You don't remember what it was like when Ian Curtis died maaaaan!
Why aren't you having a pop at J Ed? He posted it first and then later commented on it. Surely a much more worthy target of your righteous ire?
muscovyduck I hope this does not sound patronising but you are way more clever than me when I was 17, at least you have the right idea, when i was your age i was a zionist
Is it true you had a poster of Jabotinsky on your wall?
Whilst supporting the war in iraq. The role of journalist.
which is....?
The role of journalist, and what it requires to exist, the role of specialists and what social-relations they demand (bit of immanent critique there), how recuperation works, how social-movements talk to themselves - not whether something is a good bit of writing that you (not you personally) agree with or not.
whats happened to this topic? firky trying his best to act like he is grown up and mature now, complaints that butchers isn't arguing with enough people. the last twenty or so pages have been proper rubbish
Milne is better but it's very student anti-imperialism.Why do you think that is? I mean, I have nothing really to contribute to criticism to Seumas Milne, I don't know about the specifics of the case but the overall narrative that he's suggesting seems plausible to me. Regardless of his class background, he's always struck me as one of the better contributors to cif, I like his articles on Latin America.
What is wrong with Greenwald? I have to admit, I really like him and have for some time. His work on Portuguese drug policy is great.
I haven't followed the Assange issue very closely, but what are the criticisms of either of these two?
seriously, i didn't even know who most of these people were, and if someone had mentioned jabotinsky or whatever to me and some of the things they did, i'd just assume that was propaganda to slag off israel, i remember telling people that many of the things israel were supposed to have done was filmed by people to make money and that sort of stuff
i was a fucking idiot, a bit racist as well. i don't mind admitting it now though, and i know that if i had known (and believed) the truth of what was going on there, i'd never have agreed with it at all but i had all these naive views about it. i don't think i ever agreed with it all tbh, but i could like rationalise it so that i did and i can remember argueing things with people which if i heard now it would literally be the land of a thousand facepalms
at least i found this stuff out for myself though, i dont mind laughing about it now, but its given me at least a bit of an insight into the sort of pseudo answers that zionism etc can provide.
there are loads of people out there who were way more intelligent and mature than i was at my age, they might not be so now, but when i look at that entire period of my life and what an absolute dick i was at times, it just convinces me that the whole conept of intelligence is a bit flawed tbh
And picking on the second person to mention it, and she didn't even post the article. Whilst completely ignoring the bloke who did post it and made a second post on the topic.What ire? Why do you think he's angry? He's not, he's just permanently grumpy because his cricket team is shit.
You were never a dick. There was a lot of surprise when people found out how old you were and it continued for 10 years everytime someone matched your current age with your log-in age and accused you of bull-shitting.seriously, i didn't even know who most of these people were, and if someone had mentioned jabotinsky or whatever to me and some of the things they did, i'd just assume that was propaganda to slag off israel, i remember telling people that many of the things israel were supposed to have done was filmed by people to make money and that sort of stuff
i was a fucking idiot, a bit racist as well. i don't mind admitting it now though, and i know that if i had known (and believed) the truth of what was going on there, i'd never have agreed with it at all but i had all these naive views about it. i don't think i ever agreed with it all tbh, but i could like rationalise it so that i did and i can remember argueing things with people which if i heard now it would literally be the land of a thousand facepalms
at least i found this stuff out for myself though, i dont mind laughing about it now, but its given me at least a bit of an insight into the sort of pseudo answers that zionism etc can provide.
there are loads of people out there who were way more intelligent and mature than i was at my age, they might not be so now, but when i look at that entire period of my life and what an absolute dick i was at times, it just convinces me that the whole conept of intelligence is a bit flawed tbh
Thing is, you did "the right thing" and chose to educate yourself. Then, when the facts didn't fit your opinions, you changed your opinions.
You'd be surprised how many people don't and won't do that.
And the sincerity just keeps on shining through.
You were never a dick. There was a lot of surprise when people found out how old you were and it continued for 10 years everytime someone matched your current age with your log-in age and accused you of bull-shitting.
Pretty simple i think. He supported it. He tries to put it within the context of a developing awareness, but refuses to really own it as it puts his current focus under pressure - why is he not not being led up the path today etc? How was he able to be so naive at that time etc, hero worship rather than critique etc The John Gray credibility problem.I've never really managed to get to the bottom of that, Sam Harris accused Greenwald of in the past supporting the Iraq war but all the claims I have read so far have been pretty unconvincing
The evidence is in your attempt to undermine Firky by insinuating that he was a paedo and, deliberately or carelessly, demean a 17 year old woman by implying that her primary purpose, now that it is known that she is a young woman, is to receive unwanted sexual attention from men.what's wrong ymu, only a few hours ago on another thread you yourself were demanding that people present evidence when accusing others on the thread of doing something
In these hysterical times, please have the courtesy to prove your allegation when making it.
seems like the old evidence to back up claims route is something you're only in favour of when it suits you - sincerity shining through indeed
Can we please just stop sniping at each other and get on with the thread? Now?
Can we please just stop sniping at each other and get on with the thread? Now?
I was a bit of a conspiraloon as well and had a "unique" zionist take on 9/11 and the iraq war
i think anyone can change their opinions. i think a lot of it is also how other opposing views appear to you at the time, like if they appear reasonable and rational then although you might not accept them at the time you're more likely to consider them later on.
The evidence is in your attempt to undermine Firky by insinuating that he was a paedo and, deliberately or carelessly, demean a 17 year old woman by implying that her primary purpose, now that it is known that she is a young woman, is to receive unwanted sexual attention from men.