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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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From the lastest. What class issues (note note the reduction of class to an identity)? Never mentioned again, just used to tick a box.
My brain has now finished processing that part of the article and rejected the premise that women are 'the last hired and the first fired'. There's no proof offered, no evidence as to whether it's just the media sector this 'policy' applies to or other sectors/industries. If this statement is true then she should be outraged and fighting against it.
My industry is considerably more intersectional than you (and maybe your non-industry).
I was just going to quote that bit and ask, do they? If so why? It doesn't make any sense. W/c women at home putting bits of plastic into bags for xmas toy markets, blokes digging ditches to lay various cables, cleaning floors in the middle of the night at ikea?
An open letter to my cat

Dear Denver,

I have asked you many times not to drink my water and jump on my bed shortly before my alarm goes off and you have ignored all my requests not to do so. I had hoped to have a constructive discussion with you about the common issues which affect both of us, but it appears that the window of opportunity has shut, something I very much regret. A course of action like the one you are embarking on can only lead to bitter recriminations in the future, something neither of us need.

I hope this open letter can prove to be mutually constructive, since attempts to keep you out of my room have been counterproductive and difficult for us both. Sadly, I have my doubts.Nonetheless as this letter shows I am willing to consider your points of view if you engage in a mutually beneficial dialogue with me.


Plus twenty other random people you've never heard of
LP supported NATO intervention in Libya?

This in response to the first areal assualts:

UN solidarity.
I was just going to quote that bit and ask, do they? If so why? It doesn't make any sense. W/c women at home putting bits of plastic into bags for xmas toy markets, blokes digging ditches to lay various cables, cleaning floors in the middle of the night at ikea?

Textiles, assembly, perfume manufacture, midwifery, childcare - dozens of other examples of sexism and class relations.
One day you’re writing about A-line skirts because that’s what you care about and you’ve a gas bill to pay, and the next day you’re stuck writing about A-line skirts for ever, because women who care about hemlines can’t possibly also know about climate change or stock market futures magazines like the New Statesman kill the NUJ mercilessly, so all the other jobs are already occupied.
Big business finally woke up to fan fiction with Fifty Shades of Grey - but only in the most superficial of fashions, failing to really plumb the murky depths of Harry Potter porn forums and alternate-universe co-writing kink projects, where suspicious lumps of sexual and literary innovation float to the surface of an endless well of pixellated filth.

Failing to ... or sensibly avoiding using elementary capitalist logic?
Textiles, assembly, perfume manufacture, midwifery, childcare - dozens of other examples of sexism and class relations.

Most jobs are tbh, what about the whole idea about not employing young women because "they'll get pregnant"?
Big business finally woke up to fan fiction with Fifty Shades of Grey - but only in the most superficial of fashions, failing to really plumb the murky depths of Harry Potter porn forums and alternate-universe co-writing kink projects, where suspicious lumps of sexual and literary innovation float to the surface of an endless well of pixellated filth.

Failing to ... or sensibly avoiding using elementary capitalist logic?
The argument here is that they have failed to commericialise fan-fic. I wonder what hari's leroy would think?
Most jobs are tbh, what about the whole idea about not employing young women because "they'll get pregnant"?

The whole idea that women have kids to look after directly so will do what you say/can't hold out on strike for very long,women have more nimble fingers and get bored less easily.

Every workplace without a free funded creche is an example of it.

LP's point was that journalism provided insights more than other industries - might be true but needs some evidence. A nationally-printed main-content column can't just be a personal reckon.
Historically, the English were not at all very nice to the Jews at all, and there were plenty of massacres, a major one in York in 1190. Jews were banned from the country not so long after, and had to wait till Cromwell to be allowed back in.

Historically, the English (or, to be more accurate, the ruling classes of the British Isles) were no worse to the Jews than their European cousins.
Institutional anti-Semitism is nowhere near as manifest in the modern-day UK as it is in the more Catholic European states, though. It still exists here, but it really is just bourgeois and ruling class spite, and the occasional working-class fascist with less critical thinking ability than a three day-old kitten.
I wouldn't want to live in Poland, for example, or Spain, if I were observant.
One thing this thread keeps drawing to mind is the whole issue of radical journalists.
By this I do actually mean the mainstream press journalist as a person with radical politics whose journalism is permeated with those politics.

It seems to me that for every dozen radical journalists, perhaps one of them "stays the course". From the '60s we've got Pilger, but who else? So many of those tagged as "radical" then fell by the wayside.

Hmm. I think I might try to map the phenomenon. See whether there's a paper in it!
It seems to me that for every dozen radical journalists, perhaps one of them "stays the course". From the '60s we've got Pilger, but who else? So many of those tagged as "radical" then fell by the wayside.
Apart from the celebrities like Pilger and Foot aren't there probably a few unsung reporters plugging away in particular sectors doing unglamorous research and investigations? Maybe not so many these days, apart from on specialist papers.
Apart from the celebrities like Pilger and Foot aren't there probably a few unsung reporters plugging away in particular sectors doing unglamorous research and investigations? Maybe not so many these days, apart from on specialist papers.

That's kind of why I delieberately mentioned "mainstream press journalist". ;)
I know there are good people out there doing good work on "the fringe", but I'm more interested in how the mainstream uses radicalism/how radical journalists use the mainstream.

Just "spitballing" here, but too often, "radical journalism" appears to be a phase (kind of "making your mark" before moving on to better-remunerated things), rather than a state of mind or a moral position.
What the frig is this? On which publication are there lower salaries for non-whites? Name the names? No. Just be stunned.

While I've absolutely no doubt that women on the whole labour under a pay differential, and non-whites too, Ms. Penny's poor language-use implies some kind of differential scale, when what actually maintains a pay differential is increment scales, on the whole, where management more often than not award a greater percentage of increments to male staff than female staff. It's not conscious prejudice, and therefore unfortunately not amenable to legislative correction. Instead it's an artifact of institutional sexism, and can only be overcome by "making waves" within such institutions.
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