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A thank you to Brexiteers.

That's it, there's nothing wrong with the AZ, or any other vaccine
Likely not with the vaccine per se, but there could be an issue with one (or more) aspects of one (or more) of the production pipelines. Manufacture, filling and finish occurs in a number of locations across the UK, US, Europe and beyond. Components are sourced from multiple suppliers. So there is potential scope for variation. There could be an issue (perhaps intermittent) with one of the stages/components associated with such in one of those production lines and that needs to be chased up.
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That's been done too by several posters. You just didn't like the responses you got so you pretended they didn't happen or that the benefits weren't benefits. Typical. :D

You lot are rubbish.
Brilliant bit of re-writing history. A few benefits were listed and then you degenerated into the usual name calling and 'hilarious' memes.
This Chinese state media editorial attacking Western regulators seems oddly familiar.

It is the fundamental interests of all mankind to have more vaccines to fight COVID-19. However, some mainstream US and British media are taking the lead in putting geopolitical labels on vaccines. They are meddling in political stances with the scientific attitude toward vaccines, using their propaganda to promote Pfizer vaccines and smearing Chinese vaccines.

Western media's crude double standards on vaccines and their unhealthy mindset show that the US and UK mainstream media's mentality toward China has gone highly geopolitical. Double standards have become political correctness for them. They are no longer objective in terms of competition with China. Attacking China is their desperate goal.

A few benefits were listed ...

Gordon Bennett, make your mind up, man!

A minute ago you were 'still waiting for some benefits to be listed' and now "a few benefits were listed".

Didn't you like the ones that were listed or are you just confusing yourself again?

It looks like kebabking has taken pity on you and listed some more. Do they cut the mustard or should we hook your goalposts up to yet another tractor?
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Gordon Bennett, make your mind up, man!

A minute ago you were 'still waiting for some benefits to be listed' and now "a few benefits were listed".

Didn't you like the ones that were listed or are you just confusing yourself again?

It looks like kebabking has taken pity on you and listed some more. Do they cut the mustard or should we hook your goalposts up to yet another tractor?
No, I wanted YOU to list some. Instead of your usual piss poor attempts at trolling.

You're like a bloke who's egging his mates on in a brawl, but too lightweight to get involved himself.
France and Germany now banned it, making nine countries in Europe, even though the EU health bosses state it is totally safe, it is like some mass hysteria taking place, Italy has gone on to open a manslaughter investigation after a man who was vaccinated died, just utterly barking.
This is mental and seriously bad news, it’s the only one that’s cheap & easy to store isn’t it so basically the best hope globally. If these actions are even a bit political it’s unforgivable, people are scared enough of vaccines anyway.
No, I wanted YOU to list some.
LOL! So you want me to list some that haven't already been listed. Is that it?

Spymaster's very own list of Brexit benefits that nobody else has thought of before, ever ever. :D

You're like a bloke who's egging his mates on in a brawl, but too lightweight to get involved himself.

Why keep a dog and bark yourself?
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine approved by EU regulators Friday is a single-shot vaccine that's easy to store and cheap to manufacture, but not sure if it's cheaper than the AstraZeneca one. J&J say they'll be providing it on a non-profit basis for emergency use.
excellent. (I’ve tuned out completely from both covid & brexit didn’t think I’d miss any important good news but there you go. :)
the damage is still done though isn’t it, to general trust in the vaccines.
excellent. (I’ve tuned out completely from both covid & brexit didn’t think I’d miss any important good news but there you go. :)
the damage is still done though isn’t it, to general trust in the vaccines.

Yup, this yes-no-yes-no stuff is doing catastrophic harm to people's willingness to have the vaccine - a friend of mine in Germany says there are vaccine centres running at 20% capacity with people just not turning up.

It's stupid, stupid, obscenely harmful fuckwittery.
Would the panic be happening if we hadn’t brexited ? Seems like maybe no.

Pre and post Brexit all EU countries have their own regulators. Who have their own regulatory frameworks and philosophies for making decisions such as these.
I've been thinking about this whole Brexit thing, and I've come to the conclusion that maybe it's time people stopped fucking moaning about it? It happened... deal with it. Whining isn't going to change anything, it's just going to make you look like a whining football fanatic, whose team lost an important game 10 years ago, and they're still fucking whining about it. Get over it, FFS, and if you can't live without the EU, move to somewhere that's still in the EU, but all this crying is embarrassing.
“We have decided to suspend the use of AstraZeneca as a precautionary measure and are hoping to resume it quickly if the EMA's advice allows it," French President Emmanuel Macron said at Monday news conference.

The EMA has said they should carry on with the rollout, yet France has just suspended it, so he’s yet again talking shit, all the while they are having to move ICU patients out of the Ille de France as Paris’ hospitals are packed to the gunwales with very sick Covid patients :mad:
I've been thinking about this whole Brexit thing, and I've come to the conclusion that maybe it's time people stopped fucking moaning about it? It happened... deal with it. Whining isn't going to change anything, it's just going to make you look like a whining football fanatic, whose team lost an important game 10 years ago, and they're still fucking whining about it. Get over it, FFS, and if you can't live without the EU, move to somewhere that's still in the EU, but all this crying is embarrassing.
Same for the general election? The tories won so lets stop fucking moaning about it. Whining isn't going to change anything ....

I think it's perfectly acceptable to point out how grossly the tories have fucked Brexit up. That's what I think I've mainly been seeing.
Same for the general election? The tories won so lets stop fucking moaning about it. Whining isn't going to change anything ....

I think it's perfectly acceptable to point out how grossly the tories have fucked Brexit up. That's what I think I've mainly been seeing.
I've always been a Labour supporter but Labour will probably never win another general election. They're so busy infighting, whining about Brexit and trying to outleft-wing each other, that they'll probably never again do anything of worth. The Tories might be useless cunts but at least they stick together.
Same for the general election?
No. You get a chance to change the result of a GE at least every 4 years. Your probably stuck with this for a generation or two. You don't have to like it but at least come up with something new or worthy of discussion rather than the hackneyed old dogshit that Maggot posted and a couple of other wallies got all jizzy about earlier.
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