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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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What everyone else said.

And because he looks like a smug wanker with his glasses and ginger sideburns


The hairs his sideburns are made up from are precisely the same as my pubes. The resemblance is uncanny in fact. And they're both attached to something unpleasant looking, though I reckon my scrotum is far more aesthetically pleasing than than his smug cunt fizzog.
I don't know about anyone else but I'm really angry and frustrated by how not bothered he definitely is. If we has bothered I'd feel like I'd achieved something for once in my miserable life.

But since he's not bothered - and we know he's not cos he's told us and even tweeted screen dumps of posts he's especially not bothered about - I feel like I've failed.

I can't monetize my hotness like Molly, I can't monetize my noncery like Malcolm (especially hard that one as I'm not a nonce) and now it turns out I can't make Malcolm bothered like the yank trolls can. FML :(
Can't wait for Malcolm Harris, Laurie Penny and the crew decide to launch a new international campaign to tackle U75.
Urban75 and why the left are failing: some of them didn't even go to University.

By Laurie Penny, Foreword by Malcom Harris. Illustrations by Molly Crabapple (sponsored by Samsung in association with lovely lolitas dot com)

Urban75 and why the left are failing: some of them didn't even go to University.

By Laurie Penny, Foreword by Malcom Harris. Illustrations by Molly Crabapple (sponsored by Samsung in association with lovely lolitas dot com)

Urban 75 and why the left are failing: Some of them aren't even full-time activists!
She really has no fucking shame what so fucking ever has she?

If she's talking about the 'hacker' she's staying with she'd probably be best looking up imaginary friends in a psychology textbook if she wants a definition that would fit this 'friend' well. I'd tweet this excellent advice to you Laurie but unfortunately you blocked me for pointing out that the Met probably didn't consider you a high security risk during Thatcher's funeral so I'll have to leave it here for the next time you have a look. Sorry.
I sat in Starbucks at the end of an inner-city high street, the shops around me in a dilapidated state. I opened my second hand laptop, covered with stickers to hide the stains left by the previous owner. I had two tabs open: the first, my Twitter feed, a mixture of the activist youth and radical journalists, and the second, a thread on the notorious urban75 forums - forums which were known to all throughout the world as the place for soi-dissident trolls to congregate and strategize against those who actually fight for the movement. I scrolled through the thread - at nearly six hundred pages long, the only topics covered were my toilet habits and nasty propaganda spread to smear the name of those who lead the Occupy movement.
shes blocked me i think as well. for saying she's vapid and asking whether the people shes speaking to were working class journos etc
If she's talking about the 'hacker' she's staying with she'd probably be best looking up imaginary friends in a psychology textbook if she wants a definition that would fit this 'friend' well. I'd tweet this excellent advice to you Laurie but unfortunately you blocked me for pointing out that the Met probably didn't consider you a high security risk during Thatcher's funeral so I'll have to leave it here for the next time you have a look. Sorry.

I thought a good journalist was to investigative and make new ground, open up new areas of debate and state their own opinions. It's a bit like you asking these boards the same question and then publishing it. It stinks of laziness as much as anything else. She should just reword wikipedia and what people said on the internet and make up quotes; oh wait...

If I was a reporter I'd be pissed off at her rank laziness as she is a bit of a dirty mark on an already sullied profession. Horrible woman.
If we just accept that radical or emancipatory politics is just a scene where the likes of Harris and co can indulge their vanity, then the hard work of building a mass movement, embedded in the everyday experience of millions of people, will become much harder. It's right to kick back against this. If Malcolm Harris and Laurie Penny are the people who become, by virtue of their own egomania, drive, ambition, vanity, elite education and background, the public faces of the "Radical Left" then we're fucked. You couldn't wish for more obnoxious people, ripe for parody and who invite derision with every utterance, to alienate what little good will exists amonst the public for left politics.

The New Inquiry is a really poor excuse for a journal, I've had a look through the websites loads of times in the hope that it might have a decent article or essay in it buried in there, but I can't even remember seeing something vaguely decent in amongst the achingly self-conscious hispter drivel that's served up. After all even Jacobin occasionally has something worth reading, I could forgive some of this bullshit if the end product was something a tenth as good as bog standard liberal yank stuff like Salon and The Nation, but it's so fucking dire. It manages to pull off something astonishingly contradictory - to be extraordinarily pretentious and yet shallow enough to paddle in at the same time. Asking someone to pay money to sustain that is a brass neck. Who the fuck even cares enough to read that shit? Is it just people wishing to feel close to the scene? Is it just to rinse money out of hipsters with left wing pretensions? Christ I bet you could make a decent living mugging off all the daft left college kids in America...

I reckon he's basically a fucking con-artist, the fucking radiohead stunt took a brass neck and i can't help but like that, one scumbag reprobate to another. He probably goes to bed every night laughing his little ginger tits off that he gets away with it.
If you look at his writings he keeps returned to the subject of young sexualised people in one way or another. And his porn platform is well documented. Have a look on the internet for yourself.

I'm not entirely sure that I want to start Googling for Malcolm Harris, porn and sexualised young people, so I'll take you at your word.
yeah to be clear i'm not saying these guys are fash or anything like that, i'm just saying that i could imagine it might happen.
And of course when we consider that some people on these boards are unable to work it becomes even more of a cuntish thing to say.

She might as well have just pointed out how much more important she is so why waste her time with us?
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