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Workfare steward the Jubilee

I'd guess that Tomorrow's People are a teir 2 provider and there'll be one of the privatised job centre companies in between them. Not many charities could meet the Work Programme's requirements for a tier 1 provider.

That's what I was suspecting... 'spose we have to wait for some journalists to come back from their Bank Holiday?
That's what I was suspecting... 'spose we have to wait for some journalists to come back from their Bank Holiday?

There is a list of the teir 1 work programme providers somewhere, possibly from a freedom of information request.
Considering many 'charities' these days exist by competing for contracts for contracted out ex-public services, it is no surprise that they have bought into that agenda wholesale. Pay and conditions for charity workers are hardly luxurious, unless you are at the top, of course.
Many charities are also run by ex-military types who know they're onto a good thing.
Is it just Tomorrow's People sitting between the DWP and Close Protection, or is one of our other friendly privatised-Jobcentre companies in there too?

I think that circumstances have brought together this journalist with this workfare pimp in this particular situation.
Some 2005 background info on Prince, from http://www.ldc-uk.co.uk/testimonials.htm:

Ex-Salford pub licensee Molly Prince has just won a prestigious North West Training Award. The mother-of-four has successfully set up her own training company which has already delivered courses to more than 3,000 pub and club door supervisors.
Having decided on a change of career, which would give her a better work life balance instead of the 90-hour week in the pub, Molly set out to achieve some teaching and training qualifications. She enrolled on a City & Guilds Teaching course, studying in what little spare time she had, and then moved on to Huddersfield University to study CIPD Training Practice, where she gained a merit and graduated November 2003.
Upon her graduation Molly identified a gap in the market for trainers qualified to deliver a new course for door supervisors, which was to become a mandatory qualification by November 2004, and attended trainer training in conflict management. With on-going support from Salford University, Molly was able to establish her new training business, The Leadership Development Centre.
The company is now accredited by two awarding bodies and has become recognised as one of the main training providers in the North of England for the Security Industry Authority's licensable activities, however for Molly winning the North West Training Award is just the start, and she is already looking to the future;
"I have developed a host of new skills and attitudes that are allowing me to see and develop each opportunity I meet to its fullest potential. We are still on a learning journey, as each day presents new opportunities and challenges."
^it's a shame that someone who has obviously worked fucking admirably hard and done well for herself so obviously doesn't give a shit about the people who are now making her money.
Poking around on companies house seems to suggest that both the security company and the training company have nearly been struck off twice each. I assume it was down to a failure to file the right paperwork, but unlike the other companies she had that are dissolved, they sorted out the paperwork in the end.

Molly Prince seems to be known as Mary Prince or Mary Jane Prince on many of the company records. She's setup a couple more limited companies this year, as Molly Prince, with the same address as the security company. They are called Vision Lifestyle Ltd and Commitment Fitness Ltd, with little sign of them having done anything yet.
My local community centre is getting pissed off with work programme companies sending people on their various courses as the "training" companies get a huge fucking budget which obviously doesnt get passed on :(
Poking around on companies house seems to suggest that both the security company and the training company have nearly been struck off twice each. I assume it was down to a failure to file the right paperwork, but unlike the other companies she had that are dissolved, they sorted out the paperwork in the end.

Molly Prince seems to be known as Mary Prince or Mary Jane Prince on many of the company records. She's setup a couple more limited companies this year, as Molly Prince, with the same address as the security company. They are called Vision Lifestyle Ltd and Commitment Fitness Ltd, with little sign of them having done anything yet.
You should be a journalist! :cool:
How is it that some apprenticeships pay generously, but some pay as low as £2.80 p/h. One of the yp I work with applied for an apprenticeship recently, but didn't get it. Just as well, cos we hadn't realised it paid only £2.80, and didn't appear to be the kind of apprenticeship that would lead to further employment. Are these companies holding on to the money themselves?
How is it that some apprenticeships pay generously, but some pay as low as £2.80 p/h. One of the yp I work with applied for an apprenticeship recently, but didn't get it. Just as well, cos we hadn't realised it paid only £2.80, and didn't appear to be the kind of apprenticeship that would lead to further employment. Are these companies holding on to the money themselves?
I remember getting payrates back in the eighties!:eek:It's appalling to think back then even in a recession employers were still expected to, you know train the worker and pay them the going rate. Now they expect them ready trained at school and don't want to pay them either.
wonder if there will be any comment from the labour front bench?

it's about bloody time, bearing in mind the job security that most "hard working families" have now, and how much they will have if the "fire at will" gets implemented by cameron and his collection of cunts, that the labour party stopped trying to portray anyone who's out of work as being "them" not "us"...

Depends on how this plays out. Right now it's via proxy, if it moves to the political stage in party politics terms then the Labour leadership may well see this as a good stick to beat the Tories with. The problem for them is doing that without looking like they're a bunch of secret Republicans itching to spoil the Jubilee fun (the patriot card will be Cameron's defence if there's any hint the press can push Labour on that front)...
Also, it was Labour that brought in workfare in the first place. It was Labour who started farming out jobcentre services to private companies.
Yeah, like so many policies of this govt Labour can't oppose them cos they brought them in in the first place. John Prescott seemed to be going for this story though - more on the treatment of workers angle than the workfare angle I think.
John Prescott seemed to be going for this story though - more on the treatment of workers angle than the workfare angle I think.
yeah, little chance of the LP making any noises about workfare itself - the best we can hope for from them is blaming the companies involved, and claiming poor control/oversight by the government.
^it's a shame that someone who has obviously worked fucking admirably hard and done well for herself so obviously doesn't give a shit about the people who are now making her money.
but...but why should she give a shit! she has worked 'hard' and earned the right to be where she is, why should they share that wealth when they can get away with not doing so and get more reward for their work!!!
but...but why should she give a shit! she has worked 'hard' and earned the right to be where she is, why should they share that wealth when they can get away with not doing so and get more reward for their work!!!
Because it's morally the right thing to do? :confused: Cos exploiting vulnerable people is wrong?
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