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    Lazy Llama

Unbelievable BBC interview with man pulled from wheelchair by cops.

Kaka Tim

Half Arsed and Slapdash till I Die

watch this - I thought it was jaw dropping.

Jody Mc Intyre was twice dragged from his wheelchair by cops at the anti-fees and cuts demo.
An utter twat from the BBC interviews him - repeatedly grilling him as to weather he threw missles at the police or threatened them. To a man with Cerebal Palsy who cant even push his own wheelchair.

Mr McIntyre is extremely impressive in dealing with the tosser hack who should be sacked.

Anyone got a complaints link to the BBC?
It's being discussed here, with link to complaints, and on the BBC bias thread (bun fight at the moment).

But deserves a thread of its own. McIntyre ran rings around him - we should thank the cunt for making it so easy to make the important points. A softly, softly approach wouldn't have given him the same opportunity at all.
Wow. What fucking ridiculous questions (yeah there were just mounds of snooker balls lying around for people to chuck at police)

I guess it shows the progression of equality in our society though that cops are free to dish out excessive force, including wacking people with trungeons and both moving and detaining forcibly. :rolleyes: Seriously fucked up.

edit: my complaint...

"To whom it may concern, I think it's an absolute DISGRACE how the BBC conducted the interview with Jody McIntyre on BBC News on 13/12/10. To judge someone with cerebral palsy as being a 'revolutionary' being such a threat that physical violence - as in dragging him across a pavement... twice - was necessary is disgusting. The current coverage of the student protests have definitely not been balanced and fair, the bias of the BBC is fairly evident in their approach to grilling those out exercising their peaceful right to protest.

This specific interview is just one further example of this. Instead of sympathising with a victim, Ben Brown's "critical analysis" essentially consisted of trying to discredit Jody McIntyre and provide justification for police violence against him. No matter what he'd done, I find it hard to believe that such a threat could have been posed to the police that such violence was necessary.

Having been a witness to the events on 9th December, I think such widespread police tactics as kettling contributed to aggression and violence on both sides. If the BBC expects to be taken seriously in how it reports on such stories, it needs to lose its disinterestedness in asking key questions about the conduct of institutions of the state, and how the government conducts them. The BBC News has also been pushing home the message that public sector cuts are necessary. By default it seems that those who oppose, and act against them are justified targets of police violence, even if disabled and confined to a wheel chair.

The particular interview to which I refer is nothing more than a biased smear attempt and I am genuinely shocked. I provide a URL for the specific incident... Yours faithfully, Riklet"
Well done Jody MCIntyre. He not only gave the interviewer a telling off but also got in a comment about the BBC biased reportage of Palestine.
The comments under that interview are fantastic, almost every comment supports the students and condemns the cops. The interviewer comes across as a fucking idiot. It's like something from southpark.
Young Jody was ace.I made my complaint i hope if enough complain it will make a difference .jody maybe confined to a wheel chair but he is a sharp as razor
Does the beeb twat think all disabled people are like the guy from little Britain and as soon as the camera phones are off hes out the chair hurling snooker balls :facepalm:
He gave a fantastic account of himself! Brilliant. I actually thought that the interviewer played right into his hands. Obviously, he was both condescending and aggressive, but at the same time because of Jody's speech problems he didn't interrupt him mid-sentence.
He was just interviewed on breakfast TV . They found some "wheelchair user" scab cunt who said " I am a wheelchair user and Jody knew the risks." In effect saying he shouldn't go on demonstrations if he doesnt want to get battered. ( I bet their research department looked high and low for that) Also cut off all attempts to raise politics by Jody. As always he gave a great interview.
plus Jon Pilger was interviewed just before Jody. Reminding the C*nts what Journalism is supposed to be about
I like that way the interviewer kept referring to the term "revolutionary" as in, "Oh well if that is your politics then you deserve a good kicking". Franco is alive and well, Mr Ben Brown
He was just interviewed on breakfast TV . They found some "wheelchair user" scab cunt who said " I am a wheelchair user and Jody knew the risks." In effect saying he shouldn't go on demonstrations if he doesnt want to get battered. ( I bet their research department looked high and low for that) Also cut off all attempts to raise politics by Jody. As always he gave a great interview.

Which breakfast TV was that - the bbc one?

watch this - I thought it was jaw dropping.

Jody Mc Intyre was twice dragged from his wheelchair by cops at the anti-fees and cuts demo.
An utter twat from the BBC interviews him - repeatedly grilling him as to weather he threw missles at the police or threatened them. To a man with Cerebal Palsy who cant even push his own wheelchair.

Mr McIntyre is extremely impressive in dealing with the tosser hack who should be sacked.

Anyone got a complaints link to the BBC?

I heard the interview on Radio 4 last night. The interviewer repeated the same line as the others. I couldn't believe she could ask such a question of someone who was in a wheelchair. Jody McIntrye was on BBC Breakfast this morning and Turnbull and the simpering Williams tried the same approach. Fucking disgraceful. What gets me is how arseholes like Hannan complain about imagined BBC bias against loony Europhobes but pay no attention to the real bias.
Not that sneery Turnbull twat?

He's a deeply unpleasant fucker. Just before the Iraq invasion, BBC Breakfast had Ken Loach and Steven Pollard on to talk about it. Turnbull and Williams practically joined in with Pollard in attacking Loach. They allowed Pollard to repeatedly talk over Loach and gave Ken no time to respond to Pollard's badly made points. To this day, Ken Loach does not appear on the programme.
He was just interviewed on breakfast TV . They found some "wheelchair user" scab cunt who said " I am a wheelchair user and Jody knew the risks." In effect saying he shouldn't go on demonstrations if he doesnt want to get battered. ( I bet their research department looked high and low for that) Also cut off all attempts to raise politics by Jody. As always he gave a great interview.

I reckon that email was fabricated.
He's a deeply unpleasant fucker. Just before the Iraq invasion, BBC Breakfast had Ken Loach and Steven Pollard on to talk about it. Turnbull and Williams practically joined in with Pollard in attacking Loach. They allowed Pollard to repeatedly talk over Loach and gave Ken no time to respond to Pollard's badly made points. To this day, Ken Loach does not appear on the programme.

He's a snidey piece of shit.
Anyone expecting anything else from the BBC, who are a fucking joke, needs a check up from the neck up. The BBC are nothing more than a goverment mouth piece. 100% biased 100% of the time. Fuck them, watch a decent news broadcast instead.
The BBC are a site of class struggle - this is one example of it, Paul Mason exposing Nick Robinson as stitching up the lindsey strikers as racist is another, whilst it's overall bias is utterly pro-establishment (how could it not be?) use can be made of it, if we recognise that the class struggles going on throughout society are mirrored in it too. The same goes for every other media outlet - everyone.
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