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A thank you to Brexiteers.

One day - when the UK sees sense and rejoins the EU - people will look back in utter amazement at the sheer stupidity of Brexit.

It must have cost this country tens of billions and fucked over countless businesses.
It's trading prosperity for a load of Tory guff about fantastic trade deals yet to emerge (because they won't). The state of Boris Johnson and his Golden Age ballbaggery.
Taking back control. Zero control.

UK will not ‘turn on’ post-Brexit checks of EU goods for fear of border delays​

Industry groups say lack of clarity leaves businesses unsure how to manage new rules due to start on April 30

The UK government has told the country’s port authorities that it will not “turn on” critical health and safety checks for EU imports when post-Brexit border controls begin this month because of the risk of “significant disruption”.

In order to get around the problem, the government said it would ensure the rate of checks was initially “set to zero for all commodity groups” - essentially switching off large parts of the risk management system, in what it called a “phased implementation approach”.
Full article (FT).
One day - when the UK sees sense and rejoins the EU - people will look back in utter amazement at the sheer stupidity of Brexit.

It must have cost this country tens of billions and fucked over countless businesses.
I’d like to think that day might come sooner than expected, when the Brexit-voting population increasingly dies off, and their children and grandchildren become of voting age and it dawns on them what a selfish move was of their progenitors to vote for something that irrevocably and permanently removed the priceless right to live and work in other EU nations not just for them but for their own children and grandchildren.

I can also imagine those living in deprived communities that had for decades prior benefited from EU subsidies, and whose parents inexplicably voted for the option in a referendum that would directly lead to such support ending and leaving everyone of limited economic means far worse of, scratching their heads and wondering what in the name of fuck were their parents thinking.
I'm sure that the youngsters will be very grateful for ratboy's ideological purity...

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What a cunt. What an absolute cunt.

I need a rage reality check - can I ask any brexit supporters on here: do any of you agree with Sunak’s position here? Ie that such a scheme shouldn’t be implemented, given that the EU seem willing to do so?

This is not a call-out or fight instigation, I just find it very difficult sometimes to disentangle the varied and contradictory position in favour of brexit from each other and from proponents of it, who I know logically cannot agree with every pro-brexit/isolationist idea out there, and end up assuming everyone believes it all. Thank you.
probably safe to say that the EU Commission are well aware that by the time they've actually put the start of any proposal together, it won't be Sunak's government they'd be negotiating with.
Fair. Maybe they were one vermin election victory/ non-failing PM away from getting what they wanted?

Meanwhile...the great Brejoin gathers momentum.

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my guess is this is being kite-flown now with a view for Starmer to adopt it later

the medicine unavailability thing is fucked - i remember people worrying about that before the vote
although how much is brexit's fault in this is not clear from the article
probably safe to say that the EU Commission are well aware that by the time they've actually put the start of any proposal together, it won't be Sunak's government they'd be negotiating with.

I guess Sunak is gambling that appealing to the "Noooooo, they want to take my Brexit" voters behind the 2019 landslide is a better bet than trying to increase the party's fraction of the vote with people 18 to 30.
probably safe to say that the EU Commission are well aware that by the time they've actually put the start of any proposal together, it won't be Sunak's government they'd be negotiating with.
Guardian reported that Starmer was opposed to it as well.
Which was always a bit odd seeing as there are plenty of nationalised industries in EU countries.

The EU was always a fig leaf excuse for the government to palm off responsibility to the free market and then shrug saying “look what EU made me do”

I cannot stress enough a major reason for me voting remain is because I didnt want to be stuck on an island alone with these cunts in charge
EU plot to make Sunak look like a gobshite

just give him five minutes to try to talk like a normal
human being aand he'll that on his own without promoting
I understand that politics is politics, but I can’t see what that would be supposed to achieve?
Well, the rejection is inevitable and the EU must know this, so we start from there and try to work out why they are bothering.

I think maybe they are trying to generate UK media and social media comment saying what a good idea it would be.
Which was always a bit odd seeing as there are plenty of nationalised industries in EU countries.
I tried googling but couldn't find much could you give some examples? And more significantly were any of those industries nationalised under current EU state aid rules?
I had a look at this on wikipedia and scanning through it couldn't find anything really but I'm sure it's not a full list. Obviously there are state owned companies but my understanding is that industries as a whole are to be subject to competition. One of the few examples on that link is French public transport RATP Group except due to EU law it is currently in the process of being marketised with private sector companies brought in.
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