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Love that duvet cover btw 🙂

Shows the cat hair a bit. :)

The hoover is full of cat hair, they seem to have been casting forever. That meme with the huge pile of cat fur, and the scientist with the comb is saying 'Why isn't it smaller?', is right. :D
Shows the cat hair a bit. :)

The hoover is full of cat hair, they seem to have been casting forever. That meme with the huge pile of cat fur, and the scientist with the comb is saying 'Why isn't it smaller?', is right. :D

I’ve suggested to Mrs SFM that we collect all hair shed in our household (human & animal) and use it to stuff a pillow that we save for our most objectionable house guest. She reckons it’s a disgusting idea but I think it has a certain charm 🤔
Shows the cat hair a bit. :)

The hoover is full of cat hair, they seem to have been casting forever. That meme with the huge pile of cat fur, and the scientist with the comb is saying 'Why isn't it smaller?', is right. :D

I’ve suggested to Mrs SFM that we collect all hair shed in our household (human & animal) and use it to stuff a pillow that we save for our most objectionable house guest. She reckons it’s a disgusting idea but I think it has a certain charm 🤔
Oh! keep forgetting, last night, was late but back door still open as warm and a shape appeared! (didn't get a proper look)
Misty and Kizzy leapt off their respective chair arms straight for it with Misty hissing loudly
It was a very brave/stupid cat that dared to come in :eek:

They both chased it out, Kizzy came back almost straight away but Misty was out there for ages making sure it had gone!
The speed and direct line was impressive, don't think that cat will be back :D
Love how quickly kitties characters can change...

Toby is still fiesty when playing but when at rest has become more liquid than solid. You can literally move him anywhere and he thinks, OK no problem, and goes back to sleep. He has also taken to supervising the emptying of the litter tray, by jumping on top and making sure we do it properly


Tilly is still quite chilled though more fussy than Toby about where she snuggles down. Always finds a good spot eventually

I think my cats are defective, they don't lay on their backs like that. Sonic does this sort of upright bum on my lap and leaning back against my arm and snoozing thing, which is most inconvenient when I want to type (I get glared at for waking him if I do) but is very sweet - that is about as upside down as he gets.
i do not tolerate cats interfering with my domestic activities. i don’t think i’m a good cat minder. they always want to sit on you when you want to get up. how do people cope with this? like when a cat sits on your lap when watching telly? i have adhd and cannot sit still unless i’m watching a film. otherwise they won’t want to sit there as i’m always moving about, so i often end up discouraging them from sitting on me, which makes me sad
i do not tolerate cats interfering with my domestic activities. i don’t think i’m a good cat minder. they always want to sit on you when you want to get up. how do people cope with this? like when a cat sits on your lap when watching telly? i have adhd and cannot sit still unless i’m watching a film. otherwise they won’t want to sit there as i’m always moving about, so i often end up discouraging them from sitting on me, which makes me sad
They know you don't want them to sit on you. That's why they do it :D
I never used to like cats, until I discovered what absolute twats they can be. Now I love them :D
i do not tolerate cats interfering with my domestic activities. i don’t think i’m a good cat minder. they always want to sit on you when you want to get up. how do people cope with this? like when a cat sits on your lap when watching telly? i have adhd and cannot sit still unless i’m watching a film. otherwise they won’t want to sit there as i’m always moving about, so i often end up discouraging them from sitting on me, which makes me sad
Because they're cute enough that you can forgive them anything!
(Gooey mum voice): You'll understand when you have your own!
Because they're cute enough that you can forgive them anything!
(Gooey mum voice): You'll understand when you have your own!
i’ve had cats most of my life though, and have always managed to resist the whole ‘can’t move - got a cat on me’ thing. my needs always shout louder than a cat’s so I will always get up when i need a piss or remove a cat from my seat if it is in the way
i’ve had cats most of my life though, and have always managed to resist the whole ‘can’t move - got a cat on me’ thing. my needs always shout louder than a cat’s so I will always get up when i need a piss or remove a cat from my seat if it is in the way

Oh I do that, I don't hold with nonsense like "a cat is in my computer seat so I am going to go and do something else, can't disturb the cat" - I'll pick it up, sit down, and plop it on my lap. Similarly, if I need to get up, I will move the cat off my lap.

However, I love them sitting on my lap when I am playing games or watching TV.

EDIT: Having said that, "Can't move - got a cat on me" is an excellent excuse for not being able to move when you don't want to, I use it often :D
Oh I do that, I don't hold with nonsense like "a cat is in my computer seat so I am going to go and do something else, can't disturb the cat" - I'll pick it up, sit down, and plop it on my lap. Similarly, if I need to get up, I will move the cat off my lap.

However, I love them sitting on my lap when I am playing games or watching TV.

EDIT: Having said that, "Can't move - got a cat on me" is an excellent excuse for not being able to move when you don't want to, I use it often :D
oh yeah, esp when it’s time to get a round of tea or coffee in
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