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Young woman murdered in Argoed, attacker killed by police taser

And what about all the reports stating OFFICERS turned up and then a taser was deployed? I suppose those reports are wrong?
In the reports you linked to there's mention of a female officer being first on the scene and that she fired the taser. Nowhere have I seen it stated that she was alone when all that happened.
And? She should have waited til the rest were ready, in position and all rush the purp? :rolleyes:
Of course not. I was just wondering why you are so eager to find ways for this cop to be guilty even when you're willing to presume innocence for the cannibal.
I don't presume innocence of the cannibal and it's irrelevant whether I do or not.

I was making the wider point of miscarriages of justices occuring by accidental death caused by taser which then deprives the deceased of their chance to prove their innocence. People keep pushing it back to the cannibal but it's part of a wider debate surrounding using tasers if they have a chance of fatality. The vast majority of people tasered aren't cannibals: that is an extreme example.
I don't presume innocence of the cannibal and it's irrelevant whether I do or not.

I was making the wider point of miscarriages of justices occuring by accidental death caused by taser which then deprives the deceased of their chance to prove their innocence. People keep pushing it back to the cannibal but it's part of a wider debate surrounding using tasers if they have a chance of fatality. The vast majority of people tasered aren't cannibals: that is an extreme example.
The vast majority of tasered people don't die, either.
How many people die per year in the UK from tasers? Is it more than or less than people who die from other forms of incapacitation?
I don't presume innocence of the cannibal and it's irrelevant whether I do or not.

I was making the wider point of miscarriages of justices occuring by accidental death caused by taser which then deprives the deceased of their chance to prove their innocence. People keep pushing it back to the cannibal but it's part of a wider debate surrounding using tasers if they have a chance of fatality. The vast majority of people tasered aren't cannibals: that is an extreme example.

I'm not sure why you're making that argument in this thread. Cops do need some way to subdue violent people who are in the middle of attacking someone, and any method of doing that is going to have its risks, so should only be used when it really has to be; numerous times the police have been much too quick to use their tasers, but this isn't one of them.
If you agree with the death penalty and being convicted without trial then you have a point. I don't agree with either so taser use is of concern to me.
If you agree with the death penalty and being convicted without trial then you have a point. I don't agree with either so taser use is of concern to me.

Do you think tasers are unique in causing harm then? Any method of subduing someone has risks. It's impossible to have a perfect method which is temporarily physically disabling and never anything else.

The police often subdue people who aren't violent or a risk to anybody, but this time? He was eating someone. I mean, do you really think the cop should have just let him carry on? Or try to reason with someone who is eating a person?

C66 is in his own special world now - there'll be no reaching him.

Whether the taser use was justified in this case will hopefully be resolved in the inquiry, but the real inexcusable failing was in letting this man out without either meds or support, leading to two deaths..
Do you think tasers are unique in causing harm then? Any method of subduing someone has risks. It's impossible to have a perfect method which is temporarily physically disabling and never anything else.

The police often subdue people who aren't violent or a risk to anybody, but this time? He was eating someone. I mean, do you really think the cop should have just let him carry on? Or try to reason with someone who is eating a person?
I think that even someone who is eating someone should go through the judicial process yes. Why not?

He won't be though, will he?
  • "Security staff at the hotel burst into the room when Williams refused to let them in and they found him "eating her to death.
  • "Gwent Police spokeswoman said yesterday: "We were called at 1.23am after a report that a man was attacking a woman in the Sirhowy Arms Hotel.
Gwent police spokesperson continues. .

"On arrival both the male and female were still at the location.
"A taser was discharged and a man was arrested.
"The woman was located with injuries and has since been pronounced deceased.
"While under arrest, the man became unresponsive. Officers and paramedics administered first aid but he has since been pronounced dead.
"He was staying at the hotel which operated as a bail hotel and had taken his victim back there for a drink.

"Williams had just served half a five-year prison sentence for a violent attack on his partner who lives nearby..


Clearly the policewoman knew she was entering a violent crime scene because she was called to the situation by security at the hotel who knew an assault was taking place on this poor woman.....it also appears that these security personel witnessed the man eating the woman's face and eyeball after they broke the door down and entered the room.

The policewoman arrives as the brutal assault is still taking place and she uses a tazer as a means to stun this man in order to prevent this horrific crime continuing...and to apprehend the man using what she feels is reasonable force.
Not sure how I can explain it other than I did to make it make more sense.

No, I think you've reached your capacity as far as making sense goes.

Tasers are frankly terrible, and open to abuse, but every known way of stopping a determined attacker is really dangerous. You've mystified me as to what hypothetical conditions you'd consider force to be justified under.
No, I think you've reached your capacity as far as making sense goes.

Tasers are frankly terrible, and open to abuse, but every known way of stopping a determined attacker is really dangerous. You've mystified me as to what hypothetical conditions you'd consider force to be justified under.
You can be as dismissive as you like but here's an intetesting thought regarding taser use. What if the woman he was attacking was still alive when he got tasered and he was in bodily contact with her. It's perfectly plausible that the jolt could kill her.
The fact he died is not proof that the taser killed him.
An autopsy and inquest will ascertain and divulge events on that day and how he died.

It's pretty shit that the death of an innocent female victim is once again left on the margins.
What an horrific death :(:(
You can be as dismissive as you like but here's an intetesting thought regarding taser use. What if the woman he was attacking was still alive when he got tasered and he was in bodily contact with her. It's perfectly plausible that the jolt could kill her.

If you agree with the death penalty and being convicted without trial then you have a point. I don't agree with either so taser use is of concern to me.
How does a police officer stop a violenoffence in progress? Hit the offender with sticks? They could still die you know.
I'm leaving this now. Needless to say I'm confident in my conviction that we'll be visiting the taser topic again and I'll be ready with the reminders for the nay sayers.
I'm leaving this now. Needless to say I'm confident in my conviction that we'll be visiting the taser topic again and I'll be ready with the reminders for the nay sayers.

Ah right, if the subject of tasers ever comes up again it means you were right. :D
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