With its Retained EU Law Bill, the government intends to rip workers' protections out of the UK law books. Find out what this means, and what you can do to stop it
From January 2023 - union lawyers presumably know what they are talking about:
"UNISON members and the union’s legal team are horrified at what the removal of these laws, and the principles of EU law, will mean for workers. Many legal improvements to workers’ rights in the UK, including
UNISON’s recent Supreme Court victory that won new holiday rights for part-time workers, are reliant on the courts’ interpretations of EU law, and could be lost.
Without the shield of EU law, workers in the UK will be exposed to an Americanised, hire-and-fire culture that makes work more insecure and dangerous. The government’s decision to deliberately smash up decades of settled legal principles and case law will leave UK workers in an employment law wasteland.
Here are just five examples of the many workers’ protections that will disappear within a year, unless the government actively chooses to keep them...."
(they do still have a massive majority in parliament)