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21st century fascism

Fedayn, all i know is that Monti and his interior minister are moving quite fast to settle Diaz and Bolzaneto. A right wing government would never consider settling the Genoa cases. Berlusconi never did. Also Monti understands the public order issues if diaz is not sorted.

I always find it amazing that left wing people protest against Monti. All they are doing is making it easier for the fascists to come to power even quicker...

I'm not sure that this is in any way a definition of someone/something being 'Left-wing'. I accept it's a move in the right direction. But in fairness these procedures started under a different government however imho it's a clever move by Monti and Co to give themselves some room to manouevre and gain a bit of credibility rather than frankly any genuine radical, let alone, left-wing commitment.
Italy is a country of extremes, Fedayn. Anyone who is not a fascist is left wing in my book. Yes, i can agree with you that Monti is a EU banker and thus does not have any political beliefs except to believe in the EU and capitalism. Maybe Monti is settling Diaz because he cares about the human rights image italy has or he is worried about the cabal of fascist police inside the interior ministry threatening him...all i care and speaking from the point of view as a victim of Diaz, i am happy he is settling this long outstanding issue.

Just going on observation, i think the presidents of Spain, italy, Greece and others are seeking to put in place unelected bankers to run the governments of these countries so that they don't fall prey to extreme left wing and extreme right wing parties. Not that i agree with this....bankers totally running countries for their benefit is wrong and it comes at a massive cost to democracy.
Oh yeah, theres nothing quite like installing undemocratic bankers for keeping the left & right extremes at bay, imposing stuff like that never backfires.

I met a man the other day who didn't have Hitlers moustache, so in my book he was left-wing.
Precisely the kind of outlook that enables the fash to claim a monopoly on radical alternatives and discredits the left. Italy's version of Martin Smith lol
I always find it amazing that left wing people protest against Monti. All they are doing is making it easier for the fascists to come to power even quicker...

A vote against New Labour is a vote for Hitler.

Lol-on, squire.
Frogwoman - i doubt you know much about the Diaz case but anyway. After Berlusconi and the 'center ground' of italian politics imploded overnight last year....and when the berlsuconi's party only got 3% in recent elections....Tell me where is the centre of gravity of italian politics is at the moment... if you know better than me?

SpineyNorman - hey, this is how i am finding italy at the moment and as i fight for the final verdict in Rome for Diaz. I suggest you leave your revolutionary armchair and your TV and actually come to italy and sample its delights....and see what i am seeing.

Italy is going over a cliff edge. Its not politics or real life as it is normally here.
Few people have mentioned Italy and no-one has mentioned GianFranco Fini (Responsable for ordering and masterminding the Genoa G8 Diaz Raid and ordering the torture of many international activists at bolzaneto). Fini has slipped from public view but he is still considered the heir apparent for many of the right wing in Italy.

Italy is due to have its main elections in May of 2013. There is a very uneasy truce between the left and right wing governments which i think cannot last for long. For the moment, the fascists in italy are biding their time and re-organising themselves for the coming struggle of the 21st century. They are prepared to see a left wing government like Monti's, fail. Combined with a worsening public order and terrorism threat, it is to their advantage for the italian public to see the left wing technical government fail to solve the 2 trillion euro banking crisis in italy.

The government that Monti is the figurehead for isn't left-wing. None of the policies it prescribes are "left-wing". The prescriptions it makes are purely neo-liberal, they're not informed by even the shadow of socialism.

Fini is a pure nationalist. He is not interested in the EU and the Euro although he might pretend to care so he can get money out of the international markets. In reality, Bossi and himself want to see the EU fail and for italy to exit.

Which would be a shame for the people who've spent 65+ years developing Italian nationalism alongside a federal Europe in order to exclude the further reaches of the political left.

Talking about the convicted Diaz police who are his leutenants, they control the interior ministry and various branches of the state police. Fini and the Diaz police can always call upon legia nord and forza nouva to act as a right wing black bloc. All of us from Diaz have a saying. It doesn't matter who the interior minister is...the facists always control it and the police.

Well, on june 15 in central Rome, The final and ultimate verdict will be rendered at the supreme court of appeal. Diaz is the only thing that is dangerous to Fini, his party and his powerful police friends. He still has a promise to keep to which he made 24 hours before Diaz. This promise was to cover his men to do whatever they liked to the protesters and they would not face conviction.

If Fini and the Diaz police lose and 15 commanders go to jail and 10 others are banned from office, it will be a victory for us and everyone in italy and europe. fini and the fascists will melt away after losing their powerbase of control. for the first time since the second world war, they will truely not run the Interior ministry which has always been the route, combined with right wing civil unrest, to gaining power countless times.

As you, the reader have now come to understand...Diaz matters not only as a question of justice for the victims, but it is a question of whether italy wants to rid itself of such dangerous policemen who think its their right to pervert democracy and take italy down a false road. The Diaz verdict also matters to every european as well. If we lose on June 15th, Europe loses big time...

go figure.....

This was a party-political broadcast on behalf of...?
Frogwoman - i doubt you know much about the Diaz case but anyway. After Berlusconi and the 'center ground' of italian politics imploded overnight last year....and when the berlsuconi's party only got 3% in recent elections....Tell me where is the centre of gravity of italian politics is at the moment... if you know better than me?

SpineyNorman - hey, this is how i am finding italy at the moment and as i fight for the final verdict in Rome for Diaz. I suggest you leave your revolutionary armchair and your TV and actually come to italy and sample its delights....and see what i am seeing.

Italy is going over a cliff edge. Its not politics or real life as it is normally here.

Ah, the "local expert" gambit.

Italy is a country of extremes, Fedayn. Anyone who is not a fascist is left wing in my book. Yes, i can agree with you that Monti is a EU banker and thus does not have any political beliefs except to believe in the EU and capitalism. Maybe Monti is settling Diaz because he cares about the human rights image italy has or he is worried about the cabal of fascist police inside the interior ministry threatening him...all i care and speaking from the point of view as a victim of Diaz, i am happy he is settling this long outstanding issue.

Just going on observation, i think the presidents of Spain, italy, Greece and others are seeking to put in place unelected bankers to run the governments of these countries so that they don't fall prey to extreme left wing and extreme right wing parties. Not that i agree with this....bankers totally running countries for their benefit is wrong and it comes at a massive cost to democracy.

By the way, I hope you and ALL the victims at Diaz get justiove and that Fini and Co see the inside of Rebibbia for a long time.

And i'll end in tribute top a genuione Italian Left-winger.

Valerio Verbano, Roma non dimentica

Ciao Carla, donna, madre, partigiani e guerriera.
Not big on detail but worth noting given a) the historical post-74 feebleness of the Spanish far-right (on the popular level at least, not necessarily so on the elite level) b) the economic developments now taking place.

The Extreme Right in Spain: An Approaching Breakthrough?

Spain is one of the few European countries which in recent decades hasn’t experienced the emergence of a successful “new extreme right” party into its political system. However, Spanish society and its party system are experiencing a series of rapid changes that could be opening a political space for these kinds of parties. In the last ten years, immigration has become a major social issue and part of the population expresses strong opposition to the presence of foreigners. At the same time, the erosion of mainstream political parties has been extremely intense in the last five years. In this context, a new extreme right political party - Platform for Catalonia (PxC) - has had increasingly good electoral results and has received great media attention. The party almost entered the Catalan parliament in 2010 and achieved a major success in the 2011 local elections. In this sense, there is a widespread belief that the party has very good chances of entering the Catalan parliament at elections to be held in 2014.
Not big on detail but worth noting given a) the historical post-74 feebleness of the Spanish far-right (on the popular level at least, not necessarily so on the elite level) b) the economic developments now taking place.

The Extreme Right in Spain: An Approaching Breakthrough?

Disturbing - but could it really catch on in Catalonia? My only Catalan friend had both her grandfathers sent to camps under Franco. . . so I can imagine what she would say about this "Platform for Catalonia".
Not really clued up enough to be able to say Idris - of course, Catalonia would be the very last place you'd expect it to catch on but...worth keeping an eye on if only in the sense of canaries down the mine.
Bit more on that recent 12.5% poll rating - this is the latest popularity rating which seems to be different from polling rating

New poll shows popularity of Greece's Golden Dawn at 22 percent

A report in Skai.gr shows that the popularity of the the ultra-nationalist Golden Dawn has risen 10 points since May, winning the party a popularity score of 22 percent. Moreover, their share of the vote as evidenced in polls for September, now stands at 13 percent.

According to Ekathimerini the popularity of Golden Dawn's leader Nikos Mihalolioakos has risen eight points since May to 22 percent.
Update on Casa Pound:

Italy's nationalist CasaPound movement launches transformation into political party

ROME, Nov. 25 In what will likely prove to be the first high-profile step toward transforming CasaPound, Italy's extreme right movement with a history of violence, into a more palatable political force, some 6,000 of the group's members, sympathizers, curious onlookers marched through the streets of Rome Saturday without incident.

Iannone and other officials Saturday railed against many of the most popular issues used by European populist movements: burgeoning government debt, corrupt officials, high salaries and pensions for government officials, the influence of the media, foreign ownership of national companies, and the economic crisis gripping the country.

"At long last, there is a group that speaks for the concerns of or regular people," said Alessandro Fornini, a 28-year-old metal worker attending his first CasaPound rally.

Store clerk Anna Maria Scutaro, 31, agreed: "I am tired of popular leaders who only want to put money in their pockets," she said.

Pics here (and they put it 1000 - the police are the ones saying 6000)
I take your point, maybe the United States are a special case that would fart-out their own special neo-liberal brand of fascism because on average they're such Political Idiots (no such thing as class in Yankland? How stupid are you fuckers anyway).

Some people didn't get the (leaked Citibank) memo. However, I can't blame them. It certainly wasn't reported in the news:

You see Michael Moore highlights a confidential report that Citigroup initially circulated only to it's wealthiest customers. Those reports, since leaked, plainly discuss the power of the Plutonomy in America, and how it would only strengthen, as long as the "the rest us" (the non-plutonics) could be kept in the dark about the Plutonomy existence, its role, and its over-arching control in the American Economy.

I am trying to locate the name of a book I once owned on the NPD, but which at some point I gave away.

From memory it was:

  • English language, but possibly (outside chance) translated from German
  • Published mid-late 1960s
  • Paperback, published by Dell, Time-Life or similar (i.e. a mainstream house)
  • American edition, printed in the American style (binding, paper quality etc slightly different to UK)
  • Cover was mostly white, with a photograph incorporated into the design
  • Back cover featured juxtaposition of the NSDAP flag with that of the NPD
  • Photographic plates inside

Does this ring any bells with anyone? I'm afraid I have no idea what the title may have been, nor who the author was. I am fairly certain 'NPD' was not mentioned in the title, though it may well have been in the subtitle.

Many thanks to anyone who can help.
<snip>Does this ring any bells with anyone? I'm afraid I have no idea what the title may have been, nor who the author was. I am fairly certain 'NPD' was not mentioned in the title, though it may well have been in the subtitle.

Many thanks to anyone who can help.
No idea, try asking on abebooks. Both on the bookfinder bit of the site and using their forum - somebody's bound to recognise it.
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