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2019 Election - One Year on


Well-Known Member
Labour went into the summer offering a customs union and free market access deal with the EU. But that was not enough for the extreme Remainers (I voted Remain - mainly because the Tories would fuck it up with threats of gun boats and other embarrassing stuff).

So how is no deal Brexit going to pan out for everyone? Are there any posters here who will be able to take advantage of the sunlit uplands during a pandemic?
Kids won’t be able to see their grandparents for a while, and I won’t be able to afford medical insurance when I go over there due to pre-existing condition. I know quite a few other people with EU partners facing the same. Struggling to see the benefits really. Fuck Johnson and his debating club politics.
Pretty spectacular to manage all this in a year. Plus all the other fuck ups not listed.
Will try & dig out a list of lies from somewhere. Plus of course all the dodgy contracts.

Kids won’t be able to see their grandparents for a while, and I won’t be able to afford medical insurance when I go over there due to pre-existing condition. I know quite a few other people with EU partners facing the same. Struggling to see the benefits really. Fuck Johnson and his debating club politics.

He'd get kicked out of a university debating club. Or anywhere else that had any kind of basic standards of honesty and good conduct. Anything but journalism and politics basically.
UKIP and Brexit Party chugging along still at 3% each is grimly fascinating.
you won. we've left the EU. but ~1/20 are still raging on.
Labour went into the summer offering a customs union and free market access deal with the EU. But that was not enough for the extreme Remainers (I voted Remain - mainly because the Tories would fuck it up with threats of gun boats and other embarrassing stuff).

So how is no deal Brexit going to pan out for everyone? Are there any posters here who will be able to take advantage of the sunlit uplands during a pandemic?

Were they actually offering that though, or just saying that’s what they would aim for? Also there are plenty of reasons why some remainers might not have voted Labour that had nothing to do with Brexit.
UKIP and Brexit Party chugging along still at 3% each is grimly fascinating.
you won. we've left the EU. but ~1/20 are still raging on.

Unhappy people do not simply turn happy when they get the thing they think they want. Not like the daily mail has been printing 'everything is fine now' headlines either. And why would they? Why kill the miserable middle aged white goose that lays the golden eggs?
Is it time for his annual report already? Johnson has more than lived up to his reputation for incompetence, he has utterly failed on every level as a leader and human being, mark given is 0/100, termination is very strongly recommended. Or at the very least, he should be fired.
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