entire genre of black music as misogynistic is not only completely ignorant but also stems from a particular kind of racism. lets just say they didn't agree, the next thing they asked was: "do you support the east london mosque?" as i stood there with a glass full of gin and very little tonic in my hand i didnt know what they were on about, 'erm what? sure yeah i do i guess why wouldn't i?, but thats a strange question, why do u ask?" to which they got up furiously. we left after that never to return to a feminist fightback party ever again. Facebook: im confused, why did they ask if i supported the east london mosque and why did my answer upset them so much?
Link to the blog?
Fairooz Aniqa ' it just reminds me of being beaten and having my whole family threatened for being white' OH POOR YOU, now translate that to literally every brown family facing the same shit, but, not on a one off basis, but EVERY FUCKING DAY, and while we're at it lets also think about alll of the brown people across parts of Africa and the Middle East who get the shit BOMBED out of their family because they're brown (bombed by the white govt of the USA/UK that is) and also every time there is a bomb going off having people calling for your head because you're brown and every brown person is at fault for one persons actions, suddenly your problem don't seem so big no more. Remember when all those horrible brown people institutionally oppressed the poor whites and took away their land, families, jobs, homes? remember when the browns had the poor whites in shackles and sold them off as slaves and beat them/whipped them til they bled? NO? that's because it never happened. So I can call you a honkey til i'm blue in the face but you will never ever, EVER face oppression or hate in the way that brown communities do. HONKEY!
Jennifer Izaakson Simmer, honkey is not racist. Cracker is not racist. Big mashpotato-face cream-cake is not racist when directed to a white person about being white. Racism is not some post-modern bullshit about 'language' and that we can decide its meaning - it's about structural fucking oppression and systemic discrimination. Historical oppression is what words are loaded with, and why racist slurs are indeed slurs, and it's oppression that is missing when I call my white friend a fucking cream-cake.
Robin Burrett Death to honkeys and crackers.
Elena Papamichael earl Cameron, the word honkey comes from the Senegalese for "white" that was used by slaves to speak about their slave owners so sorry if it offends you to be reminded about slavery every once in a while
Misrepresentation and also so arrogant "consider this your education" (for example). The person's own blog contains a lot of self indulgent, spoilt nonsense.<link removed>
i do realise that whats true for me might not be true for everyone but i'm fucking furious at how the person chose to misrepresent my words tbh
So are the people reblogging it, do they have no idea how they sound?Just read the reply. Good god this person is a moron.
There is nothing more alarming than white anarchist/leftist men undermining/disregarding/”critiquing” safer spaces policies.
The person's basically showing off to their mates, I think. Regurgitating bits and pieces they've cobbled together without doing any kind of analysis or even thinking about it too much. Grandiose grandstanding.they got my gender completely wrong, its like they assumed because i disagreed with them i have never experienced any of this and am also some kind of sex pest, and they also have blatantly not read anything else on the site where i talk about racism and sexism.
check your fucking privilege ffs
I just had somebody comment on my blog, I think that basically they thought that because I was objecting to the concept of trigger warnings etc I must be some sort of sexist man, they assumed I was a man, without even reading what I was saying. I found their blog where they had reposted my post and completely misrepresented my words, while posting stuff like this
The apology seems genuine. I'm reluctant to edit my posts altogether because that's how I felt about it; but I see the person says they feel unsafe about the gender specifics (if I understood that correctly) so I've made some edits which I hope are OK for them.well the person has apologised now, lets hope they learn something from it