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I think its almost impossible for anyone to really see their own privilege, to the point that you even forget what is was like to not have privilege when you acquire some - just like on giroday you immediately forget how shit its been being skint the last few days and then act in a way which means the same thing will happen

I think its a brain thing

TBF, I know from experience that the giro thing isn't so much a human inability as a defence mechanism against having to acknowledge how shit your life currently is, whereas forgetting/eliding your own privilege seems to be more a deliberate action to place oneself as a victim of privilege rather than someone who benefits from it. The former appears to be a rational psychological self-defence mechanism, whereas the latter appears to be an instrumental decision to protect yourself from feeling like a hypocrite.
The Malcolm Harris - managing editor at the New Inquiry - featured in earlier posts.
I bet lib-com are well happy to have stuff by this parasite in their library.

That Malcolm Harris character got caught trying to charge $5k to talk occupy wank. , Fantastically posh background natch.

Him here http://www.urban75.net/forums/goto/post?id=11804567#post-11804567

He's just written an outstandingly obtuse piece for his intellectual magazine So You Want to Be a #Longreads Superstar discussing nonfiction writing in the age of the internet
After going on about various sex-based things he concludes:

"The problem is that engaging an audience, no matter the media, has an erotic element. Like anyone who commands attention, a writer controls and manipulates bodies, but as this new form of online writing — so far defined more by its readers than innovations in construction — develops, both sides are still clumsy with the steps."

and it includes the (I think) ironic sidenote "And shame on the writers who would rather be right than read; they’re even worse."
"And shame on the writers who would rather be right than read; they’re even worse."

Wow! Am I misreading that or taking it out of context or is he making out that including inaccuracies in your writing in order to get a wider readership is some kind of virtue? And that those who believe in such trivial things as honesty, accuracy and intellectual integrity are, what? snobs?
Wow! Am I misreading that or taking it out of context or is he making out that including inaccuracies in your writing in order to get a wider readership is some kind of virtue? And that those who believe in such trivial things as honesty, accuracy and intellectual integrity are, what? snobs?

It's irony - he's saying the opposite - that writers that do this are being played for career boosting traffic.

Too often writers are stuck using “the personal is political” as the singular excuse for so-called confessional work, as if the pronoun ‘I’ always needed justification outside of first-person novels. In trying to wedge all nonfiction into the journalist or scholar’s bargain, we end up writers and readers alike stepping on each other’s toes. No one wants to be the fool. Readers don’t want to be used for career-boosting traffic, and in this media environment (and economy), writers would by and large rather be read and shared for what they perceive as the “wrong” reasons than misunderstood or ignored for the right ones. And shame on the writers who would rather be right than read; they’re even worse.So we pull each other to the floor in an attempt to be the one left standing, to be the one who gets it instead of the one getting got. Neither side wants to be caught in earnest alone. Essayists tend to pander to an imagined Internet reader they learn to resent in advance, and a readership that senses this bad faith responds in kind. We misread and are misread.
A lot of pics of Malcom Harris I have seen he's wearing expensive clothes, such as a tailored shirt black shirt with a red cravat or a Harris tweed jacket. Always immaculate and well dressed, a bit non sequitur to the posts above I know but you don't get to dress like that by doing free speeches.
A lot of pics of Malcom Harris I have seen he's wearing expensive clothes, such as a tailored shirt black shirt with a red cravat or a Harris tweed jacket. Always immaculate and well dressed, a bit non sequitur to the posts above I know but you don't get to dress like that by doing free speeches.

I've got a Harris tweed jacket.

Cost me £20 second hand.
Subsidise porn and help prevent sexual assault, surely not?


Why Is This Man Supporting Porn At UM?

Why is Malcolm Harris, perennial loser in school elections, making taxpayer subsidized porn a central issue in his campaign to become president of Maryland's student government?

He really should be asked how he can justify this nonsense in the context of a campaign that claims it will reduce sexual assaults on the UM campus and stop the University contractors from using "sweatshop" labor practices considering the well documented social pathologies that stem from pornography.

Even if he doesn't think that the production of porn is degrading to the women involved or that it encourages some men, usually physically unattractive and socially inept losers. to dehumanize women, or that women in porn often have no more options than a woman working in a "sweatshop" somewhere were there are lots of brown people he can patronize, he should realize that there is more than a free speech issue here and he's not Larry Flynt.

Subsidise porn and help prevent sexual assault, surely not?

Subsidise videos and pics of racist attacks/graffiti and help prevent racism.

Haven't really searched him but the bit in his piece about exhibitionism and circumstantial evidence that internet forms have helped reduce actual exhibitionism sort of goes with that.

When I read “My Gucci Addiction,” Buzz Bissinger’s unexpected shopaholic leather-daddy confession in GQ, the first thing I thought of was a smiling, spritely man on a computer screen, masturbating with a pair of spotless white tennis shoes. I was at a college party, huddled drinks in hand with a bunch of friends around a laptop open to the Chat Roulette. We talked to an on-duty German military officer about the Red Army Faction and watched an insistent 14-year-old prove his joint-rolling skills before we hit upon the shoe masturbator. His mic was off, but he communicated nonverbally that he wanted us to watch him jerk off using a pair of sneakers on his hands. Requests like these were blamed for the swift death of Chat Roulette, but in the obituaries we rarely heard about the exhibitionists who were successful, who found curious and willing audiences. We told him to go for it, and boy did he.

Not that writerly exhibitionism — or a paraphilic attachment to leather gloves, for that matter — is as new as online shopping. Long after all his writing was lost to history, the Greek cynic Diogenes remained famous in philosophy classes for masturbating in public. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in addition to his work on the social contract, published stories about masturbating, had a habit of exposing himself to maidens in alleys, and enjoyed a good spanking. Indecent exposure is a fetish older than leather pants or the printed word, but its modes of expression have changed: The ability to reach millions of potential viewers with the click of a mouse have made this the golden age of showing your junk to other people.

It would be virtually impossible to prove exhibitionists are using the Internet to find willing viewers instead of exposing themselves to unwilling passers-by. There’s some suggestive evidence — a Czech study drew a correlation between the legalization of online sexually explicit material and a decrease in indecent-exposure incidents, and a Google ngram search shows a significant drop in the use of the word flasher in English-language books from the mid-1980s onward — but it is tenuous and circumstantial.
He likes talking about porn and tumblr. Not really looking too deeply into it all but C&Ping stuff as I come across it:

What’s nice is that advances in consumer electronics have made high-quality images and video easier to produce. So any photographer — or even any college couple with a nice cell phone — has access to the entire means of pornographic production and distribution. An anticorporate porn movement seems more possible than ever. Maybe we are the porn we’ve been waiting for.
Comments from someone sympathetic to Occupy:


Malcolm Harris. Christ, What An Asshole.

I didn't know this until I started looking into it, but, apparently, Malcolm Harris is the "vanguard" of the Occupy Movement. A self-aggrandizing twenty something anarchist-marketing-hipster crossbreed, Harris is everything that is wrong with Occupy.

Harris charges $5000 (hotel and travel not included) to talk about anarchism and the 99%. Harris also describes himself as the "Naomi Klein of the 21st century", which must come as something of a surprise to the (still living, still writing) Naomi Klein.

Harris is in trouble because he wrote a bunch of self-incriminating tweets while on the Brooklyn Bridge. He then deleted the tweets and went running to the ACLU, presumably because his corporate lawyer and State Dept diplomat parents refuse to pay for this idiot's legal costs (and who can blame them?). Hell, the ACLU are only getting involved because if the police succeed in obtaining his deleted tweets, the worry is that it will set a bad precedent in cases where protesters aren’t necessarily reckless self-promoting dickheads like Malcolm Harris.

Harris is also one of those anarchists who thinks schools are, literally, a prison. As such, he has been cheerleading attempts to stop the teachers strike in Chicago, because teachers are the moral equivalent of prison wardens. And prisons are, like, bad maaaaaaan.

Given dickheads like this rose to prominence, is it any surprise Occupy is now another outpost of the militant vegan trustafarian anarchist Borg?
Comments from someone sympathetic to Occupy:


Malcolm Harris. Christ, What An Asshole.

another one jhoves into the bellend radar and set alarm bells ringing.

Malcolm "Mister GoLightly" Harris is a New York based creative consultant, humanitarian, luxury brand ambassador and curator-of-cool. Though he thrives on being a jack-of-all-trades his primary purpose is to live his life as a vehicle for social change. Malcolm’s innate passion for art, fashion, music, and entrepreneurship along with his extensive and diverse global social network are all means to support one simple aspiration – "to make the world a more beautiful and much better place for all of her inhabitants."

ambassador, you are spoiling us.
Subsidise videos and pics of racist attacks/graffiti and help prevent racism.

Haven't really searched him but the bit in his piece about exhibitionism and circumstantial evidence that internet forms have helped reduce actual exhibitionism sort of goes with that.

There’s some suggestive evidence — a Czech study drew a correlation between the legalization of online sexually explicit material and a decrease in indecent-exposure incidents, and a Google ngram search shows a significant drop in the use of the word flasher in English-language books from the mid-1980s onward — but it is tenuous and circumstantial.

Surely if the trend began in the mid 80s it can't be down to the internet. It wasn't really widespread until the turn of the century and even then, without broadband, you couldn't get images or videos to a wide audience. Seems desperate to prove something he wants to be true.
oh wow man, they have their own means of production lol

He's seedy:

When we withdraw from capital, can we bring our vibrators? Our handcuffs, and rope, and ball gags, and nipple clamps? Our movies, our cameras, our sexting? Our recreational Viagra, our birth control pills, our condoms? Our kinks, our fetishes? If we’re frolicking nude in the Italian countryside, can we still have sex atop a quaking dryer or hear the echoing jangle of a belt undone in an empty alley? Can we bring the chaotic bundles of symptoms and cyborg parts we call our selves, haunted and half-broken as they are?
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