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A general election thread for posting literally every single tweet that you see, no matter how inane


Did do all Google car mistakes
Thought that this might come in useful, like. In retrospect, the best time to start this off would've been a month ago, but I suppose the second best time is right now. Here, I'll start you off:
On a serious note, was listening to an interview with James Butler (feel free to make fun on this point if you want), and he made the point that people's media/news sources are so fragmented now, from old people on facebook to kids on tiktok and above all through everyone using WhatsApp, a properly closed medium that's totally opaque from the outside so it's impossible to say what's doing well on there, but nearly everyone who works in the media and politics is still just on twitter all day, and locked into this mindset that twitter is where The Important News happens. Thought that was an interesting point.
On a serious note, was listening to an interview with James Butler (feel free to make fun on this point if you want), and he made the point that people's media/news sources are so fragmented now, from old people on facebook to kids on tiktok and above all through everyone using WhatsApp, a properly closed medium that's totally opaque from the outside so it's impossible to say what's doing well on there, but nearly everyone who works in the media and politics is still just on twitter all day, and locked into this mindset that twitter is where The Important News happens. Thought that was an interesting point.

I listened to many more UK podcasts than usual over the past few months. It's very telling how many times I heard the presenters say, "I was speaking to a Tory MP", "I had been forewarned by contacts within Labour", "according to the MPs I have on speed dial....." and so on. It's a very closed shop (and if you watched the election results programme, the relaxed nature of podcasts doesn't make for a comfortable transition)
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