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9/11 media happenings

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He's been up to scratch on this one. First claiming that no one noticed the hijackers, then claiming that the oaklahoma bombing was a trial run for 9/11, then pulling random figures from his arse. (i know i've missed some from that short list)

Avoiding the issues where he quibbles prevaricates and misrepresents his sources with careful C&Ps.
oklahoma a trial run? But I thought the oklahoma building was a concrete framed 10--or-so storey building? That wasn't brought to the ground, but just partly destroyed?
Well, he's been on for a stack of time this evening and doesn't seem to be posting too much elsewhere, so we can only assume that his detailed and absolutely devestating response is close to completion.
Crispy said:
oklahoma a trial run? But I thought the oklahoma building was a concrete framed 10--or-so storey building? That wasn't brought to the ground, but just partly destroyed?
Exactly, clear proof that it was a trial run cleverly designed to throw truthseekers off the scent!
Crispy said:
Yes, it can be hard reading. We're dealing with a whole barrow load of facts here, after all.

I don't know if you've ever seen steel under a tension test in a lab (I had to do such a test as part of my degree) - The behaviour is not quite as intuitive as you might think. Steel can take a certain amount of load without serious deformation or change in its load bearing capacity. Once you remove the load, the steel retains its former shape. This is elastic behaviour. Beyond a certain point - and it is very obvious on a graph - the steel continues to be able to absorb extra load, but at the expense of deformation. This is plastic behaviour. Once you're into plastic behaviour, deformation continues to happen until the member eventually fails.

So, the translation of that statement would be something like:

Once the steel was loaded so much it was no longer "springy" - it was still capable of transmitting loads to still-springy elements whilst it was deforming.
Okay. So, it's fair to say that even after the yield point, the steel is still capable of taking further stress - the yield point is not the same as the tensile strength. Also, there may be safety being factored in to the design loads for those columns - we don't have figures for those. Here's a quote

In fact, the WTC had tremendous reserve capacity. An early article about the project in the Engineering News-Record declared that “live loads on these [perimeter] columns can be increased more than 2,000 percent before failure occurs.”

So I'm a bit confused over this question, but as I said, I didn't claim 600% as gospel. And no matter, it was a luxury in proving that the core would stand for itself, something I did anyway in post #745. I don't consider that the question of design specification is wrapped up though because we don't know the design loads for which those yield points are claimed. What I feel pretty sure of stating is that the WTC was designed as a very redundant structure.

The above quote (with reference) is taken from a critique of the NIST report by Mark H. Gaffney which posters should read:

Dead On Arrival - The NIST 9/11 Report on the WTC Collapse

And one note is that 87% of the core columns, all of the trusses, and all of the bolts tested by NIST exceeded specification. This bit would also seem to confirm that the core could take - at the very least - the whole design load of the towers:

When the NIST crunched the numbers for the 47 core columns of WTC 1 (between the 93rd and 98th floors) it found that the factor of safety ranged from 1.6 to 2.8, the average value being 2.1.[75] This means that the average core column in WTC 1 could support more than twice its design load before reaching the yield strength, i.e., the point where damage may begin to occur.

2.1 * 50% (TA's own figure) is more than 100%, if my arithmetic is correct this time. Hence TA's repeated claim that the core couldn't take the full design load of the WTC is surely wrong. And that's without reserve capacity of the steels past their yield point, or redistribution of load to the core via the hat trusses, or whatever.

But this is all indeed a sideline - the main objections to the NIST reports are that

1) it never considered CD as an option. The above article phrases it nicely - the WTC was a crime scene, and tests should have been performed without bias, if only to rule options out. From NIST's own FAQ - I produce this just to establish the point

12. Did the NIST investigation look for evidence of the WTC towers being brought down by controlled demolition? Was the steel tested for explosives or thermite residues? The combination of thermite and sulfur (called thermate) "slices through steel like a hot knife through butter."

NIST did not test for the residue of these compounds in the steel.

And instead what they do is 'fudge' the model, making whatever assumptions are necessary in order to get it to collapse.

2) It doesn't explain the actually collapse - this is the bit that most needs explaining. TA waves his hands and says that once collapse started 'progressive collapse was clearly inevitable' or similar but this is totally unproven. If it is so clear, why could it not be modelled? It is far from clear that complete collapse would occur from initial failures, and even if it was to, far from clear that it would progress in the way it did - no steel building has ever collapsed in such a way before, not from fire, not from earthquakes, not anything. But, they have from CD.

I note there has been silence over the question of NIST's failure to account for the heat conductivity of the steel - surely something that had to be a major consideration of their model.
Short version:

1) Jazzz pulled the 600% from his arse and all sources he can find show that he overstated the margin by a tremendous amount. From this we can tell that analy delivered factoids should be taken with a large pinch of salt.

2) That jazzz has yet again failed to grasp the difference between a static load (yes a live load is still mostly static) and shock loading.

3) He provides no source to say that the NIST report does not take into account the thermal conductivity of the steel. I have tried to extract evidence from Jazzz on several occasions, i suspect that this is another case of him not having one other than prison plannet, ie he doesn't know they didn't take account of it, he just takes the word of those loonspuds as gospel truth.

4) Jazzz does not understand the difference between compression and tension. If he did then he would not be so stupid as to use it as any sort of evidence to prove that a vertical structure would have remained standing after thousands of tons of metal paperwork and holograms hit it.

5) That Jazzz is still posting links without reading any provided by others.
Now, onto his main points:

1) Why the fuck should it be considered? You don't belive the report as it is, why the hell would you belive it if they did consider and ruled it out as a deeply stupid conspiracy theory? Ie two points, a) There is no reason to assume that it was explosives b) Even a token attempt to keep the loons happy would be wasted as they would cry coverup, again.

2) Which steel buildings have been demolished by explosives Jazzz? I'm not talking about reinforced concrete, i'm interested in steel buildings. Preferably ones standing say... 30 stories high or greater? What's that you say!? None have been demolished using explosives!? Nooo!
Jazzz said:
The above quote (with reference) is taken from a critique of the NIST report by Mark H. Gaffney which posters should read:
Could you tell me Mark H. Gaffney's qualifications in the fields of demolition, skyscraper design, metallurgy and structural engineering please?

Please tell me it's not the person responsible for this:

Gnostic Secrets of the Naassenes
The Initiatory Teachings of the Last Supper
by Mark H. Gaffney

Shows that Gnosticism is not a derivative of Christianity but the revelation of the true message of Jesus

• Describes the ancient relationship between water and spirit

• Explains the doctrine of immanence taught by Jesus at the Last Supper
Reading a reader's review of Gaffney's book on Amazon sure strikes a familiar chord:

The author emailed me personally several times..., March 19, 2002
Reviewer: A reader
He made claims that contrast with known history (even some assertions that aren't being disputed by Arab, Israeli, or other partisans), and wouldn't back up 95+% of his asserions with supporting facts, even after I made several requests for him to provide citations (and after I'd provided him with many of my own citations, which were contrary to his claims).

Despite that my citations were of credible sources like the UN, major media, self-criticisms by heads-of-state which they published themselves in their memoirs, etc., and despite that I'd typically provide several varying sources to corroborate each of my assertions, AND despite that he'd not even bothered to rebut 95+% of my assertions (and if he did rebut, he'd never cite any facts/figures, so for all I know, he was using data from partisan groups), he'd go on believing his "version" of history over those well-documented assertions I made to him. In other words, he seemed like an irrational/illogical nut who'll believe what he wants in spite of commonly-accepted facts.

I'm finding it highly amusing that you don't seem to address me directly any more. Presumably you're still throwing a hissy fit because your "facts" and "evidence" turned out to be as substantial as political promises?

Once again you hand-wave away highly detailed technical arguments and prove woefully inadequate in posting full references for what little you have. Really, I can go back through all the posts and remind you AGAIN where you have "overlooked" evidence and calculations presented to you.

Alternatively, you could just post a cogent argument for a change.

I didn't claim 600% as gospel.

Actually, you stated it as fact and made no reference to any restrictions. In fact it now appears that you plucked 600% out of the air, which doesn't give us much confidence in your reasoning abilities. Are there any other figures which you also made up?

2.1 * 50% (TA's own figure) is more than 100%, if my arithmetic is correct this time. Hence TA's repeated claim that the core couldn't take the full design load of the WTC is surely wrong. And that's without reserve capacity of the steels past their yield point, or redistribution of load to the core via the hat trusses, or whatever.

Now tell us how you calculate this safety factor in respect of live, dead, and dynamic loads. Pay special attention to load directions and the role played by the floors and hat trusses in providing latteral restraint together with cross bracing.

And before you say you can't, I'd like to remind you that you claimed to be good at mechanics. I can quote the post if you like.

But finally we get to the nub of the argument: you finally specify your problems with the official reports - and there are only two of them!!

But this is all indeed a sideline - the main objections to the NIST reports are that

1) it never considered CD as an option. The above article phrases it nicely - the WTC was a crime scene, and tests should have been performed without bias, if only to rule options out.

That is because there is no evidence to justify such an assessment of the evidence. Planes hit the towers. Big fires broke out. Steel failed. Building collapsed. And funnily enough, YOU and all the other CTers haven't managed to come out with a shred of evidence of CD either.

What else did you expect NIST to check for? Judy Wood's mysterious death rays? Evidence of alien involvement? Earthquake damage? Dry rot?

It doesn't explain the actually collapse - this is the bit that most needs explaining. TA waves his hands and says that once collapse started 'progressive collapse was clearly inevitable' or similar but this is totally unproven. If it is so clear, why could it not be modelled? It is far from clear that complete collapse would occur from initial failures, and even if it was to, far from clear that it would progress in the way it did - no steel building has ever collapsed in such a way before, not from fire, not from earthquakes, not anything. But, they have from CD.

Incredible. You've not actually taken in any of what you've been told. You're clearly not interest in the truth.

let me remind you that accordingly to figures which in an article/presentation YOU found that the dynamic load of the upper structure exceeded the capacity of the lower structure by a factor of 64.

That's 64, Jazz. From a paper which you quoted.

Let's also remember that you thought collapse speeds were around free-fall, rather than 30 to 60% slower and despite the fact that we could SEE huge chunks of debris actually in free-fall hit the ground first.

Any suggestion that the structure should have arrested is ludicrous and merely betrays the limitations in your own reasoning. However lest you accuse me of hand waving, I'd be more than happy to see your own calculations or alternatively your own detailed critique of Frank Greening's paper.

And I don't mean the woowoo crap Jones and co. post, because 911 myths and others have already trashed that.

On you go: are you a man, or an intellectual mouse?
Oh, lest I forget:

Jazzz said:
from clear that it would progress in the way it did - no steel building has ever collapsed in such a way before, not from fire, not from earthquakes, not anything. But, they have from CD.

That's a strawman argument worthy of a school kid:Find me another building that got hit by large jets at high speed, suffered a large explosion, then a widespread fire.

I note there has been silence over the question of NIST's failure to account for the heat conductivity of the steel - surely something that had to be a major consideration of their model.

I have to ask this Jazz: Do you believe that steel fails due to fire under normal fire conditions, given that you cling so strongly to this conductivity issue?
TheArchitect said:
Actually, you stated it as fact and made no reference to any restrictions. In fact it now appears that you plucked 600% out of the air, which doesn't give us much confidence in your reasoning abilities. Are there any other figures which you also made up?

I mentioned it was a figure 'I found'... hardly stating it conclusively, and the calculation was only intended as a rough one. You found sources for it yourself. However, I'm happy to concede it - 200% suffices for the argument I was making to disprove your assertion that the core could not take the full design load (which may reflect fantastic redundancy in itself).

But of course, why see the wood when you can quibble about a tree?
Bob_the_lost said:
2) That jazzz has yet again failed to grasp the difference between a static load (yes a live load is still mostly static) and shock loading.
I haven't made the argument you are assuming.

3) He provides no source to say that the NIST report does not take into account the thermal conductivity of the steel. I have tried to extract evidence from Jazzz on several occasions, i suspect that this is another case of him not having one other than prison plannet, ie he doesn't know they didn't take account of it, he just takes the word of those loonspuds as gospel truth.
Right, so you are taking the line that it would of course be necessary to model heat loss from the conductivity of steel?

If so I fail to see why NIST cannot be public about accounting for such factors, and if they have then someone should be able to find it.
TheArchitect said:
Now tell us how you calculate this safety factor in respect of live, dead, and dynamic loads. Pay special attention to load directions and the role played by the floors and hat trusses in providing latteral restraint together with cross bracing.

And before you say you can't, I'd like to remind you that you claimed to be good at mechanics. I can quote the post if you like.
I said I had a good intuitive grasp of mechanics. You're smarting because it's pretty clear that the core could take the entire design load of the building.

On you go: are you a man, or an intellectual mouse?
oh look, more childish taunts. Grow up.
Jazzz said:
If so I fail to see why NIST cannot be public about accounting for such factors, and if they have then someone should be able to find it.
Why can't you offer a remotely sane explanation why not a single person out of the tens of thousands of workers, security staff, office managers, cleaning staff, lift operators, workers, catering staff, maintenance staff, car park attendants, police, CCTV operators, office suppliers, temp staff or visitors noticed anything even slightly suspicious prior to 9/11?

For your bombs to exist there would have to be vast tons of explosives, miles of cables, power drills rattling, walls stripped, ceilings removed, holes made all over the place and operatives and workmen wandering all over the building for weeks on end. So how come no one saw a thing?

Please explain. Thanks.
Bob_the_lost said:
Now, onto his main points:

1) Why the fuck should it be considered? You don't belive the report as it is, why the hell would you belive it if they did consider and ruled it out as a deeply stupid conspiracy theory? Ie two points, a) There is no reason to assume that it was explosives b) Even a token attempt to keep the loons happy would be wasted as they would cry coverup, again.
Well, all those reports of explosions for one, who was to say that Al-Qaeda hadn't planted a few? Just might be worth doing a little test here and there, seeing as this was the greatest crime ever perpetrated on US soil, no?

2) Which steel buildings have been demolished by explosives Jazzz? I'm not talking about reinforced concrete, i'm interested in steel buildings. Preferably ones standing say... 30 stories high or greater? What's that you say!? None have been demolished using explosives!? Nooo!

Doesn't matter. Out of the steel buildings that HAVE had a collapse initiation, none have collapsed in the way that the WTC did. Even with collapse initiation all kinds of collapses, or not, could have occurred, this is surely what must be modelled. For instance, it might have toppled. Or, it might have collapsed a lot slower. However there is nothing about the collapse that is not in keeping with CD.
Jazzz said:
However there is nothing about the collapse that is not in keeping with CD.
So exactly where were these bombs please?

Oh, and how come no one noticed anything?

(Your weird religious like belief in CD without a single scrap of sane evidence really is getting quite troubling now, you know)
Jazzzz said:
However there is nothing about the collapse that is not in keeping with CD.

I'm sure someone with experience of controlled demolition will be along soon to report what was inconsistent.

Meanwhile, I can report that there was nothing about the collapse that was not compatible with it having been caused by a coven of Crowleyite warlocks performing Very Powerful Ceremonies in a corner of Jazzzz's imagination.

Nor, for that matter, with a local and arbitrary and uncaused alteration of the laws of physics. "Fuck it," thought the Schrödiger Equation, "I'll take the day off, just here".

Is my point about causality getting through to those who are interested in causality rather than pseudo-religious belief?
Jazzz said:
The above quote (with reference) is taken from a critique of the NIST report by Mark H. Gaffney which posters should read
for gods sake, have you still not grasped the concept of what constitutes a credible source?

Why the silence to my question re the missiles from the planes? I'm interested to know if you still consider it part of the reason for the towers collapse, or if CD is your sole theory now. I consider this a fair question, and relevant to the debate, why won't you answer?
Jazzz said:
I mentioned it was a figure 'I found'...
Yet you have failed to say where you found it - why?

Could it be because, yet again, it's from a source that has zero credibility?

How many times do we have to do this before you learn?
laptop said:
I'm sure someone with experience of controlled demolition will be along soon to report what was inconsistent.
It's been done. Not by myself, i've never blown up a 100 story + skyscraper (since no one has...). But Jazzz ignored it. (Or more likely didn't even bother looking inside the link because it might hurt his pet theories.)

The squibs aren't squibs, the pattern is inconsistent, the direction of fall is completely wrong if you assume that explosives were used to drop it vertically (since it didn't). The building fel too slow and there were none of the siesmic markers you'd expect.
Jazzz said:
Well, all those reports of explosions for one, who was to say that Al-Qaeda hadn't planted a few? Just might be worth doing a little test here and there, seeing as this was the greatest crime ever perpetrated on US soil, no?

Christ on a cross! For "cavemen" these Al Qaeda types are supposed to be fucking good at writing bad hollywood scripts. Firstly they tried that before and got sweet fuck all out of it if they had enough people then why not go for another plane? Secondly If you can't see why bombs would have been better employed at a fifth target then you're beyond help.

Oh and "little" we discounted earlier, helps if you read other people's posts.

Doesn't matter. Out of the steel buildings that HAVE had a collapse initiation, none have collapsed in the way that the WTC did.
Linky linky linky? Yeah, sorry, forgot the flying pigs were bringing them. Doesn't matter!? Doesn't matter! Since you're continually bitching about steel buildings that have collapsed through fire i want to know what steel buildings have collapsed so we can see the difference. Come on, admit it, you haven't even looked for them yet.

Even with collapse initiation all kinds of collapses, or not, could have occurred, this is surely what must be modelled. For instance, it might have toppled. Or, it might have collapsed a lot slower.
First they are corrupt concealers of the truth for trying to find a model to fit what did happen, then they are incompetent for not trying to model it in ways that did not occur.

We'll ignore yet a fucking gain your winging about not modeling the speed of collapse, but what else to tear apart? The fact that the top did topple? Oh you meant the entire building! Jazzz, that's just thick.

Again and again you try to subsitute handwaving for thought. You're not a mime, it doesn't work for you.
Jazzz said:
Well, all those reports of explosions for one, who was to say that Al-Qaeda hadn't planted a few? Just might be worth doing a little test here and there, seeing as this was the greatest crime ever perpetrated on US soil, no?

And suspiciously I notice that enquiries into the London bombings made no attempt to discover whether airliners has been flown in the tube trains :o What sloppy investigations.

Maybe it would be helpful Jazzz if you summarised your argument for controlled demoliton. So far, from the reading of your posts (and correct me if I've got the wrong end of the stick) it seems that your stance is:
The inner core could have been a stable free-standing structure. How does this point to controlled demolition?
I'm sure someone with experience of controlled demolition will be along soon to report what was inconsistent.

It would be handy, but a quick trop to Controlled Demolition Incs website (complete with COOL mpegs of buildings being demolished) supplies visual evidence of the difference between the collapse of the WTC and CD - to start with CD stuff falls inwards, whereas the WTC quite clearly collapses straight down...
kyser_soze said:
Controlled Demolition Incs website
Oh come on, we can't be expected to view them as a reliable source of information - after all, they have a mere 50 years of experience in the field, I bet they haven't got a single DVD to sell, and I imagine I can count the number of books they are trying to flog on the fingers of one hand!

I dunno, anyone would think you are trying to bring facts into this debate :rolleyes:

;) :D
axon said:
And suspiciously I notice that enquiries into the London bombings made no attempt to discover whether airliners has been flown in the tube trains :o What sloppy investigations.
Or whether the passengers were killed by the bombs rather than, say, Polonium 210 ...
I dunno, anyone would think you are trying to bring facts into this debate

I apologise, and I'm ashamed. I will walk off with my head lowered in penitence.


CD of the Travellers Building. Look at how, unlike the WTC, there are multiple collapse points up and down the structure, unlike the WTC where the structure clearly fails from the top and the structure moves directly down...
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