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9/11 media happenings

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Jazzz said:
Well, there you go, quite.

Sorry that doesn't make sense.

Being hit by shrapnel doesn't equate to a bomb going off.

With all the wreckage in the tower it would have been possible for an actual bomb to go off and no-one to get hit by shrapnel due to all the wreckage in the way.

If thermite had been use as you suggest in previous posts there would be no shrapnel produced to hit anybody.
TheArchitect said:

You're all jumping from topic to topic like a demented jumping thing.

That's what the CTer do. They get posed a tricky question that doesn't tie in with their CT theory and promptly change the subject.
Bob_the_lost said:
No you don't, you merely change the timing of the explosions. The north tower goes, camera crews turn up, south tower goes.
okay, you'd get one collapse live, out of the blue: but that's instead of one aircraft crash (the defining image), and two collapses, with a whole unfolding drama. Then the blaming it on the muslims is far harder. People would start asking about the security for the WTC and whether it was a bit fishy that Marvin Bush was one of the directors of the firm that ran it.
WouldBe said:
Sorry that doesn't make sense.

Being hit by shrapnel doesn't equate to a bomb going off.

With all the wreckage in the tower it would have been possible for an actual bomb to go off and no-one to get hit by shrapnel due to all the wreckage in the way.

If thermite had been use as you suggest in previous posts there would be no shrapnel produced to hit anybody.
I was accepting your point about shrapnel, it just strengthened the statement of Lou Cacchioli, all a witness to a bomb could say was that it was an explosion 'like a bomb'.
Everything the Bush admin has tried to do has backfired.

They're a joke.

New Orleans, Enron, Iraq, you name it.

Yet according to some they pulled off the most adventurous hoax in the history of the world without a hitch.


Fuck off.
eh? Their man is currently president of the USA. Not behind bars like he should be, president of the USA! They got what they wanted in Iraq. They got what they wanted with Halliburton. They're having a massive laugh at all our expenses - and you think they care that they aren't 100% popular? Get real.
Jazzz said:
I was accepting your point about shrapnel, it just strengthened the statement of Lou Cacchioli, all a witness to a bomb could say was that it was an explosion 'like a bomb'.

What's an explosion supposed to sound like?
Jazzz said:
you now concede that if these reports were ignored that that would be an error - but your brain doesn't allow you to think that, so instead you are now saying they were investigated because they should have been!
Still misquoting, I see.

Where have I said they were investigated. I haven't you twat. I've said I don't know, but I'd be surprised if they weren't. Just like you don't fucking know they weren't. Because neither of us have read all the fucking report.

Welcome back to ignore. :mad:
Jazzz said:
eh? Read his account. All you can say, unless you are hit by shrapnel is that an explosion was 'like a bomb'.
From the Buncefield explosion:
The whole house shook and the loft hatch fell open. Our first thoughts were train crash or bomb.

No doubt Jazzz would have insisted that a Govt-sponsored rogue 125 was involved.
Jazzz said:
You do need a double method if you are the USG looking to have the collapse live on TV watched by the whole world and blame it on muslims. But you can't assume that Al-Qaeda wouldn't plant bombs in the WTC, not as if they haven't done it before.
Please explain a credible means by which these invisible operatives managed to invisibly smuggle in the invisible explosives and then explain how invisible engineers invisibly wired the entire building with these invisible explosives without a single soul in the entire building noticing anything, please.
Jazzz said:
I was accepting your point about shrapnel, it just strengthened the statement of Lou Cacchioli, all a witness to a bomb could say was that it was an explosion 'like a bomb'.
All explosions sound like bombs going off, you clot!
That's what bombs do. They explode.
editor said:
Please explain a credible means by which these invisible operatives managed to invisibly smuggle in the invisible explosives and then explain how invisible engineers invisibly wired the entire building with these invisible explosives without a single soul in the entire building noticing anything, please.

did you not see that stargate episode where the building was a bomb because it had been built as one. :p
detective-boy said:
Still misquoting, I see.

Where have I said they were investigated. I haven't you twat. I've said I don't know, but I'd be surprised if they weren't. Just like you don't fucking know they weren't. Because neither of us have read all the fucking report.

Welcome back to ignore. :mad:
okay, I was being a little unfair. I appreciate your acceptance that if the reports of explosions were not investigated that would be an error. I am guessing, but I suspect you may be somewhat surprised by all the explosion reports.

'Half-baked farce'

Here's a description of the investigation from 'Fire Engineering' - which I hasten to add is not a conspiracy publication, nor was it entertaining the possibility of Controlled Demolition. Yet it is still a scathing criticism



Did they throw away the locked doors from the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire? Did they throw away the gas can used at the Happyland Social Club Fire? Did they cast aside the pressure-regulating valves at the Meridian Plaza Fire? Of course not. But essentially, that's what they're doing at the World Trade Center.

For more than three months, structural steel from the World Trade Center has been and continues to be cut up and sold for scrap. Crucial evidence that could answer many questions about high-rise building design practices and performance under fire conditions is on the slow boat to China, perhaps never to be seen again in America until you buy your next car.

Such destruction of evidence shows the astounding ignorance of government officials to the value of a thorough, scientific investigation of the largest fire-induced collapse in world history.

Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the "official investigation" blessed by FEMA and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half-baked farce that may already have been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield of full disclosure.

As things now stand and if they continue in such fashion, the investigation into the World Trade Center fire and collapse will amount to paper- and computer-generated hypotheticals.

source (google cache - original requires registering)
Jazzz said:
Here's a description of the investigation from 'Fire Engineering' - which I hasten to add is not a conspiracy publication, nor was it entertaining the possibility of Controlled Demolition.
But you'll naturally complete ignore the fact that the author hasn't made the slightest teensiest hint or suggestion that the towers were blown up by invisible explosives, yes?
editor said:
But you'll naturally complete ignore the fact that the author hasn't made the slightest teensiest hint or suggestion that the towers were blown up by invisible explosives, yes?
No, that's exactly why I mentioned it. (ignoring the facetious part of your question)
Don't bother trying to understand.
Jazzz said:
No, that's exactly why I mentioned it.

Don't bother trying to understand.
But you still believe the towers were blown up by invisible explosives installed invisibly by invisible operatives, yes?
Jazzz said:
Do you still have an invisible brain?
Why not just answer the question instead of posting up cheer personal slurs?

It's on-topic and relevant, unlike your comment.
editor said:
But you still believe the towers were blown up by invisible explosives installed invisibly by invisible operatives, yes?

The ‘Scholars for 9/11 Truth’ movement, has, sadly, splintered over this issue. There’s a lot of disagreement on whether mini-nuclear weapons were used to bring down the towers, or some kind of outer space-based weapon, while others insist on the ‘no-planes’ theory.

I guess getting to the truth was never going to be easy….
This little beauty is a Klingon destroyer.


It's well known that the Klingon Empire acquired cloaking technology from the Romulans.

So, a cloaked destroyer, firing photon torpedoes from space fits all the facts.

It would be the perfect crime.
Yossarian said:
The ‘Scholars for 9/11 Truth’ movement, has, sadly, splintered over this issue. There’s a lot of disagreement on whether mini-nuclear weapons were used to bring down the towers, or some kind of outer space-based weapon, while others insist on the ‘no-planes’ theory.
Perhaps those holographic planes that Jazzz discovered in the makey-uppey Sci-Fi 'manual' set in the year 2012 really do exist and were able to attack the WTC by transporting through a rip in the space-time continuum?

Or is that Dr Who?
editor said:
Why not just answer the question instead of posting up cheer personal slurs?

It's on-topic and relevant, unlike your comment.
I am gently pointing out the facetiousness evident in your so 'on topic' questions :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
I am gently pointing out the facetiousness evident in your so 'on topic' questions :rolleyes:
Let's try again.

Do you still believe that the WTC towers were brought down by cunningly hidden explosives sneakily installed by shady operatives who curiously remained completely undetected by every one of the tens of thousands of people who worked there (including the Janitor)?
Got £20 in my pocket and will give odds that you'll not get a one word answer where the word is either "Yes" or "No"

Any takers?
Jazzz said:
Here's a description of the investigation from 'Fire Engineering' - which I hasten to add is not a conspiracy publication, nor was it entertaining the possibility of Controlled Demolition. Yet it is still a scathing criticism
If I wasn't ignoring you (which I am), I'd point out that they are concerned about the lack of investigation of how the buildings came to collapse in the way they did in the circumstances they found themselves NOT some conspiracy theory of how those circumstances came to arise in the first place.

In relation to an investigation into that then obviously the structural metalwork and almost all of the rest of the remains, may be of use and would need to be assessed fopr potential value.

But, as I am ignoring you, I won't.
editor said:
Perhaps those holographic planes that Jazzz discovered in the makey-uppey Sci-Fi 'manual' set in the year 2012 really do exist and were able to attack the WTC by transporting through a rip in the space-time continuum?

Or is that Dr Who?
Doctor Who did once manage to jury rig his Tardis and cross dimensions. But where's the motive?

I'm sticking with my Klingon theory. They had the motive and the means. The USG remains curiously silent about them. Well I think I can guess why!
detective-boy said:
If I wasn't ignoring you (which I am), I'd point out that they are concerned about the lack of investigation of how the buildings came to collapse in the way they did in the circumstances they found themselves NOT some conspiracy theory of how those circumstances came to arise in the first place.

In relation to an investigation into that then obviously the structural metalwork and almost all of the rest of the remains, may be of use and would need to be assessed fopr potential value.

But, as I am ignoring you, I won't.
But then that's a shame because it would mean we are in agreement: all I have endeavoured to point out in my recent posts is that there was a complete lack of proper investigation into how the buildings collapsed whatever the cause may be. The Fire Engineering prediction is surely spot on - we are left with 'paper and computer-generated hypotheticals'.
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