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Wrexham - asset-stripping wankers - Help!

Positive developments for a change?

Following discussions with key stakeholders and potential fundraisers WST isdelighted to announce that it has indicative offers of support for a seven figure sum to facilitate a community-led purchase of Wrexham FC, the Racecourse and Colliers Park , subject to due diligence, firm commitments and members’ approval.

This announcement follows weeks of hard work and lobbying during which the Trust has had a series of meetings with Wrexham County Borough Council, the Welsh Assembly Government and local AMs and MPs to share its vision for a community-owned football club and ground, run for and on behalf of the local community.

We have a crucial meeting planned with Wrexham Village next Wednesday but in the meantime ask anyone with the best interests of Wrexham Football Club at heart to back the WST. Please contact shares@wst.org.ukThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with an indication of how much money you would be prepared to invest in our community-led bid.

We are holding a public meeting in the William Aston Hall at 7.30pm on Monday, March 14th where will present full details of our vision for a community-owned football club and ground and where we will demonstrate how our business plan could transform Wrexham FC and the Racecourse into a viable, sustainable entity.

With an important Crusaders match at the Racecourse this weekend we appeal for calm and call for fans to focus on raising as much money as possible for the WST-led bid ahead of our meeting with Wrexham Village next Wednesday. Please note that no further details will be announced at this stage.


edit: reading between the lines it seems this is an amalgam of the WST, Stephanie and the Wynn bid.
What's going on now then?

Sorry mate, was a bit drunk and thus incoherent. I'd just be very wary of Booth.

Positive developments for a change?


edit: reading between the lines it seems this is an amalgam of the WST, Stephanie and the Wynn bid.

Positive that WST have made a bid - but Booth is not part of it. WST have had a meeting with Booth but at present they are both referring to separate bids.
most football fans are dickheads. we've found that out with all the trust stuff at our club. good luck, really want wrexham to get sorted and back in the league.
most football fans are dickheads. we've found that out with all the trust stuff at our club. good luck, really want wrexham to get sorted and back in the league.

Cheers, and I agree - I do understand the optimism of fans but ffs, they are always looking for some white knight. It's only once we run the clubs that we can be sure they are being run in our interests.

Good luck as well btw.
Bumped because I almost walked into Steve Cleeve today, who looks even more like a conman in the flesh than he does in pictures.
Indeed. I especially like Booth's "Go on then WST, get Moss et al off the hook and spend most of your money to do so" comment.
As always, twohundredpercent are bang on the money:

There is also a moral point to be considered here. Geoff Moss and Ian Roberts put money into Wrexham FC in the form of loans that they secured against its biggest asset and then took it for their own when they didn’t receive a return on their investment. They then continued to manage the club to a point that it owed £200,000 to HMRC. They have already taken a Rugby League Football Club that they owned, moved into that football club’s historic home and given security to the Rugby Football League for a debt that Crusaders held. Meanwhile, Moss is redeveloping land immediately surrounding the ground that should generate him a very healthy return. Geoff Moss is a very, very wealthy man. Why, exactly, should WST give him a single brass penny to pay off a debt – the single most important debt that Wrexham FC has – that was run up by a company that he is ultimately responsible for? And as for Booth, well, her behaviour towards the trust has, at times, been appalling. As a point of principle if nothing else, the WST should stand firm and ignore these statements.

The club are now claiming that its bank account will be frozen today, a somewhat odd statement given that they also want everyone to turn up and give them money:

CONTRARY to press reports, the outstanding HMRC debt has yet to be paid in full to avoid the winding up petition. John Marek, who has kindly offered to loan us a substantial amount, is attempting to put together a rescue package with others.

HMRC have made it very clear that the only way they will withdraw the petition is if FULL payment is made, they will not accept part payments.

The Club is exploring every avenue to raise the remaining amount, and is putting together an initiative for the Tamworth game that we hope supporters will buy into that could raise a considerable amount towards paying the Club's debts.

A big gate is needed and we require all fans to help us, whether they be pay on the day or season ticket holders.

Why not persuade a friend to come along?

Details of this scheme will be published shortly. We appreciate that not everyone will agree with this idea, but we cannot sit still as time is not on our side.

There will be no advance reduced price ticket sales for this game and no free tickets will be issued - everyone, including those in the Directors Box will be paying.

Typical of the problems facing the Club is that our bank account will probably be frozen today, making it very difficult to operate. Additional PAYE/NI monies will be due in the next few days, as well as wages at the end of April and VAT in May.

Revenue from the Play-Offs would go a long way to easing those problems. The VAT are also looking for a bond going forward.

We are in constant dialogue with Richard Owen and Rob Parry of the WST in trying to find a short and a long term solution for the future of the Club.

We are also in touch with the two parties who have expressed an interest in buying the Club

All further information, as promised, will come via the Club's website.



edit: of course those who have read this thread, or followed the sorry tale from the beginning, will note that the promises in the last set of accounts that Moss (a multi-millionaire) and Roberts would cover the cashflow for the next twelve months has been seen to be false
Roberts is also a multi-millionaire. And Marek has previously leant the club money, then lied about whether he was getting interest or not (he was). He also went to court to back up Guterman against the club even though Guterman's spivness was already well documented. Marek also tried to form a consortium with Gut and some other cowboys to buy the club, or rather its land. He's the tory candidate for the upcoming election (labour-far left-tory) so it's convenient that he now gets to play the role of the great white knight now Booth has been exposed as a skint fantasist with a make-believe adopted daughter.
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