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F*ck Wrexham - the 23/24 League Two Thread

Undone again by a far better organised Barrow. We probably had the better individuals but unfortunately it's a team game.
Paul Hurst seems to have lost both the plot (3 wins in 15 games) and the Grimsby fans. A pity, as he’s done so much for the club - two NL promotions and last season’s FA Cup run but something isn’t working.
Also Jake Eastwood, the keeper he signed over the summer to replace Max Crocombe (who wouldn’t sign in the timescales Hurst expected and has subsequently moved up a league ) is pretty terrible.
We’ve lost so many points from winning positions this season …
Pleasant turn up there, second best to Crawley mostly but came away with the win, cracking individual goal from Morton just before the half and we saw it out, with our keeper MoM. Can we pull away from the drop zone?
Looks like Hurst's gone. Not a surprise but bit of a shame, done a lot for the Mariners.
All going horribly wrong at Prenton Park and we are largely the architects of our own downfall. A soft goal, a gift, then Dom sent off having got his first yellow for backchat.
What a turn up, we started well right from the off and got three good goals. FGR are usually one of our bogey sides but today they never really got started. Even with Troy up front there wasn't much attack apart from their number 25.
What a turn up, we started well right from the off and got three good goals. FGR are usually one of our bogey sides but today they never really got started. Even with Troy up front there wasn't much attack apart from their number 25.
Hit the post a couple of times too. Thought your defending stood out more though, winning second ball and clearing lines whereas we took endless fannying about.
Went it two up at the half somewhat fortuitously, though second was a great finish and the soft pen for the first was balanced by a much better shout waved away just after, then contrived to chuck it away with some characteristic poor defending and could easily have gone on to lose. That said, draw doesn't look unfair on balance of play in a wind affected game. Just tragic to give away a decent lead.
Looks like Derek Adams is leaving Morecambe for another go managing Ross County. Rumour is that he was promised investment that's not come so probably had enough.
Good bounce back result yesterday with a 3 - 1 win over Gillingham. Rob Apter is on a good goal scoring streak at present.
You might think it was a decent point away from home but we didn't capitalise on a bright first half, were lucky not to be on the end of what looked a stonewall pen and the second half we created very little. We sit midway in the recent form table but still seems a long way from betting midtable in the one that counts. Injuries a bit silly too; one of the bigger squads but not getting any benefit from it.
Former Crewe boss David Artell in as new Grimsby Head Coach with Shaun Pearson staying on to assist.

Positive vibes from the Town fans on social media. Which is more than I’ve seen for Morecambe confirming Ged Brannan as their new boss after he led them to a 6-0 thrashing by Wrexham on Saturday.
Stayed up to wee small hours as was working late to witness a shambles home to Bradford in front of a tiny disgruntled crowd. It's not working at all, something wrong in the club set up. See Duncan Ferguson has been unbeaten in his new job since falling out with us.
Putting in an absolute nothing of a performance at MK and two down at the half, with more of the squad available so no injury excuses. Seems Horseman just can't get a tune out of what should easily be a good enough set of players, but Vince has made noises about backing him in the window when we've dropped through the divisions buying well over thirty players. They're not the problem.
Clown show. Sacked Horseman, as needed, shame as he seemed a nice bloke but obviously not cutting it, but to appoint Deeney? Only just starting his badges and already arguing with strike partners on the pitch. Not who we need in a fire and rescue situation. Hope I'm wrong.
Clown show. Sacked Horseman, as needed, shame as he seemed a nice bloke but obviously not cutting it, but to appoint Deeney? Only just starting his badges and already arguing with strike partners on the pitch. Not who we need in a fire and rescue situation. Hope I'm wrong.
you do well at giving people their first chance at management. Shame it then goes completely tits up.
you do well at giving people their first chance at management. Shame it then goes completely tits up.
Duncan Ferguson now going fine with Inverness Cally, Birchnall back doing well as a coach. it's almost like we're the problem! Might work out but a massive risk given the situation we're in.
Bit more fight in Deeney's first game in charge but midfield still a worry. Clean sheet at least though in part thanks to Gills waywardness. Highlight of post match interview was Deeney saying wearing his new specs under the lights "was like being on ecstasy." Probably one of the few clubs where the owner will nod along.
The SWA managed to bag a 2- 1 win after letting Swindon get the lead. Apter is a great loanee just worried about what's going to happen in January. Whether Blackpool recall him or if we can convince him to continue and at least get regular first team matches under his belt.
Salford away on Boxing Day and then Harrogate away on the 29th. Hoping for a few more points to keep us moving away from the drop zone.
Sutton United look pretty doomed I have to say. Always helps other clubs battling relegation when one spot looks sewn up already. Dreadful side.
The SWA managed to bag a 2- 1 win after letting Swindon get the lead. Apter is a great loanee just worried about what's going to happen in January. Whether Blackpool recall him or if we can convince him to continue and at least get regular first team matches under his belt.
Salford away on Boxing Day and then Harrogate away on the 29th. Hoping for a few more points to keep us moving away from the drop zone.
Noticed Harrogate have won both games since bringing in Belshaw from the Gas who was our never-ending emergency loan keeper just. He was excellent and hoping we might try to make it permanent in the window.
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