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X.com new name for Twitter


Is Elon a Scientologist?
First build spaceships. Then start xcom to battle the aliens.
Do Teslas come packed with lasers?
I've seen April Fool Day jokes with more thought behind them than this rebrand
When he eventually abandons the smoking wreck of Twitter having ridden it completely into the dirt, he should do a callback to the kitchen sink thing by dragging his divorced dad futon out of the lobby at Market Square complete with squished-in beer turds smeared all over the sheets.
As it happens no. My understanding is that most self-driving cars use a range of sensors, including lasers, Teslas just have a buch of cameras.
Some of the Teslas came with ultrasonic detectors that in my opinion you had paid for... However, he has since disabled them and the self driving software no longer uses them, to save Tesla money and make self driving less safe.

That was the exact moment I stopped wanting to ever own a Tesla. Previously it was a if I win the lottery car for me.
How much thinking has gone into this? What are tweets going to be called now? X's?

What's the verb going to be. And why is there still a massive blue button saying 'Tweet' at the bottom left of the page.

How can that 'head of marketing' keep a straight face when trying to explain how wonderful this is :D
How much thinking has gone into this? What are tweets going to be called now? X's?

What's the verb going to be. And why is there still a massive blue button saying 'Tweet' at the bottom left of the page.

How can that 'head of marketing' keep a straight face when trying to explain how wonderful this is :D
I've dun an X about my Ex on X.

Yh you really shouldn't post after drink or drugs.

No I was on X.

Yh been there done that, on E too.
I wasn't ever on twatter, and now EM owns it, I never will be.
This rebrand is just stupid change for the sake of change - no wonder he sacked almost all the staff !
He's a self-centered, self-opiniated burke of the highest order,
and a snake-oil salesman.
I wouldn't buy a used car of him, or arfer daley, or get into his data-scraping clutches ...
I wasn't ever on twatter, and now EM owns it, I never will be.
This rebrand is just stupid change for the sake of change - no wonder he sacked almost all the staff !
He's a self-centered, self-opiniated burke of the highest order,
and a snake-oil salesman.
I wouldn't buy a used car of him, or arfer daley, or get into his data-scraping clutches ...

It is/was an incredibly useful tool. Allowing you to sidestep mainstream media. It's a bit of a shame he's run it into the ground.
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