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i’ve had cats most of my life though, and have always managed to resist the whole ‘can’t move - got a cat on me’ thing. my needs always shout louder than a cat’s so I will always get up when i need a piss or remove a cat from my seat if it is in the way
It's the other way round here.
Example... Gay just decided that his need for attention was greater than my need to see the phone. :D

Harry the feral cat gets fed by kind hearted Wendy from two doors down.


However before Harry appeared on the scene Blooms brother Napoleon, who lives with Mike three doors up had the run of Wendy’s place (still does) and she has taken to calling him ‘Nap’ or ‘Fluff’. Now Napoleon is well fed by Mike, but is put out by Harry (who is reluctant to go into Wendy’s place anyway) getting cared for, and turns up at morning breakfast to demonstrate how put out he is.


Then of course feral Harry sees Napoleon stalking along, and despite being a street cat bruiser is intimidated by and wary of Napoleon.
All seems a bit unfair on Napoleons part being annoyed at Harry getting a square meal, but then again Cats and basic morality don’t seem to go together!

are they all from the same litter, Saul Goodman ? Magnificent creatures
Left to right.. Mum, Bob, Dora and Cutie. Mum never got a proper name, she's just mum. Bob, Dora and Cutie are three of her offspring. Snakey and Gay are the other two but from a different batch. Snakey had 4 kittens of her own, one of which, Thor is still around... somewhere, then there's Theon and The Amazing Mr. Bubbs. I think that's all of them :facepalm:
Left to right.. Mum, Bob, Dora and Cutie. Mum never got a proper name, she's just mum. Bob, Dora and Cutie are three of her offspring. Snakey and Gay are the other two but from a different batch. Snakey had 4 kittens of her own, one of which, Thor is still around... somewhere, then there's Theon and The Amazing Mr. Bubbs. I think that's all of them :facepalm:

They are amazingly well behaved.
It's a shame they can't stay small.











It took Vastra a whole week to throw up on oldest child's brand new carpet. You can guarantee that after you get a new carpet in this house, the next time she throws up will always be on it. At least this was a dry, easy to clean up one, unlike the extra special 'giant hairball and litres of dark brown goo' she hacked up on our bedroom carpet 24 hours after it was fitted. 🤢
It's when your cat has to be shaved for something that you realise quite how much extra skin they seem to have! :D Sonic had an ultrasound recently and had his undercarriage and a bit on his side shaved.

I hope Milo is ok strung out
Milo is fine - ultrasound showed no evidence of anything untoward, and although he's got chronic kidney disease, pancreatitis and diabetes, his treatment seems to have stabilised him over the last 7 months or so.

We've been giving him twice daily insulin injections since February (made far less daunting by the helpful advice of izz and High Voltage!), and the vet reckons we might actually be able to ween him off his insulin in a few months' time if his blood tests improve! He's now on a 50/50 renal and diabetic diet, but he brought in a mouse last night and proceeded to devour it whole on the balcony, which I'm not sure was fully compliant with the vet's advice :hmm:
It's when your cat has to be shaved for something that you realise quite how much extra skin they seem to have! :D Sonic had an ultrasound recently and had his undercarriage and a bit on his side shaved.

I hope Milo is ok strung out
I used to think the primordial pouch was just lost weight from when the cat was fat. D'oh. It makes perfect sense once you actually read what it's for.
I used to think the primordial pouch was just lost weight from when the cat was fat. D'oh. It makes perfect sense once you actually read what it's for.

If they are overweight they have quite a big padding of fat in that pouch - it can end up like a cat version of a beer-belly - but a cat within normal weight range will still have that loose skin and maybe just a little fat - and gravity does to older cats just what it does to older humans, they can end up looking really quite saggy bless them.

My Sonic is nearly 15 years old now, most definitely not overweight and never has been but when he sits in an upright position his undercarriage kind of pools over his back feet. :D
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