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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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and i don't like the assumptions a lot of people have, which is to assume that something that isn't within their direct experience is a lie.

can some of the male posters go compare their everyday life to what is written on everydaysexism. think about how much shit happens to women and how women feel about this shit, before they start assuming that their experiences are the whole world's experiences.

Come now toggle surely you've realised by now if a woman says she experienced something a man hasn't written about and researched in great depth it didn't happen.
"Disseminating someone's speech habits"?
Yeah, because remarking on how someone locutes is so offensive, isn't it?

So Paul, which axe are you grinding, and why do you believe that your being bothered to "carry on" with anyone carries any weight? :)
dunno really, all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time... to die..
to be fair i've talked about traumatic stuff before and not been traumatised by it at one point and then talked about it at another time and had a cry afterwards. it doesnt mean anything, you cant tell if someone is being dishonest by body language, its like thinking lie detectors are a good way of catching criminals, it's bollocks.

I haven't said you can tell if someone's being dishonest, have I? All I've said is that her posture is indicative of tension, and then speculated on the cause of the tension.
Oh, and "lie detectors" aren't used for catching criminals, they're used for testing the veracity of their statements! :p
And they're not much good for that, for a number of different reasons.
There are people who lie about this sort of thing but they are few and far between and i need some fucking good evidence to start accusing someone of it. i don't like laurie at all but i've seen no evidence she'd lie about something like this.

Who's claimed she's lying?
its not the same but everyday people on here spend ages and in great graphical detail describing what they would like to do to Tory M.P's etc, for me in these cases, its a sign of political weakness.

Do fuck off.
I describe what I'd do to MPs per se, not just Tories! :mad:
Who's claimed she's lying?

I possibly did last night after watching the first five minutes of her talk in which she claims that 3 or 4 young women a week write to her saying they want to be feminist bloggers/social activists but are worried about online abuse and that she herself receives graphic daily threats of sexual violence.

Without denying at all that it doesnt exist, and fully acknowledging I don't see a lot of it, and certainly not as much as female bloggers do, and recognising that online and offline misogyny are problems which should be urgently challenged, I still dont think that what she says above is true
How true is what she says at 3:29 on that video?
Laurie Penny at 3:29 said:
the other kind of message i get every day goes something like this
There's nothing wrong with her that a couple of hours of cunt kicking, garrotting and burying in a shallow grave wouldn't sort out

I get these kind of messages every day.......it's just an every day round of upsetting bullshit

Sorry if this is an unpopular thing to say, but I do think she is lying in what she says above

She clearly gets vile sexist abuse online, but to suggest she gets the kind of thing above every day just doesn't stack up. When she does get the kind of vile stuff above, she quite rightly talks about it publicly and makes it known who is saying it (and asked for it to be removed/retracted) and an appropriate backlash is directed at where it came from. But as smokedout says, she always uses this one same quote when talking about the volume/level/type of online abuse she gets

If she gets abuse every day of the sort that she mentioned in that quote, why did she only talk publicly about it happening and reveal who said it in for only a few instances of it happening. Why doesn't she out it every day when it happens every day? Why doesn't she use any other examples of it happening other than the handful of ones that have been talked about publicly. I can understand that someone may not want to talk publicly about abuse they have experienced, but she clearly was willing to talk about it in the instance she keeps mentioning, so why the silence on all the other supposed instances of it happening? If she is getting that level of abuse day in day out why isn't she revealing the identity of those doing it like she did with the example given in the speech?

She may well receive criticism every day, but it does feel that she's conveniently conflating (mainly) valid criticism of her/her methods/what she represents with sexist misogynistic abuse, something that we've seen happen on this very thread and countless times on twitter. If not that then she's clearly exaggerating the volume & frequency of sexist misogynistic abuse she receives. And to do that does, as smokedout says, risk putting young female writers off writing about stuff that they want to write about as the environment is made out to be even worse than it already is - she's debilitating rather than enabling freedom of expression for young females in that case. And it doesn't say much for her journalistic integrity that she will quite happily exaggerate events to suit her narrative

When the video went live, thousands of YouTube commenters weighed in with thoughtful comments like "Wow these bitches have got some serious rough grade sand in their vaginas" and "whenever i see a radically out of control feminist i just get this urge to shut her the fuck up with a proper cockin'." Then the persistent whiners and dangerous ideologues at A Voice For Men (their advice on how to stop rape includes "telling feminists to shut the fuck up") jumped in with an article by famed Canadian MRA Dan Perrins entitled “Little red frothing fornication mouth”, comparing Charlotte to Hitler and referencing her breasts. In a video that garnered over 246,000 views, the "Amazing Atheist" called the protestors "mindless cackling cunts" and repeatedly highlighted Charlotte's sour attitude. She's "the least likable person ever" he said with horror. Imagine a woman who doesn't smile silently when she has an opinion!


I no longer care all that much when people tell me I'm a cunt who deserves to die or any subsequent variations thereof. I'm used to it. And I've stopped writing about it, because, honestly, I don't want to seem weak, or be thought of as a whiner — it's possible that's why men like Heller don't realize that not everyone is oh-so-nice online. But it still frustrates me that talented writers for respected magazines can get away with writing lengthy pieces about the "new niceness" without even setting aside a single paragraph to document how women are generally treated online when they dare to speak up, or speak at all. Which is: like shit.


Anita Sarkeesian didn't set out to piss off an army of male gamers when she launched a Kickstarter to raise money for a project that aimed to examine cliched, oversexualized tropes of women in video games. But apparently, daring to say anything bad about video gamers being sexist is enough to amass an entire army of jerks against you, jerks who are determined to video game beat you into submission. And now, one or more of those jerks has taken the time and effort to create a video game that allows players to beat up Anita Sarkeesian. That'll show ladies who think some video game tropes are sexist!

According to Sarkeesian herself, this game is just another depressing evolution of what amounts to an all out campaign of harassment against her. She's received crudely drawn images of herself getting raped (by, uh, Mario, of Super Mario fame) in her inbox, had her image been made into a meme where hilarious people who are hilarious design their own text to go over the image (sample text: "I like cock so much I raise my hands in the air!" and "I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a woman!"), and stills from her video with penises drawn ejaculating onto her face. She points out that "all of the images are attacking my gender or presumed sexuality and rely heavily on pre-existing sexist stereotypes" rather than any substantive point she's made or tried to make.

took me longer to cut and paste this stuff than it did to find it.
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I possibly did last night after watching the first five minutes of her talk in which she claims that 3 or 4 young women a week write to her saying they want to be feminist bloggers/social activists but are worried about online abuse and that she herself receives graphic daily threats of sexual violence.

(Resists making an aside about Nicholas Lezard).

Without denying at all that it doesnt exist, and fully acknowledging I don't see a lot of it, and certainly not as much as female bloggers do, and recognising that online and offline misogyny are problems which should be urgently challenged, I still dont think that what she says above is true

I think the content is true/accurate (the threats to her, and that she's had women who'd like to become more active tell her that one of the reasons they don't is fear of misogynistic abuse). I can't, however, make any judgement on the claims of frequency, and I certainly can't imagine (only empathise with) how being on the receiving end of such abuse must feel.
Her claims of frequency may be exaggerated, but then she is a journalist - it's a stock-in-trade for some to "round upward" in order to add more meat to a story (Johann Hari used to indulge in it quite often too) - she's got a narrative (and a book!) to sell, so the possibility of exaggeration as a promotional device should be borne in consideration.
fucking hell lads, you know how cunty this makes you look? i think on this occasion you can assume that she's telling the truth, if only 'cause if she isn't she's utterly beyond the pale, and on a subject that she usually writes with more sincerity than normal. nail her on the shit she writes that's provably nonsense rather than just giving her fuel to fuck it all off, please. ffs.

none of those sites support what lp is claiming, but mostly reference specific and horrible incidents that no-one is denying exist.

lp claims that she gets the kind of threat lovedetective just posted, on a daily basis, presumably to her email because it doesnt happen on twitter and her blog doesnt accept comments.

another point is that the comment she speaks of wasnt a message to her, but a post on a site that slagged off celebrities run by someone trying to show how edgy and cool he was. now if she is talking about comments made about her, rather than too her, then it becomes an issue of celebrity, and yes people say very misogynist and abusive things about celebrities all the time on the net - but that is a different issue which is more wrapped up in the misogynist nature of a lot of popular culture and society at large rather than a specific and new aspect of the internet and social media. She is conflating an unpleasant downside to being famous with a social phenomena that she claims will affect any woman who writes a blog post - its the same trick hugh grant pulled essentially, and just like the dowler case, there is truth in it, but it is being distorted out of shape by her dishonesty.
if i got a fuckton of abuse, i'd discuss it under my terms, not yours. I'd probably pick an exemplar quote rather than memorizing a few dozen rape threats to make you happy.

it's not about making me happy

she has form for lying, she lies regularly, she's been caught out lying many times, many of us on this very thread have been the victim of her lying, so when she lies about something, regardless of what the topic is, i'm not going to apologise for pointing it out. she's a journalist for fuck's sake, she regularly lies about her life experiences and uses that to push her work and promote her brand. Most people are happy to pull her up on it in relation to her lies on other topics, and while I can understand/appreciate the sensitive nature of this, i don't see why she should get a free pass to lie about it. The truth of the matter is bad enough, there's no need to exaggerate/lie when talking about it, as it allows her (sexist, abusive) opponents to claim that she's talking a load of shite (in general) and diminish/belittle the actual real lived experience of her and others like her

i couldn't give a shit what pointing this out makes me 'look like'
I think she is absolutely right in this. I'm careful about how far I go in linking stuff to my real name, even though I have to do a certain amount of this.

if i was specifically feminist campaigning, i'd be doing so making sure there is no connection to my actual identity.because there is always the risk one of those fruitloops may be a local.

and even if they are 500 miles away or mjore, someone telling you in detail how they want to rape and murder you and your family is not an enjoyable way to start the day.
Is there somewhere you can report this? I'm sure there must be.
fucking hell lads, you know how cunty this makes you look? i think on this occasion you can assume that she's telling the truth, if only 'cause if she isn't she's utterly beyond the pale, and on a subject that she usually writes with more sincerity than normal. nail her on the shit she writes that's provably nonsense rather than just giving her fuel to fuck it all off, please. ffs.

I've no idea if she's telling the truth (or not) about the frequency of such abuse. She has, however, been caught making things up on various occasions, as well as, for example, falsely accusing other people of racism/misogny. Going on her past record does make me doubt the veracity of pretty much everything she says tbh.
it's not about making me happy

she has form for lying, she lies regularly, she's been caught out lying many times, many of us on this very thread have been the victim of her lying, so when she lies about something, regardless of what the topic is, i'm not going to apologise for pointing it out. she's a journalist for fuck's sake, she regularly lies about her life experiences and uses that to push her work and promote her brand. Most people are happy to pull her up on it in relation to her lies on other topics, and while I can understand/appreciate the sensitive nature of this, i don't see why she should get a free pass to lie about it. The truth of the matter is bad enough, there's no need to exaggerate/lie when talking about it, as it allows her (sexist, abusive) opponents to claim that she's talking a load of shite (in general) and diminish/belittle the actual real lived experience of her and others like her

i couldn't give a shit what pointing this out makes me 'look like'

she is picking an example of something so she doesn't have to hold in her head a dozen examples of some nasty graphic descriptions of what men have said they want her next rape to be like.

i don't have a problem with that.
I've no idea if she's telling the truth (or not) about the frequency of such abuse. She has, however, been caught making things up on various occasions, as well as, for example, falsely accusing other people of racism/misogny. Going on her past record does make me doubt the veracity of pretty much everything she says tbh.
so catch her out on stuff you can catch her out on then. this isn't one of them things (unless she lets us have a root around her inbox), and only serves to help her dismiss any valid criticisms people on the thread might have.
love detective, I have a lot of time and respect for you as you know and you quite rightly pulled me on on 'that cartoon', but I do think you're in the wrong here. Laurie Penny is a charlatan, a horrible manipulative liar but I can't imagine her surfing in the wake of rape to further herself. I of course could be wrong and you maybe right, but if I were you I'd keep those thoughts to myself because it is exactly the kind of thing she'll pick up on and use against you / us.

"I told you so! They were nasty misogynists all along!"

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so catch her out on stuff you can catch her out on then. this isn't one of them things (unless she lets us have a root around her inbox), and only serves to help her dismiss any valid criticisms people on the thread might have.

So she's been caught lying on various occasions but we're not allowed to doubt her on this because it'll help her 'dismiss [any] valid criticisms'? Think you'll find she's already ignoring and/or misrepresenting those.
ok thats fair enough, sorry, it was a throw away comment and a bit crass

tbh, the example she gives is graphic, and is the one she usually uses, but the other example shes often given of this misogyny is this thread, and she has referred to urban75 as a hate site

but im sceptical of the idea that this is something that is endemic on the net above and beyond the rest of the world, that a woman blogging is more likely to face this kind of shit than a woman working in a bar, in customer services, social work etc where some degree of conflict is an inevitable part of working life - thats not to excuse any of it, or suggest it should be ignored of course

and i dont understand why if lp is deluged with this stuff there isnt more of it elsewhere, far right sites, 4 chan and teenagers on youtube excepted, why not on this site, or on the benefits sites, or even guido, where casual sexism is the norm, but the type of stuff graphic threats being discussed is really an exception and gets removed

you can look and see what people are saying to and about lp on twitter, and its mostly people saying nice things, or people from this thread having a pop, so where does she get this torrent of graphic abusive messages that she claims happen everyday, shes not public on facebook, does she really get daily threats of violence to her email address - and if she does, which is shocking and inexcusable, is this not a result of being famous and on television rather than being a blogger

If a man makes rape threats to me in person, for example on the street or even at work, I'm going to be able to find out who he is even if I don't know him, there's likely to be CCTV images of him, witnesses, even a passing police officer or two. Chances of him being found would be reasonably high.

Online, it's somebody behind a screen. I don't know who they are. They might not even be in the UK. If the post isn't made on a site such as this one, via sign-up, I have no comeback whatsoever. There's no mod to tell even. That anonymity gives some men the courage to make threats against women that they wouldn't ordinarily make, simply because there is nothing to stop them.

So yes, on this I believe lauriepenny absolutely. Just ask the Feminist Harridans (TM) how much causal sexism there is on this site. More than there bloody should be - not that it's ALL male posters, not by a long shot, but there are a dedicated few who deliberately go after women posters on certain topics, certain threads. I've been told I shouldn't post on a football thread because I'm a woman, for example.

It's not right to doubt her about this. It crosses a line in my book. Victims of sexual violence - in real life or online - need our support, not our disbelief.
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