editor said:
Frankly who - apart from conspiraloons desperately scrabbling around for someone, somewhere,
anywhere to give them hope for their daft theories - gives a shit about what Steve Jones thinks? He's not exactly a world authority on the topic is he?
Here's a great site for you:
Now I know you're losing it Ed. This website is like those sad responses by neo-cons to fahrenheit 911. Only read the pentagon section which claims to debunk theory but just engages in the same kind of smaminess and deceit so typical of those who can't argue a reasoned case. A whole ream of responses. But I didn't see any solid evidence debunking any of the claims. Funny also there's no explanation on why the camera which was supposed to be pointing at the impact point (the petrol station one) had it's tapes removed.
But fuck it, the logical, reasoned theories can't be debunked, which is why the abuse, misdirection and utter deceitfulness of a website like the one you've posted, is absolutely necessary. The idea is that if you shout enough, people might be convinced.
Pity it hasn't worked...with me or with the majority of the people in the west who have actually looked into these things.
You guys are in a minority and it's perplexing what your reason is. I guess it has something to do with the kind of linear thinking which is very important on a solid material level, but is absolutely useless when dealing with irrational concepts. And guess what, irrationality is essential to the proper functioning of the brain. It could not function without it. To think only logically and rationally is a handicap.
Which is why all this evidence please bollocks. It's not just about evidence, though evidence is one facet of the truth.
How can you logically prove intent to commit murder? You can't. We are getting to a Philip K Dick kind of world where you will be punished for things you might do in the future.
When are you lot gonna wake up and see how you are defending the indefensible and allowing both the terrorists and the fantasists to hold sway.
No it is not lizards or secret cabals or any of that. But a plot that is far deeper and points to US/UK government involvement on some level whether rogue or otherwise.
And the link to the American academics' absolutely sound points has al;ready been posted by me, answered by none of the officialoons. What a surprise. Haven't even got the integrity to admit you've been beaten in this argument sondly ages ago. You have no logical response, preferring toget bogged down in what degree of heat is needed to melt steel blah blah.
Oh yeah, you engage in that circular argument...my expert says this and your expert is a nut kind of bollocks.
But answer the points on that list I posted if you can. Course you can't, which is why you'll avoid it.
And I know you won't admit you have nothing but abuse to offer, but it's hartd for me to resist dreaming of the day I can argue this with you in a real life public forum along with the Asraels and Jazzzs and Felas of this world, and whip anyone who dares to argue a case which ends up defending the government agendas.
"Leave it Squeegee, they're not worth it"
Goodnight suckers