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9/11 media happenings

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fela fan said:
Oi stalker, i told you to stop bothering me. I told you i'd not be engaging in any debate with you, yet you continue to stalk no doubt praying for some kind of reaction from me: well you have one now, enjoy it, it's gonna be yer only one. You're a serial offender, and need to do some growing up. I'll give you a few years yet before you can behave properly.

Now, stop stalking people, you internet creep.

Its my use of facts and logic that makes you so irrate isn't it?
editor said:
Hey, have you ever heard of the 'ignore' function?

No mirrors needed!

Yeah, i've heard of it editor, but i've never used it. It always seemed kind of wrong to me.

But there again, i've never been stalked before.

Ahhhh! One day mate, just one day, you might get this mirrors thing. Or should i say, be open to getting it...

I remain optimistic.
You're a forgetful one Fela, some may say conveniently forgetful. You even accused me, ludicrous as it was, of stalking you once before. People laughed at you then, as they are now.

There again, accuracy and honesty aren't exactly your strong points. You even promised to ignore me, a pledge sadly broken many a time. And you've flounced a fair few times.... only to return, tail between legs, obviously feeling the desperate need to pontificate more ill-interpreted nonsense to us all.

You'll have to excuse me for raising a weary, cynical eyebrow at your latest toys out of the pram outburst...
fela fan said:
Ahhhh! One day mate, just one day, you might get this mirrors thing. Or should i say, be open to getting it...

I remain optimistic.

It's the mirrors, man. The MIRRORS I tell you! Can you not see it. Mirrors! Mirrors, always reflecting. ALWAYS REFLECTING!!!!



There are some weird people on this web site, and you're one of the weirdest.

Yes, i'm forgetful, and as i was mentioning to the den man that he was a stalker i did in fact recall saying the same thing about somebody else, but just could not recall who. You have just reminded me. I should have known. I mean, you're one of the most stupid wankers on this website. It's full of reasonable people, even when you disagree with them, but it also has the likes of yourself, perennially out to dish out the personal dirt. Look at this rubbish:

"People laughed at you then, as they are now."

Oh yeah? Who are you to be talking for others? You on a throne or owt?

"You even promised to ignore me, a pledge sadly broken many a time."

Yeah, well not this time. Sadly eh? You sad bastard for even thinking that i've any kind of interest in your pathetic contributions. Never mind promising t ignore you. That's just a blatant lie.

Many a time? Yeah, maybe once, but never a promise. Delude yourself man.

"tail between legs"

It's funny mate. I enjoy my life, and you think i'm bothered by one iota over the rubbish you type out of your computer?? Fucking dream on man.

"obviously feeling the desperate need to pontificate more ill-interpreted nonsense to us all."

There we go again, speaking for so many others apart from yourself. And just look at your poetic language designed to rubbish others...

Me, desperate??? How about you ya fucker?? I mean, look at this:

"toys out of the pram outburst"

Your language throughout your post betrays the person you are.

You almost make me feel guilty i've had a go at 8den.


I vote you the biggest wanker of urban75. Now just fuck off you sad bastard.

tarannau said:
You're a forgetful one Fela, some may say conveniently forgetful. You even accused me, ludicrous as it was, of stalking you once before. People laughed at you then, as they are now.

There again, accuracy and honesty aren't exactly your strong points. You even promised to ignore me, a pledge sadly broken many a time. And you've flounced a fair few times.... only to return, tail between legs, obviously feeling the desperate need to pontificate more ill-interpreted nonsense to us all.

You'll have to excuse me for raising a weary, cynical eyebrow at your latest toys out of the pram outburst...
Sorry I got bored halfway through. It's amazing how you manage to be so verbose and pompous even trying to make the simplest of insults, especially when you claim not to have any interest in my 'pathetic contributions.' All that gumph and the best payoff you could come up with was 'fuck off you sad bastard'. Priceless.

You shouldn't swear you know. Cheapens debate and reflects badly on you I hear: something about mirrors and filters I believe...

:D :p
fela fan said:
Yeah, i've heard of it editor, but i've never used it. It always seemed kind of wrong to me.

So you won't use ignore, you'll just demand I stop shoving facts and logic in your face.

Wow. if you just didn't response to my posts, you'd seem indifferent, now you just seem even more petulant and whingy.

But there again, i've never been stalked before.

Okay Fela you fucking pathetic lunatic retarded fuckwit, I am not stalking you, if, for example, you posted on several diverse threads or forums, and I haressed you, across threads and forums, without reason, then perhaps I'd be stalking you. However you've decided to post your illinformed clueless bollocks on this thread and taken offense at my calling you out as a ill informed wanker.

I'm not stalking you, you pointless excuse of a waste of flesh, but if you expect to post your nonsense on this subject manner on this forum to go unchallenged by me, you're mistaken.

So keep talking shite, And I'll keep pointing out that your spewing manure. Deal?

You can claim you're ignoring me. Fine whatever I'll expose your lies, stupidity, ignorance, and downright fuckwitty, to other people reading this thread, you cannot make me stop reading your moronic point of view, and you cannot shut me up commenting on your inanity. You can only cop on or shut the fuck up, until you do I'll keep pointing out what a stupid little shit you are.

In short, fucking deal with it, or shut the fuck up, you rancid little prick.
Loki: yeah i did a bit mate didn't I?! Never mind, it can happen to the best of us. Still, it's a bright new morning, and i'm back to normal now. Just a bit of business to clear up first though...

Tarranau: i repeat, yer a sad bastard, and fuck off.

8den: yer language betrays a very young man. I forgive you. But yer still a sad internet stalker, whether you like this fact or not. Perhaps the tirade of abuse you've come up with there betrays a truth you'd rather hide from. Never mind, there's plenty of years to change yer 'orrible ways lad.

[ps the proof is that you keep on trying to talk to me even when i've told you i'm not interested, and when i've ignored your countless efforts to engage with me. That is as a clearcut case of stalking as is possible.]

Editor: is this young lad's language really becoming of this website?
fela fan said:
[ps the proof is that you keep on trying to talk to me even when i've told you i'm not interested, and when i've ignored your countless efforts to engage with me.

The fact is, fela, that when you post on a bulletin board you have to expect that your post will be replied to. That reply will not be only directed at you, but also at all those who read your post. 8den is doing the same as you, ie. talking to everyone.
Devastating critique Jazzz :D You've completely convinced me that 911/vaccines/Huntley/any other nonsense mentioned on the internet/ are all conspiracies.
No, your arguments were destroyed and you ran away. And I note you're still promoting that holocaust-denying website in your tagline
Loki said:
And I note you're still promoting that holocaust-denying website in your tagline
what? please explain. This didn't make any sense when editor first said it, can you understand what he was on about?

Jazzz said:
what? please explain. This didn't make any sense when editor first said it, can you understand what he was on about?

duh, you've made up t-shirts for people who deny the holocaust.
Lock&Light said:
The fact is, fela, that when you post on a bulletin board you have to expect that your post will be replied to. That reply will not be only directed at you, but also at all those who read your post. 8den is doing the same as you, ie. talking to everyone.

Look mate, a reply is a reply. That is entirely different to somebody incessantly yabbering on at somebody else even though that somebody else ain't interested in listening.

You have a habit of talking to people several times when they don't talk back to you?

That den stalker person was not talking to everyone, he has several times directed vile abuse towards myself. That is not everyone, that is fela fan.

Now butt out of things if yer gonna get it so wrong.
Loki said:
duh, you've made up t-shirts for people who deny the holocaust.

I know jazzz can speak for himself, but i'd be most surprised that he did that. And i'm surprised you believe this to be so.
fela fan said:
I know jazzz can speak for himself, but i'd be most surprised that he did that. And i'm surprised you believe this to be so.
He has made a tshirt design for one of the sites that belives that 911 was a conspiracy, one that also has either links or articles on it's own pages that deny the hollocaust. It's a rather tenuous link imo, that he talks shite is both simple to prove and far less contentious.
fela fan said:
8den: yer language betrays a very young man. I forgive you. But yer still a sad internet stalker, whether you like this fact or not. Perhaps the tirade of abuse you've come up with there betrays a truth you'd rather hide from. Never mind, there's plenty of years to change yer 'orrible ways lad.

[ps the proof is that you keep on trying to talk to me even when i've told you i'm not interested, and when i've ignored your countless efforts to engage with me. That is as a clearcut case of stalking as is possible.]

Editor: is this young lad's language really becoming of this website?

Aw. You think you've run to the moral high ground. In fact you're in the intellectual equivalent of Holland.

Fela Fan, keep talking bollocks, I'll keep pointing it. Pouncing about a stalker or suggesting I'm immature, are just rather sad ad homiens'

Rosie O'Donnel speaks out about 9/11. She has nothing to gain by this. I admire her courage.

The official investigation began 400 days after the attack - only at the request of the victim's fammilies, the governemnt had no intention to investigate on their own, they "knew" all from day one.
They spent 600000 $ on it , and they had a lot to investigate : 4 planes, NORAD not working, 3000 victims, thousands of witnesses
WTC 7 did not even make it in the report
On Monica Lewinsky they spent 40 million $
Who wants to find more search 9/11 on google and google video
paimei01 said:

Rosie O'Donnel speaks out about 9/11. She has nothing to gain by this. I admire her courage.

The official investigation began 400 days after the attack - only at the request of the victim's fammilies, the governemnt had no intention to investigate on their own, they "knew" all from day one.
They spent 600000 $ on it , and they had a lot to investigate : 4 planes, NORAD not working, 3000 victims, thousands of witnesses
WTC 7 did not even make it in the report
On Monica Lewinsky they spent 40 million $
Who wants to find more search 9/11 on google and google video

Courage? What is the danger???
paimei01 said:

Rosie O'Donnel speaks out about 9/11. She has nothing to gain by this. I admire her courage.

The official investigation began 400 days after the attack - only at the request of the victim's fammilies, the governemnt had no intention to investigate on their own, they "knew" all from day one.
They spent 600000 $ on it , and they had a lot to investigate : 4 planes, NORAD not working, 3000 victims, thousands of witnesses
WTC 7 did not even make it in the report
On Monica Lewinsky they spent 40 million $
Who wants to find more search 9/11 on google and google video

You're still an idiot :)
paimei01 said:

Rosie O'Donnel speaks out about 9/11. She has nothing to gain by this. I admire her courage.

Rosie O Donnel is an overweight Bush hating lesbian, who once claimed she fancied tom cruise. She's clueless brash and ignorant.

Having stared in what? Another stake out two, makes her immensely qualified to discuss building collaspe with authority. I notice Rosie pulls a brave sir robin when it's pointed out to her that the building's collapse was predicted by dozens of firefighters, on the ground, and therefore she'd be implicating america's heroes in the conspiracy. She's dumb not crazy, she spots that for career hari kari.

The official investigation began 400 days after the attack - only at the request of the victim's fammilies, the governemnt had no intention to investigate on their own, they "knew" all from day one.
They spent 600000 $ on it , and they had a lot to investigate : 4 planes, NORAD not working, 3000 victims, thousands of witnesses
WTC 7 did not even make it in the report
On Monica Lewinsky they spent 40 million $
Who wants to find more search 9/11 on google and google video

Monica Lewinsky was a politcally motivated witchhunt, the 911 commision was an excercise in ass covering. It's not the only investigation thats been done. But hey feel free to ignore the 10,000 page NIST report
Go ahead attack the person not the content. She asked for a physics professor to come and explain, she didn't say why WTC 7 collapsed.
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