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This is right by my office! roads closed all around the A48 St Mellons - Traffic accident - people have died

It wasn’t that the police couldn’t locate them it’s that they couldn’t be arsed to search. I think it was a search party that found them in the end.

Yeah they should have got several helicopters up and searched from Porthcawl to Newport instantly.
Then tracked all their now doubt run of of battery phones,
and got the dogs out, and some drones maybe.

you know like on TV and that
Yeah they should have got several helicopters up and searched from Porthcawl to Newport instantly.
Then tracked all their now doubt run of of batter phones,
and got the dogs out, and some drones maybe.

you know like on TV and that
Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but one of the families said they were fobbed off by police who assumed the kids were partying and all ignoring their phones. Furthermore, the batteries don’t have to be on for the police to locate their last known location.
Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but one of the families said they were fobbed off by police who assumed the kids were partying and all ignoring their phones. Furthermore, the batteries don’t have to be on for the police to locate their last known location.

The mother kept calling the police, it will all come out in the IOPC stuff anyways.... who believe it or not are based about 400m from where this happened.

Till then we can speculate and stuff tho yeah.
The mother kept calling the police, it will all come out in the IOPC stuff anyways.... who believe it or not are based about 400m from where this happened.

Till then we can speculate and stuff tho yeah.
I don’t think reiterating what’s been reported is ‘speculating’ tbh. So Fuck knows what’s making you prickly about it.
Police issued an appeal on Sunday - and officers announced the crashed vehicle was found in the early hours of Monday morning, following a search involving a police helicopter.

So this is not true then? that's on sky news.
Maybe parents who are so concerned about (adult) kids not posting on social media every few minutes could install a tracker app on their kids phones. :eek: :hmm: :(
See no-one is blaming the driver who missed a slight bend in the road. :(

70mph off the A48, around that bend drops to 30mph, looking at where they ended up he was going way too fast for the bend... hence ending up way way way into the trees.

I drive that route couple times a week depending on where I'm working.
No massive fan of the PoPo to be honest, but this straight up the police did fuck all and they are to blame is just bollocks.
I didn’t blame them. I’m simply repeating one of the families who claimed initially didn’t take it seriously. Given the crash happened in the early hours of Saturday morning “putting an alert out on the Sunday” appears to confirm it.
I didn’t blame them. I’m simply repeating one of the families who claimed initially didn’t take it seriously. Given the crash happened in the early hours of Saturday morning “putting an alert out on the Sunday” appears to confirm it.

So they should put an alert out for every concerned mother who calls up every time her adult child doesn't answer his mobile after a night out? or wait some time before they do?
So they should put an alert out for every concerned mother who calls up every time her adult child doesn't answer his mobile after a night out? or wait some time before they do?
It was three young adults not answering their phones not one. And there was a problem as we got to find out.
Got it, so as long as it's more than one missing person they should act quicker :thumbs:
Three young women who didn’t return home after a night out or respond to attempts to contact them described as (out of character). Yeah, sitting on your hands seems the best course of action.
70mph off the A48, around that bend drops to 30mph, looking at where they ended up he was going way too fast for the bend... hence ending up way way way into the trees.

I drive that route couple times a week depending on where I'm working.

Also as you come off there you only look right as it's around about, as a driver your just looking for cars from the right, zero need to look left.
I understand the car very unluckily ended up in a very secluded spot hard to see from the road but surely if they'd put a drone up they would have spotted it?

Just awful anyway.
I understand the car very unluckily ended up in a very secluded spot hard to see from the road but surely if they'd put a drone up they would have spotted it?

Just awful anyway.

How would you know where to fly the drone? where to even start to look?
I understand the car very unluckily ended up in a very secluded spot hard to see from the road but surely if they'd put a drone up they would have spotted it?

Just awful anyway.
It was also in trees / shrubs so may not be easily visible from above either.
Police issued an appeal on Sunday - and officers announced the crashed vehicle was found in the early hours of Monday morning, following a search involving a police helicopter.

So this is not true then? that's on sky news.
Dunno if it's true, but, strictly speaking, that statement doesn't claim it was the police helicopter who found the car. It's strongly implying it (and they have said so explicitly elsewhere) but all that means is that the helicopter was involved in the search.
I wonder if they would even fit a crash barrier there - it might do more harm than good - this was clearly a freak accident ...
Needs a temp difference. A car that's not moved for 2 days and dead bodies will be at ambient temp. The heat from the (hypothermic) survivors could be masked by the car. :(

It doesn't take a huge temperature difference afaik though (and if a helicopter did actually locate them on Monday morning, can't really see how else they'd have managed it).

I think also, in terms of 'they're probably just hungover', the missing persons report was at 7pm the next day, at which point surely the risk factors should be somewhat elevated.

Still, who the fuck knows tbh.
It doesn't take a huge temperature difference afaik though (and if a helicopter did actually locate them on Monday morning, can't really see how else they'd have managed it).
Doesn't take much temp difference and TI can't see through glass. Those cameras do have a good zoom on them so might have been more visible visually rather than thermally.
Doesn't take much temp difference and TI can't see through glass. Those cameras do have a good zoom on them so might have been more visible visually rather than thermally.

Sure, no real interest in quibbling the details of the search... More a question of why it didn't happen until over 24 hours after the first missing persons report. I mean hungover is one thing, but even in the days of stumbling home through Hackney at 8am you could probably have got hold of me that evening.
The car was in them trees there, there is no pavement even that side of the round about, people don't walk there.

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