Above the threshold everyone will have to be an enterprise for himself or for
his family. A society formalized on the model of the enterprise, of the
competitive enterprise, will be possible above the threshold, and there
will be simply a minimum security, that is to say, the nullification of
certain risks on the basis of a low level threshold. That is to say, there
will be a population which, from the point of view of the economic
baseline, will be constantly moving between, on the one hand, assistance
provided in certain eventualities when it falls below the threshold and,
on the other, both its use and its availability for use according to economic
needs and possibilities. It will therefore be a kind of infra- and
supra-liminal floating population, a liminal population which, for an
economy that has abandoned the objective of full employment, will be a
constant reserve of manpower which can be drawn on if need be, but
which can also be returned to its assisted status if necessary."
Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics