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9/11 military tapes released - Pentagon lied to the 9/11 commission

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sparticus said:
Have a listen to David Ray Griffin and tell me he's a 'conspiraloon'. If you think he is a 'conspiraloon', please explain how he fits your definition and if he's not please address the evidence he presents. A
Why should I give a flying fuck about what David Ray Griffin thinks?

It's not like he's qualified in any remotely relevant subjects like structural engineering or anything.

And two hours of James "Raëlian Movement" Whale? Er, no thanks. I'd rather hear the soundtrack of a cat being neutered.
editor said:
Now there's a serious current affairs programme with hard hitting presenters!

Watch that program often, do you?
Why don't you stop being a sarcy fuck?
Jazzz said:
Why don't you stop being a sarcy fuck?
Just as soon as idiots stop posting up fact-free shite and triumphantly linking to utterly crass and irrelevant nonsense like the Heaven & Earth happy clappy show.
Dr. Griffin does not seem to me to be very knowledgeable about History. While commenting on the anti-imperialist aspect of the ‘historical’ Jesus, he mentioned that the Romans at the time were enslaving the ‘Palestinian people’. As the area only acquired the name Palestine from the Arabs hundreds of years later, it seemed to me rather sloppy on the part of the Dr.
Lock&Light said:
Dr. Griffin does not seem to me to be very knowledgeable about History. While commenting on the anti-imperialist aspect of the ‘historical’ Jesus, he mentioned that the Romans at the time were enslaving the ‘Palestinian people’. As the area only acquired the name Palestine from the Arabs hundreds of years later, it seemed to me rather sloppy on the part of the Dr.

That's it is it? That's the best you can do to debunk Professor Griffin?
kyser_soze said:
What bothers me most about the replies is the idea that 9/11 is the begining of the event sequence, while successfully ignoring the previous WTC bombing, Clinton's Paracetomol factory, the Afghan civil war and subsequent rule of the Taliban etc as if 9/11 was the start of it all!

Would that be the 1993 WTC bombing that the CIA were found to be behind?

Would that be the Afghan civil war the US deliberately provoked and funded encouraging the mujahadeen to morph in Al CIAeda?

Pathetic and deluded
sparticus said:
That's it is it? That's the best you can do to debunk Professor Griffin?
When it's as easy as this style can be more interesting than volume. When someone starts to get things wrong that they should really know because of thier education and training it's not a good sign.
sparticus said:
Would that be the 1993 WTC bombing that the CIA were found to be behind?

Would that be the Afghan civil war the US deliberately provoked and funded encouraging the mujahadeen to morph in Al CIAeda?

Pathetic and deluded
I suppose a link is too much to ask for.
editor said:
I'm not going to warn you anymore.

Stop posting up without bothering to explain the relevance, the content or the point.

Why will you ban me like Nafeez, you big bully boy?

I notice you're not making any snide remarks about my inability to organise successful film screening any more.
sparticus said:
That's it is it? That's the best you can do to debunk Professor Griffin?
What should anyone have to waste time 'debunking' a God-botherer with a poor grasp of historical detail when they have no qualifications or relevant experience relating to their wild, fact free claims concerning 9/11?
sparticus said:
That's it is it? That's the best you can do to debunk Professor Griffin?

You mean the proffessor that is a vicar and has no training or expertise in anything remotely technical.

God give me strength. :rolleyes:
sparticus said:
Why will you ban me like Nafeez, you big bully boy?
I didn't ban him, you stupid, thick, lying cunt.

Why are you incapable of getting even the most basic of facts right?

Nafeez was banned because he broke the rules here. Even he accepts that now, but it's no surprise to see you spreading malicious disinformation from your usual position of woeful ignorance. Why do you lie, sparticus?
I just remembered why I hate posting here.

I'll leave you, editor, to share your cyber echo-chamber with your slightly dim witted neo-con buddies. Enjoy
sparticus said:
Yes it is you ignoramous. Check it out yourself and prove me wrong.
Classic response!

Why not just admit that you can't provide a credible source (again) and spare yourself the humiliation?
sparticus said:
I just remembered why I hate posting here.

I'll leave you, editor, to share your cyber echo-chamber with your slightly dim witted neo-con buddies. Enjoy
So you're not going to apologise for posting up lies?

Still, if running away rather than admitting to your mistake is the best you can do..... bye!

"neo-con buddies" <chortle>

Boy, have you lost the plot!
editor said:
I didn't ban him, you stupid, thick, lying cunt.

Why are you incapable of getting even the most basic of facts right?

Nafeez was banned because he broke the rules here. Even he accepts that now, but it's no surprise to see you spreading malicious disinformation from your usual position of woeful ignorance. Why do you lie, sparticus?

You preside over the moderation team and policy that banned him, which is the same shit as far as I'm concerned wanker
sparticus said:
You preside over the moderation team and policy that banned him, which is the same shit as far as I'm concerned wanker
Woohoo! I can almost feel that desperate wriggle from here!

Why not act like a grown up and simply apologise for getting it so badly wrong and posting up lies?
You are responsible for its actions of your moderating team, editor. It's as fair to say that you banned Nafeez as it is to say that George Bush has killed innocent Iraqis, though he didn't actually pull any triggers. Especially as he could have been reinstated.

You really shouldn't bany about accusations that people are 'lying' in the ridiculously irresponsible way that you do. Grow up yourself.
sparticus said:
Would that be the 1993 WTC bombing that the CIA were found to be behind?

Would that be the Afghan civil war the US deliberately provoked and funded encouraging the mujahadeen to morph in Al CIAeda?

Pathetic and deluded

I don't suppose that you'd worry about something like the burden of proof for any of these statements would you?
Jazzz said:
You are top of the moderating tree and responsible for its actions, editor. It's as fair to say that you banned Nafeez as it is to say that George Bush has killed innocent Iraqis, though he didn't actually pull any triggers. Especially as you could have reinstated him, which you didn't.
Err, no. Wrong again, Jazzz. There is no "moderation tree" - all top level admins have as much say as the next one. Ask them if you don't believe me.

There is, of course, a procedure for being reinstated if you are banned but, not surprisingly, Nafeez ignored that like he completely ignored the rest of the FAQ.

However, we did try to respond to his inaccurate article and clarify his claims but it seems he was more interested in censoring all comments from urban75 mods (while happily posting up anonymous ones slagging us off).

But you'll have to remind me how that fits in with sparticus's claims that I banned Nafeez because I was a "big bully boy."

I didn't ban Nafeez. He was solely responsible for being banned from here by his own failure to read and respect the FAQ - like all posters are asked to do.
kyser_soze said:
I don't suppose that you'd worry about something like the burden of proof for any of these statements would you?
The only conspiraloon theory i've found on that one was that the FBI was behind it in some manner.
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