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9/11 media happenings

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beesonthewhatnow said:
All I can say is that I hope to god you are never asked to sit on a jury.

In this one post you have shown yourself to be a complete and utter fool. Your mindset is that of a brainwashed cult follower. Nothing will convince you, nothing will sway you. You are not interested in proof, evidence or any sort of investigation. You are a sumg, self satisified egotistical idiot who cares not one iota for the truth, but merely seeks any scrap of lunacy to support your paranoid fantasy world.

And you have no idea how sorry I am to type that :(
Oh, I think I do. I am quite overwhelmed by the sincerety here. NOT

In a few posts you have shown yourself to be a devious debater - you simply asked whether I believed there were missiles on the planes. I had ALREADY said I did. However, I specifically did NOT say that because I believed missiles were on the planes I thought 9/11 was an inside job. The missiles follow from the inside job not the inside job from the missiles. I'm regretting obliging you with free answers, because it's clear you were just seeking to twist anything I came out with. Either that, or you are dumber than I thought.
Jazzz said:
Oh, I think I do. I am quite overwhelmed by the sincerety here. NOT

I was sincere - I've met you IRL and you seemed sound, I can't equate that with the paranoid idiot you become on here :(

In a few posts you have shown yourself to be a devious debater - you simply asked whether I believed there were missiles on the planes. I had ALREADY said I did
Yep. I then asked you WHY you believed that. You couldn't come up with an answer, other than "I believe it to be so". This shows that you are arguing from a position of faith, not logic or reason. And thus the entire argument collapses. I may as well argue with a priest as to the existence of god.
Crispy said:
Falling debris can demolish a spire. For a start, once the top 20 storeys started to fall, it impacted the top of the core below. There's some immediate on-axis forces right there. Then, once the collapse was underway, any failing members that buckle inwards will generate a lateral force, trasmitted by the floors and any other intermediate debris, to the core. Also, floors ripping away or being pushed in towards the core would also damage it. It's in the nature of droping things, that when they impact, they deflect and go sideways. Any number of things going sideways will be thrown around. WIth a fuck lot of energy, remember. e=mv^2 - there's a lot of mass, falling pretty quickly. Do the maths.

Fallings things will gather a lot of speed but only in a vertical direction. :p
Jazzz said:
However, I specifically did NOT say that because I believed missiles were on the planes I thought 9/11 was an inside job. The missiles follow from the inside job not the inside job from the missiles.

You said it again! "I believe story x" therefore "I know fact y" - this is completely backwards! "I believe in the redeeming power of Christ" therefore "you are going to hell for your sins" makes just as much sense.
Jazzz said:
Fallings things will gather a lot of speed but only in a vertical direction. :p
Yes. Drop a pencil point first on your desk. Observe how it bounces only vertically, without any sideways movement at all.
beesonthewhatnow said:
Yep. I then asked you WHY you believed that. You couldn't come up with an answer, other than "I believe it to be so". This shows that you are arguing from a position of faith, not logic or reason. And thus the entire argument collapses. I may as well argue with a priest as to the existence of god.

I said I believed there were missiles on the planes because I believe that 9/11 was an inside job! And it's the subject of whole threads to explain why I believe that, not one single post you fool.
Jazzz said:
I said I believed there were missiles on the planes because I believe that 9/11 was an inside job!
If you really can't see the problem with that statement, then I just don't know what to say. Staggering.
Crispy said:
Yes. Drop a pencil point first on your desk. Observe how it bounces only vertically, without any sideways movement at all.
hmmm. Well, so much for the complete lack of resistance. But here's a question for you Crispy. If the collapsing debris was so unstoppable, so overwhelming, why did it stop at the ground floor and not pulverise the basements?
Jazzz said:
Fallings things will gather a lot of speed but only in a vertical direction. :p
Here, I did a little picture.
What happens next?


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Jazzz said:
I said I believed there were missiles on the planes because I believe that 9/11 was an inside job!
Can you not see the huge gap in your logic there?

So, yet again, one very simple question.

What is your evidence to support that there were missiles on the planes?

From credible sources please.

Oh, I forgot, you don't need any. Faith is enough for you.
Crispy said:
If you really can't see the problem with that statement, then I just don't know what to say. Staggering.
Not at all. If I was to carry out 9/11 as an inside job, I would put missiles on the planes. So that's why I believe - in the sense that if I had to place a bet - that is likely what happened. I don't claim any certainty. What's the problem?
Jazzz said:
Not at all. If I was to carry out 9/11 as an inside job, I would put missiles on the planes. So that's why I believe - in the sense that if I had to place a bet - that is likely what happened. I don't claim any certainty. What's the problem?
The problem is that you sinply believe, without any supporting evidence whatsoever. You have the mindset of a brainwashed cult follower - no evidence is required, just blind faith.
beesonthewhatnow said:
Can you not see the huge gap in your logic there?

So, yet again, one very simple question.

What is your evidence to support that there were missiles on the planes?

From credible sources please.

Oh, I forgot, you don't need any. Faith is enough for you.
I've explained. If you're too stupid to appreciate inductive logic it's not my problem. You are asking me to explain why I believe 9/11 was an inside job. I'm not going to repeat that in one post. Why don't you have a look at the molten steel video? That's one piece of evidence.
Jazzz said:
I've explained. If you're too stupid to understand inductive logic it's not my problem. You are asking me to explain why I believe 9/11 was an inside job. I'm not going to repeat that in one post.
No, I'm asking for evidence to support your belief that there were missiles on the planes.

Simply saying "becuase I think there were" is not evidence by the way.
Jazzz said:
Not at all. If I was to carry out 9/11 as an inside job, I would put missiles on the planes. So that's why I believe - in the sense that if I had to place a bet - that is likely what happened. I don't claim any certainty. What's the problem?
The problem is that like any corrupt researcher you're trying to fit results to theories rather than theories to results. People lose thier jobs and reputations for that in science, thankfully you can only lose the latter here.
beesonthewhatnow said:
The problem is that you sinply believe, without any supporting evidence whatsoever. You have the mindset of a brainwashed cult follower - no evidence is required, just blind faith.

Yeah but that's the problem here bees. This pesky word evidence. Outside of the scientific world what evidence is there for anything? How can we be sure that what we're told is evidence is evidence? How can we be sure juries get it right? How can we be sure of anything outside of our own experience?

Incidentally, any argument you or anyone has is very difficult to accept at face value when it's accompanied by such raving subjective descriptions of posters who you don't agree with.

You talk about evidence as if it's the holy grail, and faith as if it's a bad thing.

One of my beefs about 911 is that the media happenings are actually media non-happenings. If they at least sought the path in their reporting to bring to justice those who took part in this staggering piece of incompetence, then any dodgy goings on would be uncovered.

But it is interesting indeed why the mainstream media in the US never sought to make those in power responsible for their stupidity.

In a democracy that's what's supposed to happen. But in america, an attack on the president is almost an attack on oneself.
fela fan said:
One of my beefs about 911 is that the media happenings are actually media non-happenings. If they at least sought the path in their reporting to bring to justice those who took part in this staggering piece of incompetence, then any dodgy goings on would be uncovered.

But it is interesting indeed why the mainstream media in the US never sought to make those in power responsible for their stupidity.

In a democracy that's what's supposed to happen. But in america, an attack on the president is almost an attack on oneself.

This is my major beef. In fact it's the whole fucking cow.
Jazzz said:
I said I believed there were missiles on the planes because I believe that 9/11 was an inside job!
What's the point of trying to engage someone with facts, evidence, peer reviewed analysis, expert testimony and the results of independent investigations if all they do is come back with, "I am right because I belieeeeeve!"?

You're like a brainwashed Moonie.


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fela fan said:
You talk about evidence as if it's the holy grail, and faith as if it's a bad thing.
When you are accusing a govenrment of a plot to murder thousands of its own people, then yeah, I think evidence is pretty fucking important. Blind faith is not enough.

One of my beefs about 911 is that the media happenings are actually media non-happenings. If they at least sought the path in their reporting to bring to justice those who took part in this staggering piece of incompetence, then any dodgy goings on would be uncovered

(my bold)

Exactly, so why are so many people fucking about with conspiracy shite? There is an issue to be investigated here, there are unanswered questions that go right to the heart of th USG, all the CTers do is direct attention away from them.
beesonthewhatnow said:
No, I'm asking for evidence to support your belief that there were missiles on the planes.

Simply saying "becuase I think there were" is not evidence by the way.
I thought I told you - my belief that there were missiles on the planes is because I think 9/11 was an inside job, and if the second is true then the first likely follows by my reasoning.

You do exactly the same. If I asked you, was Mohammed Atta on one of the planes? - you would say yes, simply because you belief the official story and if you do that then it follows Atta was on board. You won't consider that you need anything more.

Has that explained it for you? I can't believe I'm spending so much time explaining such basic reasoning.
Jazzz - the debris did pulverise the basement, there are pictures documenting huge steel beams that went through the tunnel roof of the Metro line beneath WTC for fucks sake, you know this because we've shown you the pictures before.

I am more convinced now than even that you are wilfully trying to push the lies of the American Free Press even though you know they are wrong, I just can't think why.

Maybe it's just attention seeking.

I know not and I care less, but either way you are once again proving to everyone how much of an arsehole you are in regards to these fantasy stories.
I put it down to your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or medication you might be taking for it.
Jazzz said:
Here's that molten steel montage again for our NIST fans. Anyone like to comment? I noticed no-one commented either about the WTC impacts having the greatest seismic trace.
Oh look, still no comments on this. And no comment either about why the overwhelming collapse decided to stop at the ground floor. And no comment about why the WTC impacts gave a large seismic trace compared to the other crashes. Instead, nitpicking galore...
Jazzz said:
I thought I told you - my belief that there were missiles on the planes is because I think 9/11 was an inside job, and if the second is true then the first likely follows by my reasoning.

You do exactly the same. If I asked you, was Mohammed Atta on one of the planes? - you would say yes, simply because you belief the official story and if you do that then it follows Atta was on board. You won't consider that you need anything more
You see, this is where the holes in your logic appear. You believe in "a", and thus believe you can jump to "z", without bothering to check that the rest of the alphabet is there inbetween them.

And, for what it's worth, I don't completely accept the "offical story" - I havce stated many times that I don't believe we have been told the whole truth about what happened that day, and may never will be. What I don't then do is what you do, which is make a huge logical leap of faith to missile firing planes and invisible explosives...
Jazzz said:
I thought I told you - my belief that there were missiles on the planes is because I think 9/11 was an inside job, and if the second is true then the first likely follows by my reasoning.
But there is not a single scrap of evidence to support that assertion.

For your barking nutjob 'plane firing missile' theory to be a reality, a truly massive cast of characters would have been needed to pull it off.

'They' would have to find a vast reservoir of highly qualified scientists, engineers and other individuals all willing and happy to participate in the needless slaughter of innocent fellow citizens of their country.

And once this act of ruthless mass murder and destruction had been accomplished, all these conscience-free people would have to remain totally silent forever.

Oh, and seeing as 'loons love to throw quotes around, here's a couple just for you.
To keep your secret is wisdom; but to expect others to keep it is folly.
Samuel Johnson

Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
Benjamin Franklin
Jazzz said:
Oh look, still no comments on this. And no comment either about why the overwhelming collapse decided to stop at the ground floor. And no comment about why the WTC impacts gave a large seismic trace compared to the other crashes. Instead, nitpicking galore...
Yep. Nothing here. Why, the trains could just drive straight through!

beesonthewhatnow said:
When you are accusing a govenrment of a plot to murder thousands of its own people, then yeah, I think evidence is pretty fucking important. Blind faith is not enough.

(my bold)

Exactly, so why are so many people fucking about with conspiracy shite? There is an issue to be investigated here, there are unanswered questions that go right to the heart of th USG, all the CTers do is direct attention away from them.

Accusations and evidence are for the courts, we're in a debating chamber.

Furthermore, whether jazzz has faith or not, only he can tell you, but i doubt very much it's blind.

Now if you want that issue to be investigated, just like i do, then how about getting on at the 'free' media in britain? Get them to prod their american cousin journos to investigate the high crimes of negligence (or involvement) over 911. I believe no-one lost their jobs over 911, and that is highly suspicious in my book.

You shouldn't worry about all this conspiracy stuff, it's only here on the net and amongst some posters who come to these urban 911 threads.

What i want is the mainstream media to use their resources to investigate the biggest event in world history for decades. Y'see man, there is a lot of precedence down the times that empires attack themselves in order to protect and extend the power they have. So when the american media basically don't even try and bring anyone to book for such dreadful incompetence, it just makes me and plenty wonder why that is.

The glib answer is that media in the US (and the UK to a lesser extent) is part of the establishment. I don't thint that would be too far from the truth at the minimum...
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