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9/11 media happenings

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I am glad to see this thread still so full of sensible informed debate. lovely stuff.

Still not quite convinced that it's possible to rig a building for demolition, then have it suffer massive damage by falling debris and still have the charges work.

Anyway, as you were.
Why would the ones that demolished WTC7 and WTC 1,2 use conventional demolition stuff, with wires ? They could use bombs with no wires, andthey did not care for the collateral damage, they used enough stuff to bring them down.
I think that timed demolition charges went off in WTC 1,2 from top to bottom, that is the explanation for the speed and the way they collapsed
paimei01 said:
Why would the ones that demolished WTC7 and WTC 1,2 use conventional demolition stuff, with wires ? They could use bombs with no wires, andthey did not care for the collateral damage, they used enough stuff to bring them down.
I think that timed demolition charges went off in WTC 1,2 from top to bottom, that is the explanation for the speed and the way they collapsed
Would they be those special invisibly installed invisible bombs that are so small they can be hidden away without anyone noticing and are miraculously able to survive planes smashing in to them at high speed?

Could you give me some examples of huge structures being effortlessly demolished using this unusual method of 'hidden bombs' rather than employing the usual method of drilling in thousands of carefully placed explosives charges over a lengthy preparation period?

paimei01 said:
Why would the ones that demolished WTC7 and WTC 1,2 use conventional demolition stuff, with wires ? They could use bombs with no wires,

Like radio controlled? Do you know how difficult that would be and the chance that say an accidently radio signal could trigger the explosion. Radios like the ones carried by every cop and and fireman.

andthey did not care for the collateral damage, they used enough stuff to bring them down.

What kind of "stuff" did they use? You really are coming off as clueless right now,

I think that timed demolition charges went off in WTC 1,2 from top to bottom, that is the explanation for the speed and the way they collapsed

You know that no one has ever done a top down CD before right? So how would it look like a CD if it wasn't brought down in a regular CD manner? And please don't get started on the way/speed guff again.
paimei01 said:
Why would the ones that demolished WTC7 and WTC 1,2 use conventional demolition stuff, with wires ? They could use bombs with no wires, andthey did not care for the collateral damage, they used enough stuff to bring them down.
I think that timed demolition charges went off in WTC 1,2 from top to bottom, that is the explanation for the speed and the way they collapsed
There's a fairly major chunk of this thread where this idea is shot in the head. Once the top chunk of that building was moving, there's nothing could have stopped it. The formulae




are the key ones here. Educate yourself a little.
paimei01 said:
Why would the ones that demolished WTC7 and WTC 1,2 use conventional demolition stuff, with wires ? They could use bombs with no wires, andthey did not care for the collateral damage, they used enough stuff to bring them down.
I think that timed demolition charges went off in WTC 1,2 from top to bottom, that is the explanation for the speed and the way they collapsed

Fucking hell, you make that fela fella sound like a genius. What you think is wrong, ill-informed nonsense. Can you fuck off now?
What do you mean there is nothing that could have stopped it moving ?
Do you know in how much time it fell ? 10 seconds - wich is the time it takes to hit the ground if you jump from 400 meters.
Do you know this free fall law ?
So if I drop the top 20 stories from 400 meters they hit the ground in 10 seconds, does not matter if they pass trough air or another 80 stories ?
Why do parts from the building fly outwards 70 meters ? You think it's easy to throw a steel beam 70 meters ?
Only explanation : the building fell so fast because the 80 stories below disintegrated.

Where in this picture do you see that GIANT STEEL MASS CRUSHING THE BUILDING AND REACHING THE BASEMENT the official theory speaks off ?
You people can't belive your eyes
paimei01 said:
What do you mean there is nothing that could have stopped it moving ?
Exactly that, as soon as the top section was in motion there was nothing, nothing at all that would be able to stop it.

paimei01 said:
Do you know in how much time it fell ? 10 seconds - wich is the time it takes to hit the ground if you jump from 400 meters.
The collapse had progressed at a 60% retardation of freefall, do you know how much of a difference that is? Lots.

You haven't payed even the most cursory attention to the debunking pages have you? Idiot.
Crispy said:
There's a fairly major chunk of this thread where this idea is shot in the head. Once the top chunk of that building was moving, there's nothing could have stopped it. The formulae




are the key ones here. Educate yourself a little.
Paimei01, also look up about impulses as well.
Why bother engaing with paimei at all? Would be easier just to put it on ignore since it's not remotely interested in hearing anything other than LALALATHEYANKGOVTDIDIT platitudes, and clearly can't be arsed to read through the relevant sections of the thread on why the towers collapsed the way they did etc etc
paimei01 said:
You people can't belive your eyes
And you're a fucking idiot who has precisely zero interest in actually finding out the truth. That's why you're suckered by lunatic websites written by clueless nutcases spouting ridiculous lies.

Please bother to read this thread before regurgitating your next burst of conspiraloon pavement pizza.
paimei01 said:
What do you mean there is nothing that could have stopped it moving ?
Do you know in how much time it fell ? 10 seconds - wich is the time it takes to hit the ground if you jump from 400 meters.
Do you know this free fall law ?
So if I drop the top 20 stories from 400 meters they hit the ground in 10 seconds, does not matter if they pass trough air or another 80 stories ?
Why do parts from the building fly outwards 70 meters ? You think it's easy to throw a steel beam 70 meters ?
Only explanation : the building fell so fast because the 80 stories below disintegrated.

Where in this picture do you see that GIANT STEEL MASS CRUSHING THE BUILDING AND REACHING THE BASEMENT the official theory speaks off ?
You people can't belive your eyes
If you're going to come out with something like this you really should go back through this thread and look at what was said.

The upper sections weighed in excess of 40000t. The fall from even one storey gives a kinetic energy in the order of GJs. The energy pocessed by the descending mass was estimated to have generating loadings >64 times the surviveable loadings. Coupled to that that the impact duration was very short generated a massive impulse that shattered the lower structure. as for debris going sideways, where do you think the outer structure was going to go as the inner structure descended? It could hardly have fallen inwards! The perimeter structure essentially peeled like a banana.
The top part must also disintegrate - it is not a solid piece of steel, it does not weigh millions of tons, it cannot go trough all the stories as it did
I am a student at Civil Engineering here in Romania, I know a little about buildings and what makes them fall. If you don't believe me ok. It's not easy at all to demolish a building
Same thing I say about you, but you are many and I am one :) And you won't make me curse you, not because I am afraid of being banned.
I have been banned on other forums. Read JFK :
We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.
John F. Kennedy
paimei01 said:
Why do parts from the building fly outwards 70 meters ? You think it's easy to throw a steel beam 70 meters ?
Where in this picture do you see that GIANT STEEL MASS CRUSHING THE BUILDING AND REACHING THE BASEMENT the official theory speaks off ?
You people can't belive your eyes

Funny how your little arrow points to that debris as if it means something, rather than the big fuck off bit of building, that fell from the top, that the pieces you refer to came from (see if you can spot it - I've drawn a helpful circle).

paimei01 said:

You people can't belive your eyes
You see that flat shoulder at the right of the picture?
That is the point where the collapse has reached when that picture was taken.

See the debris falling below this shoulder?
That is falling at free fall speed and is clearly a lot faster than the speed the tower is collapsing at.

Why don't you use your eyes? :p
paimei01 said:
The top part must also disintegrate - it is not a solid piece of steel, it does not weigh millions of tons, it cannot go trough all the stories as it did
I am a student at Civil Engineering here in Romania, I know a little about buildings and what makes them fall. If you don't believe me ok. It's not easy at all to demolish a building
Same thing I say about you, but you are many and I am one :) And you won't make me curse you, not because I am afraid of being banned.
I have been banned on other forums. Read JFK :
Christ we went through exactly this shite with Jazzz ages ago. :mad:

It doesn't have to be intact, nor does it have to survive the impact with the floors below undamaged. The impact loading was more than sufficent to destroy the towers.

Your stupidity will lead to you being banned again.
A falling rock has exactly the same kinetic energy as falling gravel of the same total mass.
paimei01 said:
The top part must also disintegrate - it is not a solid piece of steel, it does not weigh millions of tons, it cannot go trough all the stories as it did
I am a student at Civil Engineering here in Romania, I know a little about buildings and what makes them fall. If you don't believe me ok. It's not easy at all to demolish a building
Same thing I say about you, but you are many and I am one :) And you won't make me curse you, not because I am afraid of being banned.
I have been banned on other forums. Read JFK :
Nobody is saying that the upper section wasn't destroyed, just by that time the impulse had done it's work, the mass that was still there (even if it wasn't intact) caused the weakened structure to collapse.
I am a student at Civil Engineering here in Romania, I know a little about buildings and what makes them fall. If you don't believe me ok. It's not easy at all to demolish a building

In which case why aren't you questioning HOW all the demolition charges were installed in the towers, how they all managed to fire in sequence correctly to bring the towers down after the impact of the planes etc.
paimei01 said:
the stories as it did
I am a student at Civil Engineering here in Romania, I know a little about buildings and what makes them fall. If you don't believe me ok. It's not easy at all to demolish a building

Herein lies the problem - maybe you should listen to a few people who know a lot about buildings and what makes them fall. What did YOU think about the protec report?
kyser_soze said:
In which case why aren't you questioning HOW all the demolition charges were installed in the towers, how they all managed to fire in sequence correctly to bring the towers down after the impact of the planes etc.
Or how they managed to survive a 1000 deg C fire with cooking off!
I am a student at Civil Engineering here in Romania, I know a little about buildings and what makes them fall. If you don't believe me ok. It's not easy at all to demolish a building

A) Remind me not to step foot in a building in Romania.

B) These steel beams. How do you know they are steel beams? They're lumps of something, they don't necessarily have to be steel, the building was coated in lightweight alluminum sheeting, it could be those.

Or do you just go about endlessly speculating without the facts around what you're wittering on about.
paimei01 said:
Read JFK :
Why the fuck do conspiraloons constantly reproduce famous quotes stripped of all context and try and twist the meaning around around to prove the righteousness of their ludicrous cause?

It's utterly dishonest, just like the shit you're spouting here.
MikeMcc said:
Nobody is saying that the upper section wasn't destroyed, just by that time the impulse had done it's work, the mass that was still there (even if it wasn't intact) caused the weakened structure to collapse.
Maybe conspiraloons think a shotgun can't hurt you cos it's only little bits of metal instead on 1 big lump of metal. :eek:
It's also bollocks - Kennedy famously has the Secret Service keep his private life of constant shagging, and being an addison's sufferer out of the press to start with, not to mention keeping VERY quiet about the ties his old man had to The Boys from back in the prohibition years.
kyser_soze said:
It's also bollocks - Kennedy famously has the Secret Service keep his private life of constant shagging, and being an addison's sufferer out of the press to start with, not to mention keeping VERY quiet about the ties his old man had to The Boys from back in the prohibition years.

Not to mention how Kennedy was pro military intervent in Vietnam, up'd the number of troops in the region, putting play to the lie that kennedy was killed by the military industrial complex to start the vietnam war.
He was their best friend - isolating Cuba, upped military spending and committed to Vietnam, pledged America to get to the moon by the end of the 60s...
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