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A thank you to Brexiteers.

It's also not an attractive look to dismiss posts cos they link to the Guardian, rather than engaging with the points raised. Brexit is a fuck up, the way it's been done, over and beyond what it could have been, due to a combination of Tory incompetence and political cynicism. That's not even a pro/anti-Brexit point, or it shouldn't be.
Even stranger is the fact that some remoaners actually seem to want it to be the case that the AZ jab is in trouble or fails, so they can can turn round and shout "SEE? BRITAIN'S NOT DOING SO WELL AFTER ALL"


Time to stop calling them remoaners and leave it at moaners.

Or EUnionists.
Oh do fuck off!

Every one of those points has been done to fucking death. It's just another bit of remoaner wankery to kick shit off again. You fucking discuss it for the 100th time if you want. I'm going to take the piss.
Making up shit and ascribing said shit to 'remoaners' is really fucking boring.

Which is significantly lower than the number of thrombotic events that would be expected to be seen in an unvaccinated group of that size.

All very strange.
Not really. AZD1222 happens to contain a component that may coincidentally play a role in the break down of blood clots.

The regulators are just acting with caution as all the COVID-19 vaccines are currently approved for emergency use only. So any suspected adverse reactions must be reported and considered.
Even stranger is the fact that some remoaners actually seem to want it to be the case that the AZ jab is in trouble or fails, so they can can turn round and shout "SEE? BRITAIN'S NOT DOING SO WELL AFTER ALL"

It's a good point tbf.

I don't want to see Johnson, Gove, Hancock get any plaudits, not Britain per se.
Most importantly, it's not a zero sum game - a dozen blood clots causing umpteen million people to not get a vaccine that will keep them out of hospital, and keep them out of the ground.

Too much risk, not enough benefit....
It's also not an attractive look to dismiss posts cos they link to the Guardian, rather than engaging with the points raised. Brexit is a fuck up, the way it's been done, over and beyond what it could have been, due to a combination of Tory incompetence and political cynicism. That's not even a pro/anti-Brexit point, or it shouldn't be.

I don’t think the post is being dismissed because it’s in the Observer. I think it’s being dismissed because it’s a complete non-story.

In that sense it’s part of a tiring trend when remainers are sifting through every single issue they can think of to prove that their apocalyptic warnings have some (any) substance.

As the ONS report - which the Observer ‘story’ was ‘reporting’ on, in the loosest sense of the word- makes clear these reductions are temporary, were largely due to Covid and stockpiling the month before and that a similar process happened with imports from the EU which actually fell more sharply than export. Most significantly, the ONS report showed how things were returning to a normal state of affairs as the month went on.

The headline about the transition, if there is one, is how smoothly it actually went given Covid and the end of a trading relationship that had been in place for 50 years. As you rightly note given the clowns involved imagine the possibilities if we had anyone even half competent running the show...

In summary. I think most of flack remain is copping is due to the fundamental dishonesty of its arguments. Plenty of us would engage with any substance that the remain side might want to advance, but planet remain seems to have abandoned serious analysis, as anyone with serious politics on their side has accepted matters and moved on leaving only the true believer types.
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Oh do fuck off!

Every one of those points has been done to fucking death.
No they haven't. Still waiting for you to list some advantages of Brexit, and name some post-Brexit trade deals which are an improvement on what we had before.
I don’t think the post is being dismissed because it’s in the Observer. I think it’s being dismissed because it’s a complete non-story.

In that sense it’s part of a tiring trend when remainers are sifting through every single issue they can think of to prove that their apocalyptic warnings have some (any) substance.

As the ONS report - which the Observer ‘story’ was ‘reporting’ on, in the loosest sense of the word- makes clear these reductions are temporary, were largely due to Covid and stockpiling the month before and that a similar process happened with imports from the EU which actually fell more sharply than export. Most significantly, the ONS report showed how things were returning to a normal state of affairs as the month went on.

The headline about the transition, if there is one, is how smoothly it actually went given Covid and the end of a trading relationship that had been in place for 50 years. As you rightly note given the clowns involved imagine the possibilities if we had anyone even half competent running the show...

In summary. I think most of flack remain is copping is due to the fundamental dishonesty of its arguments. Plenty of us would engage with any substance that the remain side might want to advance, but planet remain seems to have abandoned serious analysis, as anyone with serious politics on their side has accepted matters and moved on leaving only the true believer types.

All of this is spot-on but you've fallen into the trap of discussing/explaining it AGAIN.
No they haven't. Still waiting for you to list some advantages of Brexit, and name some post-Brexit trade deals which are an improvement on what we had before.
quiet days which in years gone by would have seen just a handful of posts continue to benefit from brexit as the uk departure from the european union has proved a hardy perennial of discussion, debate and indeed insult.
No they haven't. Still waiting for you to list some advantages of Brexit, and name some post-Brexit trade deals which are an improvement on what we had before.

Shall we go with the most basic one - that we're no longer of a supra-national state that has a judiciary, parliament, an executive, an economic policy, a currency, a foreign and defence policy and a diplomatic service, having voted to leave it?
Shall we go with the most basic one - that we're no longer of a supra-national state that has a judiciary, parliament, an executive, an economic policy, a currency, a foreign and defence policy and a diplomatic service, having voted to leave it?
well... we still have a supra-national state, only it's based in london with subordinate assemblies in belfast, cardiff and edinburgh. it's like playing pass the parcel, you remove one layer of supra-national state only to find another one within
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